Whats the objective of the landing page? By defining this you can can be clear and concise with what you want and need to say. Is the objective opt-ins, sales or downloads? Decide and keep to one objective per landing page.Define you customers needs. Why do they need to take action on this landing page? Define their problem, pain or desire. Once this is clear the language you use will almost start to write its self.Write a headline which will hit the customer right in the pain point. The headline needs to attention grabbing. It either needs to pose a question, answer one or exclaim a desirable situation. This is the time to brag. People may only look at the headline briefly before crossing the page off. Make it count.Create enticing sale copy that complements the headline. If a customer gets past the headline you need to ensure the sale copy is on point. Do this by packing it full of the benefits of taking action with the landing page. What problem will it solve? What can they achieve?Make the call to action button clear and visible. Whether this is a opt-in, buy now or download button this should be big, bold and clear. The customer should not need to go look for this button. Using landing page web software will ensure that the landing page design is optimized for conversions.Make it visual. Adding relevant photos that visually back up the benefits will only assisting in persuading the customers. Likewise, adding video give you the opportunity to impart more information far more quickly than in text form. Keeping customers on your landing page for as long as possible will increase conversions.Make the form relevant. Next to the big call to action button you will be requesting certain information. Do not ask for information that is unnecessary. The more you ask for the less likely a person is to click the big button and convert for you. So if you merely list building do not ask for phone numbers etc. Make sure the customer believe the inputting of the information is essential.Remove all links. Having any links that may take people away from this landing page regardless of the reason is a big NO. No links to social media or homepage or testimonials.Once people move away, will they return? High unlikely.Give something away for Free. Giving something for free will always increase opt-ins.Test, test, test. Not all landing pages will work on any given audience. Change the copy, target different pain points. Experiment with video. Use different colours. The options are endless. In time you will perfect the page for the intended audience. Always test every campaign using split testing and jump on the landing page that converts the best.

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