Happiness Frequency


Just allowing credit for the YouTube video that I am using on the home page of my website. I also put an embedded version so you can hear the music – Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music, Release Negativity.

Jason Stephenson – Chakra Healing Music

Beautiful music to boost your happiness frequency! Boost levels of serotonin, dopamine, and release endorphins – release negativity. For the best sleep ever download your FREE meditation! https://www.empoweredsleepformula.com/

I also wanted to share my Patreon website at https://www.patreon.com/user?u=23737311&fan_landing=true

And finally from https://getpocket.com/ which I frequently read, these days we’re all about things being faster. That’s why this advice is invaluable: When you really need to remember something, concentrate on it for at least 8 seconds. That can seem like a long time when you’re running around trying to get a million things done, but it is worth it. Studies have shown that 8 seconds is the minimum amount of time it takes for a piece of information to go from your short-term memory to your long-term memory.

In addition, we’ve all walked into a room and suddenly realized we can’t remember why we needed to be there in the first place. Don’t worry, you’re not getting more forgetful—chances are it was the act of walking through a doorway that made you go completely blank. Researchers found that participants in both virtual and real-world studies were far more likely to forget what object they had just placed in a container if they were asked right after walking through a doorway than if they carried the object the same distance in a single room. Scientists have yet to figure out why, but something about entering a new place seems to restart our memory.