Web Development Reading List #159: Code Splitting, A New Bundler, And Blake2x

Web Development Reading List #159: Code Splitting, A New Bundler, And Blake2x

As developers, are we paid to write code? This challenging question raises concerns about product quality, code quality, and our purpose as developers in a world of coded applications. You’ll find an interesting post that dives deeper into the matter in the “Work & Life” section of our reading list this week.

But we have other amazing resources to look at this week, too: new tools, new tutorials, and we’ll also take some time to reconsider CSS print styles. Let’s get started!

News Link

  • Firefox 50 was released this week1. The new version comes with support for the once option for Event Listeners, the referrerpolicy attribute and a fix for dashed and dotted borders. On the other hand, box-sizing: padding-box was removed. The upcoming version, Firefox 512, which is currently in beta, will introduce a couple of changes, too: <img> with empty src will now fire an error event and JavaScript will be blocked if it’s served with a wrong MIME type. Furthermore, the non-standard Web Payments API will be removed, Accept header for XHR will be simplified, and SHA-1 certificates issued by public CA will no longer be accepted.

Tools & Workflow Link

Security Link

  • blake2x6 is a new hashing function that is even better than blake2. It does not only allow hashes of any arbitrary size but also has a key derivation function and a deterministic random bit generator.
  • What to do if a third party causes your site to throw mixed content warnings? Thanks to the upgrade-insecure-requests headers you can fix your site by applying the header via your Content Security Policy7.
Troy Hunt explains how you can fix a mixed content problem caused by a third party9. (Image credit: Troy Hunt10)

JavaScript Link

CSS/Sass Link

Indigogo’s messed up print layout14
Aaron Gustafson’s tweet about Indigogo’s messed up print layout15 reminded Manuel Matuzovic that print style sheets are still a thing16. (Image credit: Aaron Gustafson17)

Work & Life Link

  • Do you have a plan for your hiring interviews? The people at GitLab certainly have, and they share it with the public: Read their Hiring Guide18 to get some useful advice on writing job ads, handling rejections, and conducting interviews.
  • Garann Means quit the web industry about two years ago. Now she shares what that really meant to her19, why she did it, and why it’s important that we think very carefully about it before we take this step for real. It’s easy to joke about leaving the industry, but the consequences are real and might differ a lot from what we expect.
  • Theo Nicolaou wrote about web development and pressure20. Even if we don’t read articles every day, work on side-projects all the time, or contribute to open-source projects regularly, the web will still be here tomorrow, and we can still help to move it forward and make an impact. We need to remind ourselves that sometimes it’s okay to just do something different, to relax or go out with friends.
  • You Are Not Paid to Write Code21.” Tyler Treat wrote about our job as developers and why we introduce the possibility of failure into a system every time we write code or introduce third-party services. Our job is to find solutions that (if possible) don’t require a new system and to keep out everything else from a codebase unless it’s really necessary.

And with that, I’ll close for this week. If you like what I write each week, please support me with a donation22 or share this resource with other people. You can learn more about the costs of the project here23. It’s available via email, RSS and online.

— Anselm

Footnotes Link

  1. 1 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Firefox/Releases/50
  2. 2 https://www.fxsitecompat.com/en-CA/versions/51/
  3. 3 http://brotzky.co/blog/a-beginners-step-by-step-guide-to-code-splitting-with-webpack-2-and-react-router/
  4. 4 https://medium.com/engineering-housing/continuous-integration-using-webpagetest-and-webpack-1f4465d95405
  5. 5 https://www.npmjs.com/package/splittable
  6. 6 https://cybermashup.com/2016/11/11/blake2x-unlimited-hashing/
  7. 7 https://www.troyhunt.com/disqus-mixed-content-problem-and-fixing-it-with-a-csp/
  8. 8 https://www.troyhunt.com/disqus-mixed-content-problem-and-fixing-it-with-a-csp/
  9. 9 https://www.troyhunt.com/disqus-mixed-content-problem-and-fixing-it-with-a-csp/
  10. 10 https://www.troyhunt.com/disqus-mixed-content-problem-and-fixing-it-with-a-csp/
  11. 11 https://bitsofco.de/for-in-vs-for-of/
  12. 12 https://medium.com/@matuzo/i-totally-forgot-about-print-style-sheets-f1e6604cfd6
  13. 13 https://twitter.com/AaronGustafson/status/788073583528538112
  14. 14 https://medium.com/@matuzo/i-totally-forgot-about-print-style-sheets-f1e6604cfd6#.rzuj25yfk
  15. 15 https://twitter.com/AaronGustafson/status/788073583528538112
  16. 16 https://medium.com/@matuzo/i-totally-forgot-about-print-style-sheets-f1e6604cfd6#.rzuj25yfk
  17. 17 https://twitter.com/AaronGustafson/status/788073583528538112
  18. 18 https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/hiring/
  19. 19 http://garann.com/dev/2016/wish-you-would-step-back-from-that-ledge-my-friend/
  20. 20 https://theonicolaou.blogspot.de/2016/10/web-development-and-pressures.html
  21. 21 http://bravenewgeek.com/you-are-not-paid-to-write-code/
  22. 22 https://wdrl.info/donate
  23. 23 https://wdrl.info/costs/

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