Web Development Reading List #188: Real-World Accessibility, Flexbox Madness, And The Ephemerality Of Things We Build
- By Anselm Hannemann
- July 7th, 2017
- Web Development Reading List
CSS is an amazing tool which we constantly use but we don’t seem to honor it appropriately. Whenever I see the growing browser support of the :focus-within
selector, the much wanted justify-content: space-evenly
for Flexbox or how great CSS Grids already work, I feel really grateful to have such awesome tools available to work with.
And with advanced new media queries such as prefers-reduced-motion
, screen and (color)
, or pointer
, we get amazing tools to improve accessibility and usability of our websites. Just let the user be in control how to view your amazing design and it’ll be a success for everyone.
Further Reading on SmashingMag: Link
- The Flexbox Reading List: Techniques And Tools1
- CSS Inheritance, The Cascade And Global Scope: Your New Old Worst Best Friends2
- Building Production-Ready CSS Grid Layouts Today3
- Ways To Reduce Content Shifting On Page Load4
News Link
- Big news were announced this week by Let’s Encrypt: Beginning from 2018, they will offer free Wildcard Certificates5 as well.
Generic Link
- Docracy6 is a community-driven platform for free legal documents. It already covers a lot of categories and might become useful in future for you.
Security Link
- Christian Haschek found an interesting way to defend a website with gzip “bombs”7 against rogue clients.
JavaScript Link
- Britecharts is a d3.js based charting library8 containing reusable components.
CSS/Sass Link
- The
CSS pseudo-selector11 is a nice way to enhance your form sections further. Browser support12 is still a bit limited so far but it’s already worth thinking about adding it to your code to improve design and usability for those whose browser support the selector already. - The CSS Flexbox Module specification now has a new value
justify-content: space-evenly
13. This new setting places even space between and to the outer of the elements — a feature we all wanted to have very much in Flexbox. It already works in Firefox, and Safari Tech Preview and Chrome Canary have the support as well. - Zach Leatherman on how you can rename a font in CSS14 and font aliasing.
Concept & Design Link
- Vitaly Friedman did an exhaustive research on datepicker modules and shares the probably perfect design of a date and time picker15.
Accessibility Link
- Hampus Sethfors18 and Hugo Giraudel19 collected a bunch of real-world experiences regarding accessibility on websites. These two articles give a lot of insight on how to understand accessibility and usability of websites better.
Going Beyond… Link
- Ben Callahan’s essay on ‘Good things come to those who wait’22 is a truly mindful writing that asks what we are preparing for in our work and a question to the ephemerality of things we build.
Footnotes Link
- 1 https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/02/the-flexbox-reading-list/
- 2 https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/11/css-inheritance-cascade-global-scope-new-old-worst-best-friends/
- 3 https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/06/building-production-ready-css-grid-layout/
- 4 https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2016/08/ways-to-reduce-content-shifting-on-page-load/
- 5 https://letsencrypt.org//2017/07/06/wildcard-certificates-coming-jan-2018.html
- 6 http://www.docracy.com/
- 7 https://blog.haschek.at/2017/how-to-defend-your-website-with-zip-bombs.html
- 8 https://eventbrite.github.io/britecharts/
- 9 https://eventbrite.github.io/britecharts/tutorial-donut.html
- 10 https://eventbrite.github.io/britecharts/tutorial-donut.html
- 11 https://codepen.io/matuzo/pen/awdevz
- 12 https://caniuse.com/#search=%3Afocus-within
- 13 https://codepen.io/matuzo/pen/GmXVWo?editors=1100
- 14 https://www.zachleat.com/web/rename-font/
- 15 https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/07/designing-perfect-date-time-picker/
- 16 https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2017/07/designing-perfect-date-time-picker/
- 17 http://topvet.net
- 18 https://axesslab.com/accessibility-according-to-pwd/
- 19 https://hugogiraudel.com/2017/07/02/accessibility-feedback/
- 20 https://axesslab.com/accessibility-according-to-pwd/
- 21 https://axesslab.com/accessibility-according-to-pwd/
- 22 https://www.offscreenmag.com/blog/the-grip-of-now