Well, I just finished a horrible experience working for a web agency that I assume charges exuberant fees to manage websites with an asynchronous structure of contractors and staff. The group shared teams to accomplish this ridiculous business. I am not going to mention this shared teams organization’s name for fear of retaliation. However, if you need something accomplished with your WordPress or Drupal websites, please call the Web GOAT first. I will not take advantage and work for grass. Not punny?
Curt Long
Creating Calm Inside Chaos
Just a quick, after the holidays post. I hope whatever holiday you support was calm and peaceful for you this year. It seems the variables of chaos are multiplying and the consquential complexity is becoming hard to comprehend. My note for all my peers and compatrioits, become the eye of the storm and move forward cautiously. AND ALWAYS SMILE 🙂
Interesting Concept
I happened upon this video today and it made me think about the concept being presented. Take a listen and leave a comment below.
Great Article About Great Developers
I found this great article at plainenglish.io
Many of us wish to be programmers, and many of those who already work as programmers want to improve their skills. The major reasons why most of us want to get better at something, especially programming, are to become smarter, solve extremely challenging issues more quickly, build cool applications, and gain a lot of experience.No matter how much experience you have, whether you’re a junior or senior, a web developer, or a computer science engineer, or how long you’ve been practicing issues on Codewars or Leetcode. There are always some characteristics of good programmers that set them apart from other developers. You’ll know at the conclusion of this article if you’re really a great programmer, and if not, you’ll know what to do next!
You’re Good at Other Fields as Well
Programming isn’t only about sitting in front of your monitor and coding for several hours. Programming directly changes your brain to work in another way, you’re starting to think more algorithmically and solve problems faster, so it really affects other aspects of your life
Good programmers not only can learn anything else much faster, especially if we’re talking about tech-related directions, but also they are great examples of entrepreneurs and CEO. Look at Elon Musk, for instance, he was a programmer and built his own game when he was 12. Almost the same idea applies to Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg. They were programmers before starting their own businesses, and their coding perspective really benefited them in completing many other challenging jobs.
So in a nutshell, if you’re a programmer who is knowledgeable in many areas, then you’re a good programmer. It doesn’t have to be entrepreneurship, you can be good at UI/UX design, Copywriting, Marketing, or at something else. Anyway, if you’re a good programmer, you are good at something else!
You’re Good If You Can Create Something
You can’t be a great programmer if you still haven’t built anything. I’m not talking about some simple projects just to practice and upload on your GitHub, or any other more complex project which hasn’t seen a light yet. I’m talking about real projects that solve some kind of problem, it can be a service that helps a certain group of people or some open-source algorithm that for instance helps you to accomplish some tasks that weren’t able before.
In other words, you need to build a real-life project that really helps people and solves their problems. Not just a project for practice. It would be even better if you’ll then turn it into a fully working Start-up and even find investors who think that your solution is necessary for people. So yeah, think about it closely and start creating today!
You’re Confident in Your Skills
In other words, you must first ask yourself these questions before acting “Can I complete it on my own?”, “Am I knowledgeable and skilled enough?”. If the response is negative, you shouldn’t begin this task.
Also, even if you’re working with your team or have someone else who can help, you need to imagine that you need to build this project alone. It will give you an understanding of what you know and what you need to know to accomplish this task and will make hope only for yourself. Before starting you’ll be sure that you can do it fully alone and that even if one of your co-workers will left the team you’ll still be able to end-build everything yourself.
Everything I just mentioned is, of course, theoretical; you don’t need to work alone or believe that doing so will guarantee your success. Your team is a crucial component of any project’s success and working together will be much more efficient rather than alone. Just be confident in your skills and you’ll surely become a great developer!
You Love to Solve Problems
As we briefly discussed previously, programming encourages creative thinking and teaches you how to approach problems in the most effective way. But in order to do so, you must first be able to solve a lot of these difficulties and have a passion for doing so; only then will you probably succeed as a developer.
If you’ve just started and thought that easy, then you’re completely wrong. You just haven’t figured out genuinely challenging problems, and the more you learn, the more difficult and complex the difficulties get. Because you need to not only solve it, but also solve it in the most effective way possible, speed up your algorithm, and optimize everything. Therefore, you’re probably a great developer if you can handle many complex problems in a row without getting overwhelmed.
You‘re at The Highest Level of Mobility
It’s not a secret that programmers are one of the most mobile people in the whole world. And that’s the main difference between great and average developers. The good one will have as few things in his life as it’s possible and will have a minimal lifestyle, so he’s independent and can move anywhere around the world.
I’ll give you an example, the first programmer is the one who has a huge PC, a lot of other actually useless things which he uses rarely and that lives in his bedroom without changing the location at all and works at some local company from 9 to 5.
The second type of programmer is the one who travels frequently, works remotely, owns a laptop, and refuses to make purchases based on the opinion of others. He lives a very different life than the earlier one. Due to his remote employment and way of life, his life is full of emotions, and he depends on nothing. So, yes, being mobile is a crucial quality in a great developer.
These are the final five indications of a great developer. If you have discovered yourself, congratulations to you; you are now capable of performing practically everything in this field. If not, there is still plenty of space for you to grow. Anyway, if this information was helpful to you or you simply enjoyed this article, please follow me and leave a clap!
What is Wrong with This World
After evacuating to Orlando due to Hurricane Ian, I fortunately came home to minor damage and electricity available yesterday. Many still do not have electricity here and the current death toll is 54 accorrding to USA Today: “The death toll from Hurricane Ian rose to 54 and power remained out to more than 860,000 homes and businesses across Florida on Sunday, four days after the Category 4 beast slammed ashore along the Sunshine State’s Gulf Coast.” Ian traveled up the state directly to where we took shelter. From our windows we watched the force, and in the distance observed a transformer explosion during the storm. After we came home, I was cleaning up and decided to take a break and read the latest news. It floored me when I found out about the “Stampede triggered by tear gas leaves 125 dead after Indonesia soccer match” from NBC News.
How can a hurricanne with sustained winds were around 150 mph and nine-foot storm surge with three to five-foot waves as it hit the southwest coast at the island of Cayo Costa near Fort Myers and Cape Coral have a lower death toll then a football stampeed?
The answer to my question, to me, is individual human nature. I guess there where less people in Florida braving the storm then there where in Indonesia upset over the game? Anyways, prayers to all that have faced these nightmares and the families that lost loved ones.
Are you an emotional eater?
We go out to eat to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, promotion, etc. Or we entertain around dinner parties and holidays. At church functions, there are socials and potluck meals. You name it and somehow it all revolves around food. Yes it has a role in our lives of comfort and entertainment. Culturally and instinctively we prepare and serve foods to comfort those who have experienced loss, to celebrate joy or to show friendship and love. Food is very important in our lives. Without food we would not be able to perform our daily activities. Our muscles would wither, our nervous system would fail. We all need food.
But are you also eating whenever you are lonely or sad? Seeing food as more than just a source of energy and enjoying it simply for the satisfaction it gives is not wrong. In fact science shows that food can promote good feelings by chemical reactions caused in our brains. What IS a problem is when an individual cannot experience pain, anxiety, joy or even boredom without turning to food as means of dealing with those feelings, or they are obsessed with food, weight and dieting.
Emotional eaters turn to food as a source of distraction from dealing with feelings. However, eating these foods leads to feelings of guilt which can only be soothed with more eating, restrictive dieting, excessive exercise or purging.
Emotional eaters tend to value themselves based on their weight and how closely they’ve stuck to their ‘ideal’ diet. Because of this distorted relationship with food, foods are labeled “GOOD” and “BAD”. Emotional eating can lead to serious eating disorders and depression.
Do you turn to food for reasons other than hunger? Are you obsessed with thoughts of food – whether you plan to eat it or are concentrating on restricting yourself from eating it?
Do you regularly try diets and fail – leading to guilt and further over eating? Do you think about or attempt to purge excess food by throwing up or using laxatives? Do you exercise compulsively when you think you’ve eaten too much?
Since emotional eating is caused by looking to food as a coping strategy for emotional distress dieting can actually create more problems. When the emotional eater fails to stick to a diet they suffer feelings of guilt that can only be soothed with more food and in turn, more guilt or punishment.
Instead of trying to focus on what they are eating, the emotional eater needs to learn new skills for coping with stressful emotions. Often this requires the help of a Personal Coach or Psychotherapist who deals with emotional eating. It is only by finding replacements for the comfort food provided that the individual can put food into its rightful place and learn healthy eating habits that last a lifetime.
Sign up for our Healthy Eating Tips newsletter at: http://www.foryourhealthinfo.com
Get the Web GOAT While the Getting is Good!
I currently have extra time on my hands and can help anyone needing help with web development and design. Feel free to call or email me.
Yuka App
I recently downloaded Yuka, the 100% independent app that will help you choose the best products for your health. So far, I am impressed with its design and ease of use. I also was not aware of the types of things found in the items we eat or use as cosmetics. Definitively an eye opener for some of the things I now do not purchase.
Here is more from https://yuka.io/en/
Go Lightning and Attacks from Ireland
Well I have an IP that supposedly is from Ireland in Dublin. Really? This baloney is really starting to bother me. Well, let the light help all that are not ready to go forward, see image below from Dublin. Anyways, go Lightning (hockey). Update, at least the lightning tried :).
Increased Attack Rate
Well, I have Known malicious User-Agents attacking my website. Not sure why or what their reasoning, but I say, please stop it. They are using an Iowa address that has their IP track to Chicago (the fountain). Thanks jerks…
Persistent Hacker
Based upon iplocation.net, my latest persistent hacker is in MO, specifically:
201 E 16th Ave, Kansas City, MO 64116
4CPC+XH6 North Kansas City, Missouri
Hiring Software Developers
I was looking at my designer news page and found the following article at https://www.topdevelopers.co/blog/how-to-hire-software-developers/ I decided that I will repost because I think it is correct…
“The horizon of software development has seen some unprecedented rise, especially in the last two decades. As the audiences become more tech-savvy, it has become essential for business organizations to develop only the best software to keep their customers engaged for a longer duration.
But as many options are available on the market, the business enterprises must employ some concrete steps while hiring the software developers. Having an effective hiring process will help the firm in the long run as the hired software developers will be able to deliver results as per requirement.
Hiring dedicated software developers in today’s dynamic era is a multi-faceted task. The hiring managers have to go beyond just the technical skills and take a deeper look at the process management, social networking skills, and the work ethics of the developers.
Therefore, here, we will understand the best practices that business organizations must incorporate while hiring the best software developers and leading software development companies.
Why Hiring Top Software Developers is Beneficial for a Business Organization?
It is necessary to have the top people irrespective of an organization’s business. Meanwhile, in the realm of software development, hiring top software developers is even more essential as every client wants the best talent to get the returns on their investments.
If a business organization hires the best software developers, they will quickly get accustomed to the fast-paced software development environment and deliver better, faster softwares cost-effectively. The software development world is fast becoming a complex place. Thus, if the hired software developers are not ‘worth their salt’, they will not be able to cope with the expectations from the business owners and would perish like a house of cards.
Hiring experienced software developers will allow the software project to sail through the most challenging times. The clever software developers will have the best of both skills, i.e., the hard (technical) and soft (communication & collaboration). Therefore, they will not only be able to do their work correctly but can also guide a team of fellow software programmers and achieve success together.
Another benefit of hiring accomplished software developers is that they can easily dwell on the work culture of the business organization. Their work adaptability and flexibility are excellent, and thus would be able to work on any new project like ‘fish to water’. Moreover, as they are also aware of the top software development process models, they can include that knowledge to develop excellent custom software.
Best Practices to Hire the Best Software Developers
After understanding the importance of having top software development companies or software developers for your software development project requirement, let us see the best ways to hire them.
Invest in clean coders
It is the most basic requirement if an organization wants to hire software coders for a longer duration. If the software coder doesn’t code their codes cleanly, they can become a liability for the organization in the long run. Therefore, business enterprises must test their skills to have a clear idea of the developers’ command over software coding.
Hiring software programmers with clean coding skills will allow the team to work well during trying circumstances, maintain the software and install future updates without any hiccups. On the other hand, it would be challenging to collaborate with remote software developers who write improper code. As a result, the entire software development process would get slowed down.
Give importance to talent
The hiring manager would require a surgeon’s precision to find a talented software development expert as natural talent is the rarest resource available. Do not have a stringent policy about having specific years of experience because there might be a situation where a business organization might find a prodigy having optimal technical skills.
Thus, it is advised to have a flexible hiring process to find skilled software developers. The procedure of hiring doesn’t have to go by the textbooks and must be focused on searching for talented people with relevant experience.
Refer to leading online marketplaces
Outsourcing software development has become a common thing as there is no dearth of talent in the modern-day business realm. There are a plethora of online portals available where business houses can find suitable software developers and software development agencies.
Also, platforms such as TopDevelopers.co render the business firms a rare amalgamation of finding leading freelance software developers and top-notch outsourcing software development companies under the same roof and make the process of how to hire software developers easier
When a business organization refers to a marketplace for hiring software engineers, they get a clear idea about the trends that are going on in the business world. On this basis, they can mold their hiring method to achieve the best results.
Lay emphasis on flexibility and familiarity
We all understand that the software development market is a dynamic space. Therefore, there might be instances where sophisticated software developers have to come out of their shells and do something extraordinary. And to do this, with knowledge and skills, they would need flexibility in their work process.
There are countless new advancements in the software industry. Thus, it is inevitable for software engineers to be on their toes to get familiar with the latest software development trends. Therefore, along with being agile in their work process, a top-notch software developer must also be eager to learn new technology and trends. Business organizations must consider this keenness before hiring developers for their software projects.
Always look for intelligence
It is said that the best business enterprises hire the most intelligent people who make their work process more accessible. While hiring remote developers, the horizon of intelligence gets a little wider. Intelligence can be good creative ability, technical knowledge, excellent collaboration and communication skills, problem-solving ability, etc.
Therefore, as the horizon is a little complex, the business firm must have a clear vision of what they are looking for in a software developer. And this will depend on the type of work the developer is meant to do. Moreover, if the software developer has a good amount of everything mentioned and exceptional problem-solving skills, they can be a good fit for the software development project.
Go through online portfolio of software developers
If an experienced software developer has done some extensive work in the past, they could be an asset to any business. Thus, while commencing the hiring process of software developers, it is necessary to have a detailed look at their work portfolio.
Modern-day developers wear their hearts on their sleeves and are not afraid of showcasing their excellent work. There are many open-source code platforms, such as GitHub, where the developers keep their portfolios. Therefore, hiring managers, CTOs or tech leads, etc. looking for their following software developers, must check their online portfolio.
This is because the online portfolios will render explicit knowledge about the previous work experience of the software developers and what extra they could bring to the table.
Specifying the Software Developers’ Types
There are different types of software developers available in the market. Therefore, business organizations must know the basic ones, at least to begin with. We have created a list of top software development types and what to expect from each who is claiming to be experienced and expert.
Back-end developers
These developers work on the software application’s logic. Therefore, the backend software developers understand programming languages such as ASP.NET, Python, C++, SQL, PHP, etc. Moreover, knowledge about caching systems, database management, and pipelines would be critical as well.
Frontend developers
Frontend software developers specialize in the part of the software that has a direct interaction with the user. Therefore, whether it is the visual aesthetics of the software or layouts, interfaces, etc., the frontend developer is responsible for making them interactive. The frontend programming languages such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, etc. would help the frontend developers to deliver better output.
Full-stack developers
A dedicated full-stack developer knows both frontend and backend development. They are famously known as ‘Jacks Of All Trades’ as their knowledge about programming languages is extensive. As skilled full stack developers have a deep understanding of different programming languages, their experience could be valuable in different projects.
Mobile app developers
As the name suggests, mobile application developers specialize in the design, development, maintenance, etc., of mobile apps. Besides smartphones, application developers are required to have strong knowledge about developing apps for wearable tech, tablets, etc. Some of the common mobile app development languages that app developers know are Kotlin, Python, C#, JavaScript, Swift, etc.
Web developers
Just like mobile app developers, here, web developers specialize in the development and maintenance of websites and web applications. Although their expertise ranges from both backend and frontend, mostly the website developers are proficient in either of them. Web developers are expected to be aware of Ruby, Java, Go, Swift, etc.
Final thoughts
Business organizations have to consider many steps when they are looking to hire software developers. But most importantly, they must be aware of their requirements. Because once the enterprises know what they exactly want for the software developers, they would be able to ask them the right questions and streamline the entire hiring procedure.

About | Gillian Harper
A professionally engaged blogger, an entertainer, dancer, tech critic, movie buff and a quick learner with an impressive personality! I work as a Senior Process Specialist at Topdevelopers.co as I can readily solve business problems by analyzing the overall process. I’m also good at building a better rapport with people!”
*In your next job interview, ask the company about the last change they implemented based upon employee feedback and the impact it had. That will give you insights into their culture and management style.
Digitally Green Marketing
Having started my career many moons ago within the green world as an environmental scientist, I decided to become more active in Digitally Green Marketing. No I am not going to start trying to sell you free solar panels, however, I did find a good paper concerning the whole green marketing concept. Wikipedia states that “Green marketing is the marketing of products that are presumed to be environmentally safe. It incorporates a broad range of activities, including product modification, changes to the production process, sustainable packaging, as well as modifying advertising.” Download the PDF from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/310345086_Green_Marketing_Greening_the_4_Ps_of_Marketing below.
These Frequencies Do Not Hertz…
I happened upon positive frequencies, see or listen above, while searching for meditation music and learned much from the following article which was originally published at https://mindisthemaster.com/sound-frequency-healing-human-body-benefits/
Last updated on February 16th, 2022.
“Humans have understood for centuries that sound has a profound effect on the human body and mind. Ever since our discovery of music and shamanistic chanting, we have been pushing the boundaries of how the healing effects of sounds and frequencies can be measured.
So what are the healing frequencies of the human body? Certain frequencies of sound are used as part of therapies in order to manipulate human brainwaves to promote healing of the body and mind. Sound frequency healing has been used to treat several different kinds of ailments such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, and disorders of the nervous system.
Acoustic therapies are becoming more and more popular as a means to promote self-healing within the body. Keep reading to learn more about what sound frequency healing is and how it works.
We break this article down into a series of helpful sections:
For hundreds of years, scientists have been conscious of the effect of sound on the human body. It has been shown by scientific study that even inaudible high-frequency sounds can have an effect on human brain activity.
Likewise, holistic healers have recognized that different frequencies of sound have the ability to manipulate the human consciousness and even induced an altered consciousness, as can be seen by the trance states induced by shamanic chanting and drum work.
The drumming vibrations that accompany shamanistic trance work speak to the power of harnessing sound frequencies to induce altered mind states. The Solfeggio frequencies have been associated since ancient times with the creation of sacred music (including meditation music) thought to promote healing.
Even as far back as ancient Greece, healing and music have been linked together to both theology and medicine in the form of Apollo. And in the modern age, sound frequency healing can be achieved through a variety of methods, from listening to recordings of different binaural frequencies to participating in vibrational-acoustic therapies.
While the concept that sound frequencies can actually alter human consciousness and promote healing sounds a bit far-fetched, it actually has lots of sound scientific evidence behind the theory. Exposure to different frequencies can alleviate psychiatric issues such as depression or anxiety as well as stimulate the body to heal physical ailments by way of genetic signaling.
Going back to ancient Greece, the famous physician, philosopher, and mathematician Pythagoras was convinced that frequencies had a healing effect on the body and that daily exposure to music was beneficial for human health. Pythagoras was also responsible for discovering the harmonic relationships between mathematical ratios and different musical chords.
Even though humans have been studying the connection between healing sound frequencies and the operation of the human body since the times of Pythagoras, modern scientists are just as fascinated by the effects that different frequencies can have on the mind and body.
Aside from healing sound frequencies, frequencies also affect the body through music. Music can evoke an emotional response in the human body that can result in everything from goosebumps to a flood of cathartic tears. Vibrational instruments such as singing bowls and gongs are used to create ripple-like waves of vibrations that are meant to reset the consciousness.
There is an amazing Sound Therapy and Mindfulness Meditation course offered by Kevin Kockot. Which uses ancient frequencies as sound therapy for stress management, meditation, mindfulness, chakras and spiritual healing.
Here are some of the instruments frequently used in sound frequency therapy:
- Hammered dulcimer
- Singing bowls
- Gongs
- Windchimes
- Pan flutes
- Hang
- Didgeridoo
- Kalimba
- Djembe
- Rainstick
- Drums
While sound and frequencies are used to impact human health in several ways, there are specific frequencies that are regarded in alternative medicine to be particularly healing to the human body. Here is a list of those frequencies that are generally considered to have healing properties:
Flickering lights and sounds at 40 hertz have been used in Alzheimer’s therapy studies to stimulate an increased neural response and fight symptoms of dementia. Sound at 40 hertz has been linked to gamma brain waves and the stimulation of memory. For an example of 40 hertz therapy, see the video here.
174 hertz is one of the Solfeggio frequencies, a series of tones used in sacred music that is believed in alternative medicine to have different positive effects on human health. 174 hertz is associated with the reduction of both pain and stress. For an example of 174 hertz therapy, see the video here.
285 hertz is also one of the Solfeggio frequencies and is considered instrumental in the healing of cuts, burns, and other physical wounds. 285 hertz sound frequencies are supposed to activate the body into cellular regeneration, encouraging it to heal itself in the event of an injury. For an example of 285 hertz therapy, see the video here.
This sound frequency is associated with the removal of fear and other negative feelings. As one of the Solfeggio frequencies, the 396 hertz tone aids in the removal of the feeling of guilt, making it an effective addition to spiritual music. 396 hertz frequencies balance the root chakra while simultaneously transforming negative emotions such as grief into positive, joyful ones. For an example of 396Hz healing, see the video here.
Instead of a focus on physical ailments, healing sound therapy involving 417 hz (another of the Solfeggio frequencies) focuses on the removal of negative energy such as the energy surrounding a past trauma or negative energies in the ambient environment. 417 hertz therapy is designed to dissolve emotional blockages and activate the sacral chakra. For an example of 417 hertz therapy, see the video here.
432 hertz therapy is aimed at the heart chakra and listening to a 432 hertz frequency is supposed to lead to greater levels of mental and emotional clarity. A 432 hertz tuning is considered optimal for tuning opera singers and is associated with a higher level of spiritual development. For an example of 432 hertz therapy, see the video here.
Music that is tuned to the 440 hertz versus 432 hertz is considered “cerebral” music that aids in the listener’s cognitive development. Sound frequencies at 440 hertz are considered to activate the third eye chakra. For an example of 440 hertz sound frequency, see the video here.
Also known as the love frequency, 528 hertz is one of the most well-known and popular of the Solfeggio frequencies. This musical tone is also known as the “miracle note” and has been used in native populations as a sound associated with blessings since before written history. For an example of 528 hertz sound therapy, see the video here.
639 hertz is a sound frequency that affects the heart chakra. This sound frequency is associated with therapy intended to produce positive feelings and greater attunement to harmonious interpersonal relationships. As therapy, 639 hertz exposure encourages clearer communication practices and situational awareness. For an example of 639 hertz sound therapy, see the video here.
852 hertz sound therapy is a tone that is associated with redirecting the mind away from overthinking, intrusive thoughts, and negative thought patterns. These patterns of thought play a larger role in depression and anxiety. Exposure to this sound frequency can help alleviate the role of negative thoughts in these psychological ailments. For an example of 852 hertz sound therapy, see the video here.
963 hertz sound frequencies are associated with activation of the pineal gland and higher spiritual development. The 963 hertz frequency is known as both the “pure miracle tone” and the “frequency of the gods”. 963 is associated with the activation of the crown chakra and a connection to the source of all humanity. For a sample of 963 hertz sound therapy, see the video here.
As you can see, there are many different sound frequencies that can be used in a healing application to both change cognitive thought processes associated with psychiatric illness as well as produce physical healing effects to counteract an illness or injury.
While the effectiveness of healing frequencies is disputed by some scientists, there is no doubt that musical instruments are able to produce frequencies capable of shifting human consciousness. This is why mystics and musicians have been tapping into this powerful manipulation of sound frequencies to move crowds for hundreds of years.
Sound healing has been explored in the following areas of human medicine:
- Stroke recovery therapy: Music therapy given to stroke victims has been shown to increase the speed of recovery of basic motor functions and speech.
- Hospital settings: Musical frequencies have been shown to reduce anxiety and promote higher morale in high-stress hospital and medical settings.
- Enhancement of acupuncture: Along with colored light therapy, the use of tuning forks in conjunction with acupuncture has been shown anecdotally to be more effective than the use of acupuncture alone.
- Cancer treatment without surgery: Scientists have only recently discovered that high-frequency noise can be used to attack and destroy cancer cells while eliminating the need for surgery that puts the patient at risk of post-surgical complications.
- Autistic sensory therapy: Some autistic children have been shown to react positively to sound therapy exposure.
- Brain wave entrainment: Touted among experts in alternative medicine as an effective way of treating a variety of ailments, brain wave entrainment involves exposing the brain to different sound frequencies to address a variety of cognitive issues from headaches and stress to premenstrual symptoms and chronic pain.
- Altering stress hormones: Musical frequencies have long been used for therapeutic purposes to calm people who are angry, frustrated, or stressed.
- Increased neurogenesis: Both in unborn infants and the elderly suffering from dementia, the use of healing frequencies and musical therapy have been used to promote neural health, reduce stress, and promote memory. A similar approach to stress reducing that is gaining popularity is Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction. (Check out this article for the best MBSR courses online)
- Enhancement of physical rehabilitation programs: Those individuals who are undergoing physical rehabilitation experience have been shown to experience improved results when exercising to a playlist of music that motivates them.
- Decreased pain perception: For those patients who have to deal with chronic pain issues, musical therapy has been associated with decreased pain perception and is an effective method for pain management that does not involve medication.
There are so many applications for sound and frequency therapy being discovered every day in the healing community. Even though we’ve made the connection between sound and healing for thousands of years, humans have still barely scratched the surface of what audio therapy is capable of with regards to healing the human body.
While physicians in ancient times knew enough from observational medicine to detect a connection between sound and healing, it wasn’t until mankind developed the technology of the twenty-first century that we began to consistently take measurements of the powerful impact music and sound frequencies can have on our minds and bodies.
The way that sound healing works depends on what frequencies are being used and in what vibration or rhythm. On the cellular level, sound healing works by triggering genetic changes. Healing frequencies can even damage the cellular walls of cancerous growths in the case of high-frequency sound therapy cancer treatments.
On a therapeutic level, exposure to certain sound frequencies has been shown to alter brain and body activities in ways that promote lower stress levels and a higher self-healing immunological response.
Since lower vibrational frequencies are thought to cause irritation, disease, and other negative effects on the human body, higher frequencies are generally the frequencies used for healing purposes in alternative medicine.
Not only are low-frequency sounds associated with human illness, but they’re also associated with annoyance, lack of ability to focus or concentrate, and the inability to retain information (memory issues).
It is believed by some people that some individuals operate at a higher frequency while others operate at a lower frequency, based on unmitigated stress levels or unresolved feelings that the individual inevitably exudes in social interactions with others. This means that one stressed-out person can pass that lower frequency and negative attitude on to anyone else they encounter.
Coincidentally, many animals communicate displeasure or anxiety with lower frequency communication sounds such as groans, hissing, growls, or snarls. Low-frequency sounds are not only shown to be psychologically distressing to humans—they can create physical fatigue and uncomfortable pressure on the eardrum as well.
Ambient low-frequency sounds are associated with increased mistakes in the workplace as well as a general sense of discomfort in humans. This is because low sound frequencies conflict with the natural frequencies produced by the human body.
Here is the full list of negative symptoms associated with low-frequency sound exposure:
- Loss of sleep
- Irritability
- Fatigue
- Loss of concentration
- Nausea
The government took the application of low-frequency sound as a weapon even further, incorporating infrasonic sound technology into crowd dispersal vehicles such as LRAD tanks. These sonic tanks produce a low-frequency sound designed to induce immediate nausea and dizziness in a rioting crowd through sonic warfare.
If the healing capability of high-frequency sounds is in question in the medical and holistic communities, there can be no question of the sickening capability of low-frequency sounds when incorporated into acoustic weapons.
If low-frequency sounds can sicken the body, it stands to reason that high-frequency sounds can heal it, and science is discovering more and more that this is the case. Centuries’ worth of holistic medicine is being discovered, tested, and verified through scientific study.
The answer is that yes, sound has been used to heal the body in a variety of different applications. From shamanic drumming used to positively channel altered states of consciousness to hypersonic cancer treatments, sound has been proven time and time again to have healing effects on the human body. This is a sister practice to Energy Healing of which Reiki is a great example and there are so many benefits to Reiki!
While scientific investigation is slowly catching up with centuries of ancient medicine, the renewed popularity of frequency-related therapies such as sound baths and chanting meditation is also renewing scientific interest in proving the objective basis for sound therapy treatments in a wide variety of medical applications.
Aside from its ability to physically heal the body, sound healing has a strong ability to induce positive psychological impacts in the human mind. From the effects of music therapy on autistic children to the cognitive rewiring associated with frequency therapy, sound has been shown to heal the body in all sorts of ways.
The Solfeggio frequencies are a six-tone set of musical tones that date back to ancient times. Most famously, the Solfeggio frequencies are known for their role in the harmonies of the Gregorian chants. When sung in harmony, these sacred tones were thought by the monks to induce specific blessings on those who listened to the music.
Check out the amazing Solfeggio Frequency: Sound Therapy & Mindfulness Meditation course here!
The association between sound and healing was promoted through the monasteries of the Catholic church, but this belief went back much deeper. In ancient Greece, the mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras led a cult that was convinced of the spiritual significance of the mathematical pattern.
This religious fervor over the patterns present in mathematics eventually spilled over into Christian traditions where the Solfeggio frequencies were given religious significance and played a large role in the development of spiritual music for centuries.
Solfeggio frequencies had a much greater role in musical development until the 16th century when humanity adopted the twelve-tone equal temperament tuning method to tune musical instruments. Alternative medicine advocates who promote sound healing usually advocate for a return to the Solfeggio scale, which would subtly change the way the human brain reacts to how music is played.
These are the Solfeggio frequencies and their associated properties:
- 396 Hz: liberation from negative feelings
- 417 Hz: transformation and fixing broken situations
- 528 Hz: miracles and DNA repair
- 639 Hz: interpersonal relationships
- 741 Hz: solving problems, solutions, creative expression
- 852 Hz: spiritual enlightenment
While it is difficult to find exposure to Solfeggio frequencies in popular music, these frequencies are often used in sound healing therapies and new age music as a means to promote self-healing and spiritual development.
All of the Solfeggio frequencies enjoy popularity in New Age and holistic communities, but there is special attention paid to the 528 Hz tone. So what is so special about 528 Hz?
Also known as the “Mi” tone, this note has been viewed as sacred going back to medieval times, when it had two known definitions: a supernatural occurrence that can only be ascribed to a divine cause, or a marvelous wonder. 528 Hz is known for its connection to the vibrations and frequencies found in the natural world, such as the vibrations of chlorophyll.
Gregorian chants, which make liberal use of the 528 Hz frequency, are known to cause DNA to absorb more light than other types of music. According to advocates for 528 Hz healing, this is the frequency with which the Earth itself vibrates.
Because 528hz frequency is associated with miracles by some people, this frequency is possibly considered the holiest of the Solfeggio frequencies other than 852 Hz.
A normal, healthy body should resonate with a natural frequency of 65 – 75M Hz. While it might be surreal to think about, that means humans generate electromagnetic energy or “noise” even as we’re just standing in place.
When exposed to higher frequencies, such as those found in frequency healing, the human body is stimulated to heal itself. On the flip side of that, if the human body is exposed to constant low-frequency noises, they can develop negative symptoms as a result.
While it is easiest for a body to maintain homeostasis around frequencies that mimic its normal frequency range of 65-75 Mhz, higher frequency exposure in the form of sound therapy can help eliminate negative thought processes and retrain neural circuits.
Incorporating frequency healing into your self-care routine can improve your daily life in a wide variety of ways. Here are some of the ways sound frequency healing can benefit your health:
- Reduction of stress: Listening to higher frequency audio tapes can fill the listener with a calming peace and reduce feelings of built-up frustration or stress. Stress reduction associated with sound healing is amplified when used in conjunction with sitting meditation and other mindfulness exercises.
- Reduction of pain: Because actively listening to music can lower your perception of pain, sound healing therapies can lessen a patient’s dependence on painkillers and other medications for the reduction of pain. Some frequencies are also thought to actively combat pain in suffering people and promote the healing of injuries.
- Spiritual development: Many frequencies of sound are associated with enlightenment and the activation of parts of the brain associated with spirituality. These frequencies can be used together alongside other rituals to develop a deeper overall spiritual practice.
- Promote healthy relationships: Several frequencies in sound healing are specifically designed to promote feelings of well-being and goodwill towards others, making them an effective form of therapy for those who are feeling frustrated with other people or emotional withdrawal from them.
- Emotional catharsis: Listening to powerful music as a form of sound therapy can stimulate strong emotional responses, which can then create positive changes in body chemistry. For people who otherwise have a difficult time tapping into their emotional reservoirs, music therapy can help dissolve those emotional blockages.
- Better sleep: Many forms of sound therapy are used for those who are trying to get a good night’s sleep, especially in environments that contain a lot of low-frequency ambient noise that can create auditory distress. High-frequency white noise can provide a soothing background frequency to block lower frequency noises and promote sound sleeping patterns and better sleep hygiene.
- Promote spiritual awareness: Starting up a practice of sound therapy doesn’t just offer the momentary benefits of listening to the sounds—the act of sound therapy itself makes the listener more aware of their spiritual well-being and promotes the adoption of other spiritual practices. This can lead to an overall increase in happiness and spiritual awareness.
- Freedom from headaches: Music therapy has been shown to help alleviate the symptoms of chronic headaches in those who suffer them. Not only does music therapy help people to have better control over their pain management in response to a migraine, but it also caused them to have fewer migraines throughout the course of a month.
Even if you’re a person who adheres to traditional Western medical practices, there is no harm in adding a frequency healing regimen to your current meditation practices to see if you notice any tangible effects on your psychological and physical well-being. Who knows? You might come across a form of therapy that positively impacts the rest of your life.
While it is just now starting to get scientific credibility, at least with regards to some aspects of the impacts of sound and frequency on the human body and mind, the concept of sound healing has been around for generations of human society.
From Gregorian chant to music therapy for psychiatric patients, the healing properties of sound, music, and frequencies will continue to play a large part in the human healing process for centuries to come.”
New Site Attacks
Well, now I have all kinds of attacks being sent my way. I would like to ask the hackers responsible, see images of the supposed locations used for the attacks below, to quit. I am not worthy of your intelligence or purpose. Thanks,
Hello April
“Scientists have finally been able to spot the difference between a man and a monkey….. Man sends messages and monkey reads messages….. Have a wonderfool Fool’s Day.”
“A fool is always a fool and therefore, the date doesn’t matter….. But still I want to wish you on April 1st a very Happy Fool’s Day!!!”
Flare Fear?
I was surfing and found the following at https://news.wttw.com/2022/03/30/sun-erupts-massive-solar-flare-wednesday-you-re-going-want-see
Here’s what we know about Wednesday’s flare.
When did it happen? NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory captured an image of the event on Wednesday, which peaked shortly after noon, Central time.
What exactly is a solar flare? Flares are powerful bursts of radiation. Wednesday’s was classified as an “X-Class” flare, which is the most intense.
What’s the big deal? Apart from just looking cool, flares can cause what are known as “coronal mass ejections,” in which billions of tons of plasma, carrying an embedded magnetic field, are expelled from the Sun. These ejections can travel anywhere from 250 to 3,000 kilometers per second. If they’re directed toward Earth, the fastest can arrive in 15-18 hours; the slower ones take days.
Is this the end of the world? No. According to NASA: “Harmful radiation from a flare cannot pass through Earth’s atmosphere to physically affect humans on the ground.” But flares do create “space weather,” or geomagnetic storms, which can mess with GPS and satellite signals, as well as electric power grids and radio communications.
CBD Oil and Effects on the Immune System
I found this today and found it informative. I highly recommend ReThink and CBD Oil.
When Irish Eyes Are Smiling
Verse 1:
- There’s a tear in your eye and I’m wondering why,
- For it never should be there at all;
- With such pow’r in your smile, sure a stone you’d beguile,
- So there’s never a tear-drop should fall;
- When your sweet lilting laughter’s like some fairy song,
- And your eyes twinkle bright as can be;
- You should laugh all the while and all other times, smile,
- And now smile a smile for me.
- When Irish eyes are smiling,
- Sure it’s like a morn in Spring,
- In the lilt of Irish laughter
- You can hear the angels sing.
- When Irish hearts are happy,
- All the world seems bright and gay,
- And when Irish eyes are smiling,
- Sure, they steal your heart away.
Verse 2:
- For your smile is a part of the love in your heart,
- And it makes even sunshine more bright;
- Like the linnet’s sweet song, crooning all the day long,
- Comes your laughter so tender and light;
- For the spring-time of life is the sweetest of all,
- There is ne’er a real care or regret;
- And while spring-time is ours throughout all of youth’s hours,
- Let us smile each chance we get.
Why College Degrees Are Working Against Many Job-Seekers
The following article from FEE Stories has been known by me for years. The only difference I see, that others may not, is that college is a great place to learn how to learn and that older workers did not have the ability to learn online…
From: FEE Stories
“Would you rather hire someone who ran a marathon, or had a college degree?’
I remember when I saw the question posed on LinkedIn. It got hundreds of responses, almost all of whom said they’d pick the marathoner.
It turns out, the story most young people have been told about the value of degrees on the job market isn’t true, and it’s getting less true every day.
A few years ago, I talked to a business owner who turned down a candidate I passed along because he had a Master’s degree. He told me, “He seems smart and has some skill, but he’s been in school too long. It will take me too much time to get those habits out of him. Plus, I’ve found people with advanced degrees tend to be entitled and assume they’re worth more than they are.”
The famous venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz developed a framework for evaluating which entrepreneurs were most likely to succeed with their startups. One of the strongest indicators was being a college drop-out. The courage and out-of-the-box thinking needed to overcome social pressure and quit school was a bullish sign.
All of these stories share one takeaway in common: a college degree doesn’t do a good job of signaling employability. In fact, choosing not to get one can be a better signal.
And no wonder. Employers routinely report that college grads lack basic skills they look for in new hires. (See here, here, and here, for example). In fact, less than 10 percent of employers think colleges do a good job of preparing students for the working world. (Study cited here.)
A lack of useful skills is only part of the problem. Grads are saddled with debt, often taught absurd ideas from professors disconnected from the real world, and encouraged to see themselves as victims. Add to that binge-drinking and increasingly draconian policies around health and politically correct speech, and campuses have become a place to pick up bad habits and bad ideas.
Employers want to know you can create value. ‘BA – Communications’ on a resume doesn’t convey much. But you know what does?
A good opt-out or drop-out story.
I have seen hundreds of young people with no degree and no experience get jobs that said a bachelor’s and 2-3 years of experience were required. They won these jobs because they showed something more valuable than a few static bullets on a resume. They explained why they chose not to go to college, and that they did an apprenticeship, internship, self-guided study program, or project instead.
Employers love it. They get excited. Instead of someone simply taking the path of least resistance and muddling through college because their parents paid for it, they see individuals willing to forge their own way, think clearly about costs and benefits, and take initiative.
That’s why college alternative programs often boast placement rates of 90 percent or better immediately upon graduation, while just 40 percent of university students have jobs within three months after graduation.
Young people who prioritize real-world experience, self-directed learning, and creating an interesting life for themselves are increasingly sought after over those who do the normal college thing.
What began as a counter-signal for startup founders and high-tech jobs is spreading to more and more roles as hiring managers discover the best traits are better correlated with opt-outs than the college-educated. The most dynamic companies need to see more than the same piece of paper everyone else has.
It’s not that college is too good for many young people; it’s that more and more young people are too good for college.”