Web Development Reading List #155: On JSPerf, Client Hints, And Keeping The Balance

Web Development Reading List #155: On JSPerf, Client Hints, And Keeping The Balance

As people working in front of a screen all day, we often struggle to find the right balance. I’m not talking about work-life balance alone here, but of how our life that is completely virtual during the day often causes us to not take real life into account.

We tend to forget that our bodies need something else than coding all day. And we need to take care of our fellow human beings in real life as well. Just think about this number: The average US person will spend over 9 hours in front of a screen1 today. Time to become more aware of how we can keep the balance between the virtual and the real world.

News Link

  • Do you remember jsPerf2? It has been down for years (due to spam), now it celebrates its revival. Finally a chance to use this great, great tool again.

Concept & Design Link

The choice of words is only one of the aspects to be careful with when designing error messages for mobile5. (Image credit: Prince Pal6)

Tools & Workflows Link

  • Automated browser testing usually causes a lot of trouble and custom build solutions. TestCafé7 now tries to solve this with a Node.js tool that takes care of all the stages: starting browsers, running tests, gathering test results, and generating reports without the need for a browser extension.


  • Jason Grigsby explains how we can use Client Hints for responsive images8. With Client Hints, the browser can tell a server via HTTP headers what types of content it prefers based on information about the device pixel ratio, viewport width, and width of the image element on the page. This allows the server to serve the most appropriate image back to the client.
Client Hints9
Client Hints can make the task of creating responsive images10 much easier.

JavaScript Link

CSS/Sass Link

Work & Life Link

Belén Albeza shares her thoughts on becoming a better developer without coding 24/720. (Image credit: Belén Albeza21)

And with that, I’ll close for this week. If you like what I write each week, please support me with a donation22 or share this resource with other people. You can learn more about the costs of the project here23. It’s available via email, RSS and online.

— Anselm

Footnotes Link

  1. 1 https://twitter.com/lukew/status/786605159858049024
  2. 2 https://jsperf.com/
  3. 3 https://think360studio.com/how-to-design-an-error-message-for-a-mobile-app/
  4. 4 https://think360studio.com/how-to-design-an-error-message-for-a-mobile-app/
  5. 5 https://think360studio.com/how-to-design-an-error-message-for-a-mobile-app/
  6. 6 https://think360studio.com/how-to-design-an-error-message-for-a-mobile-app/
  7. 7 https://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/
  8. 8 https://cloudfour.com/thinks/responsive-images-201-client-hints/
  9. 9 https://cloudfour.com/thinks/responsive-images-201-client-hints/
  10. 10 https://cloudfour.com/thinks/responsive-images-201-client-hints/
  11. 11 https://pawelgrzybek.com/loop-through-a-collection-of-dom-elements/
  12. 12 http://nicolasgallagher.com/about-normalize-css/
  13. 13 http://csswizardry.com/2016/10/continue-normalising-your-css/
  14. 14 http://httparchive.org/interesting.php#bytesperpage
  15. 15 https://belenalbeza.com/top-developers-can-have-a-life-outside-coding/
  16. 16 https://brizk.typeform.com/to/ByT0Ml
  17. 17 https://twitter.com/i/moments/789042973392658432
  18. 18 http://clearleft.com/thinks/408
  19. 19 https://belenalbeza.com/top-developers-can-have-a-life-outside-coding/
  20. 20 https://belenalbeza.com/top-developers-can-have-a-life-outside-coding/
  21. 21 https://twitter.com/i/moments/789042973392658432
  22. 22 https://wdrl.info/donate
  23. 23 https://wdrl.info/costs/

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