Web Development Reading List #158: Form Usability, Vue.js, And Unfolding Critical CSS

Web Development Reading List #158: Form Usability, Vue.js, And Unfolding Critical CSS

These days, I’ve been pondering what purpose we as developers have in our world. I’m not able to provide you with an answer here, but instead want to encourage you to think about it, too. Do you have an opinion on this? Are we just pleasing other people’s demands? Or are we in charge of advising the people who demand solutions from us if we think they’re wrong? A challenging question, and the answer will be different for everyone here. If you want to let me know your thoughts, I’d be happy to hear them.

Bear with me, this week’s list is a large one. Too many good resources popped up, explaining technical and design concepts, how to use new JavaScript methods to write smarter applications, how to use CSS Grid Layouts, and how to take care of your happiness.

News Link

  • The Safari Technology Preview 171 adds support for Custom Elements v1, rel=noopener, and stylesheet loading via a link element inside Shadow DOM subtrees. Furthermore, preloading behavior was changed — it now matches iOS where resources like images get less priority when loading.
  • Already available in Nightly Builds, the feature to emulate throttled network connections2 in Firefox’s Developer Tools will soon be added to the stable release, too.

General Link

Concept & Design Link

How can you master the balancing act between asking for a lot of information and keeping a form as simple and usable for the user? @jelumalai shares his lessons learned8. (Image credit: @jelumalai9)

Tools & Workflows Link

Accessibility Link

  • Stefan Judis explains when to use and when not to use aria-selected12. Applying it to the current active navigation item, for example, isn’t correct, but applying it to the current active tab in a tablist, on the other hand, would be.

JavaScript Link

CSS/Sass Link

  • Oliver Williams shares what he learned about CSS Grid Layout16. Once you realize that it’s designed to be used alongside Flexbox and not as a replacement, you’ll slowly grasp how powerful the new technology really is.
  • JP de Vries shares the challenges of unfolding critical CSS17 and why most websites are better off without it.
CSS Grid Layout18
To help you make sense of it all, Oliver Williams shares his lessons learned about CSS Grid Layout19. (Image credit: Iliver Williams20)

Work & Life Link

  • Mike Monteiro gave an impactful talk at this year’s Beyond Tellerrand conference in Berlin. “Let Us Now Praise Ordinary People21” opens our eyes to how we can change the world and why we need to get over-hyped startups that only claim to change something to actually do meaningful work. If I can make you watch one thing this week, take 45 minutes, sit back and listen to Mike Monteiro.
  • selfcare.tech22 wants to help developers take better care of their health. It shows some great methods for solving common problems every one of us will face at some point.

Going Beyond… Link

And with that, I’ll close for this week. If you like what I write each week, please support me with a donation24 or share this resource with other people. You can learn more about the costs of the project here25. It’s available via email, RSS and online.

— Anselm

Footnotes Link

  1. 1 https://webkit.org/blog/7071/release-notes-for-safari-technology-preview-17/
  2. 2 https://blog.nightly.mozilla.org/2016/11/07/simulate-slow-connections-with-the-network-throttling-tool/
  3. 3 http://cssence.com/blog/2016-11-the-javascript-wars
  4. 4 https://vimeo.com/190883361
  5. 5 https://mobile.twitter.com/elizallen_/status/794993023688077314
  6. 6 https://medium.com/@ux_je/simplifying-the-gst-registration-process-a-designers-perspective-e30e38fbbd26
  7. 7 https://medium.com/@ux_je/simplifying-the-gst-registration-process-a-designers-perspective-e30e38fbbd26
  8. 8 https://medium.com/@ux_je/simplifying-the-gst-registration-process-a-designers-perspective-e30e38fbbd26
  9. 9 https://medium.com/@ux_je/simplifying-the-gst-registration-process-a-designers-perspective-e30e38fbbd26
  10. 10 https://formlinter.com/
  11. 11 https://robots.thoughtbot.com/announcing-formlinter
  12. 12 https://www.stefanjudis.de/aria-selected-and-when-to-use-it.html
  13. 13 https://www.liquidlight.co.uk/blog/article/building-a-vue-v2-js-app-using-vue-router/
  14. 14 https://hacks.mozilla.org/2016/11/cooperative-scheduling-with-requestidlecallback/
  15. 15 https://medium.com/net-magazine/fighting-ebola-with-javascript-26b48da8f84a
  16. 16 https://css-tricks.com/things-ive-learned-css-grid-layout/
  17. 17 https://medium.com/markuptips/unfolding-critical-css-91619401b4e
  18. 18 https://css-tricks.com/things-ive-learned-css-grid-layout/
  19. 19 https://css-tricks.com/things-ive-learned-css-grid-layout/
  20. 20 https://css-tricks.com/things-ive-learned-css-grid-layout/
  21. 21 https://vimeo.com/190834270
  22. 22 http://selfcare.tech/
  23. 23 http://futurism.com/these-solar-panels-can-pull-drinking-water-straight-from-the-air/
  24. 24 https://wdrl.info/donate
  25. 25 https://wdrl.info/costs/

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