Dear Reader,
Stay-at-home mom, Holly H., began living a double life in March 2009.
Fueled by her desire to make “just enough money” to pay for a mommy-and-me class, Holly quietly began writing about work-at-home opportunities. All the while seemingly carrying on her normal life.
Holly landed her first paid advertiser within 90 days and her income increased from there…
Today, Holly’s writing attracts more than 330,000 monthly readers. Plus, it provides a comfortable income for herself and her family…
How much?
Well, Holly recently revealed that she’s bringing in over $100,000 per yearwith her writing!
Yet, even her closest friends still don’t know just how successful she truly is…
Why not?
Because, like many of the writers you’re about to meet, Holly doesn’t like to brag. Especially considering that she’s doing what she loves (something she’d happily do for free).
I was excited when I heard Holly’s story. Especially because I know how youcan replicate her success too…
How “Spare Time Writers” Make an “Extra” $400, $1,000, $3,500 or More Every Month
All around the world, new and experienced writers alike are quietly living profitable “double lives”… (meaning they’re making thousands of dollars — and not even their closest friends know about their “side gigs”).
But, what they’re doing is something that anyone can easily replicate… and it’s especially well-suited for writers.
Now that’s the part that really caught my attention!
That’s because, as the President of AWAI, I’m always on the lookout for new opportunities for writers.
So, I set out to expose the methods of these “spare time writers”…
- What topics were they writing about?
- How often did they write?
- How much did they earn?
I wanted to know the answers to these questions — and many others.
So, over the past few years, I worked with my team to interview dozens of “spare time writers” who are living double lives. Our primary goal was to find out exactly how they’re publishing — and profiting — from their writing.
Now, I’m ready to share everything with you.
In this investigative report, I’ll reveal just how easy it is for you to live your own “double life” where your spare time writing gig can pay you as much as $400, $1,000, $3,500, or more — per month. (And, you can write about a topic you love!)
Just like the writers I investigated, you can use your spare time cash for anything — savings, fun money, vacations, or college funds. Quietly padding your bank account without even your closest friends suspecting a thing!
Let’s take a closer look…
Another writer we spoke with is Kathy W. from South Carolina…
Kathy W.; Writing About Tomatoes (in Her Spare Time) Pays College Living Expenses
College isn’t cheap.
Not only do you have to pay for classes and books, you need housing, transportation, food, and more.
But, for Kathy — a “spare time writer” who had two children in college and graduate school back-to-back — those living expenses weren’t a concern. In fact, they were covered by Kathy’s spare time income, which she made by writing about tomatoes.
First, her writing brought in enough income to pay her daughter’s living expenses while she was attending medical school …
Plus, the income from Kathy’s spare time writing also paid her son’s living expenses while he was in law school.
Now that they’ve both graduated, Kathy told us she’s looking forward to using her spare time cash for travel!
Tomaz M.; Earning Over $1,000 Per Day…Writing about Vacuums
When Tomaz started writing about vacuums it was a topic he knew very little about. But, he did what all good writers do. He researched and reported his findings along with his own experiences and opinions.
I’ll explain how he did this in just a moment, but first let’s look at Tomaz’s income…
Within three years, his spare time business writing about vacuums was averaging $400 per day.
That’s over $12,000 a month!
Recently, we caught up with Tomaz again. He revealed that his writing now averages more than $1,000 a day!
“The freedom is unbelievable. I was working for tennis clubs and academies for maybe 10 years. Sometimes, I had to go to work and work with people I didn’t like to work with. Now, I choose who I want to work with, when I want to work, and how much I want to work,” Tomaz told us.
We also spoke to Susanna P., another “spare time writer” who is experiencing complete freedom through writing…
Susanna P.; Never “Begs” for Writing Work — Thanks to Her Portable Income Generator
Susanna P. decided to write about WordPress web design from a non-technical perspective. Her secret sauce? Breaking down difficult concepts into easy-to-understand tips.
She picked WordPress as her writing topic so her spare time writing business could support her freelancing career as a WordPress web designer.
And it worked!
“I started getting tons of work. It’s been supporting us ever since. After so many years of trying to find work, it’s a relief for clients to simply come to me,” Susanna said. “The income allowed us to live very comfortably in Panama, and now we’re back in the States.”
One of the biggest perks of spare time writing is that it’s completely portable. For example, Susanna can keep up with her writing while traveling to visit her adult children in Seattle, Rhode Island, and Rochester, NY.
“We’re also considering living abroad again sometime down the road,” she said. “It’s all possible with the portable income I’ve built.”
And Susanna isn’t the only “spare time writer” who mentioned location…
Sara D.; Writes About Juicing and Brings in $4,000+ Per Month
Sara D. is another “spare time writer” we investigated…
She writes about juicing from Malaysia (where she lives)… and averages over $4,000 every single month.
Her growing spare time income allowed Sara to leave her day job as an office administrator.
Now, she’s able to add to her savings account monthly and even buy some property. Plus, Sara has the income and time to take at least one nice vacation a year.
She pointed out just how lucky she feels to write about something she loves.
“I have this business that is my passion and it allows me to do what I want to do,” she said.
Sara, Susanna, and Tomaz — and the other writers you just met — serve as only a small sampling of the thousands of people who have discovered they can write about a topic they choose… and make a great income doing it.
Just ask Nick…
Nick U.; Writing About His Passion… and Making an Average of $3,500 Every Month
The spare time writing gig that allows all these writers — plus thousands more — to experience life on their terms was developed by Nick U.
For more than 10 years, he has turned a few hours each week into a passive and predictable income.
Most months, Nick brings in about $3,500, writing about coffee. But, believe it or not, in his best month to date, Nick made $7,877.
So far, he has earned more than $315,000 from his spare time writing.
So, how does Nick U. do it?
Well, first of all, he doesn’t mind revealing his identity. So, I’ll tell you. Nick U. is also known as Nick Usborne.
Nick Usborne
He’s a freelance writer specializing in writing copy for the Web. For the past 20 years, Nick has worked with companies like Disney, AOL, and Microsoft — just to name a few.
In the U.S. and Europe, he has won 15 performance-based awards for direct-response work and spoken at dozens of online marketing conferences.
He also conducts in-house web-copywriting training for companies like Yahoo!, John Deere, Novartis Pharma, the Association of American Publishers, and many others.
When Nick realized he was onto something BIG with his spare time writing business, he mapped out his entire step-by-step process. He even coined the term, “Money-Making Website”…
Introducing:The “Money-Making Website”(A Publishing Method for “Spare Time Writers”)
At its core, a Money-Making Website is simply an information website. It’s one of the easiest types of websites to create and maintain. Not to mention one of the most profitable.
As Nick often points out: “spare time writers” who publish on a Money-Making Website usually don’t sell anything.
They simply write and share information.
Ideally, your Money-Making Website focuses on something you’re interested in. Some examples might be a hobby or passion… like gardening, parenting, skydiving, journaling, or anything else.
“We are creating an additional income stream (for travel and luxuries) that is portable and enjoyable — something we can do well into our senior years.”
— Ann Ronan
San Juan Capistrano, CA
Your goal is for readers to find yourwebsite when they search the Internet for information on your chosen topic.
They can be attracted through many methods, but the end game is that they’ll read your content and purchase something based on your recommendations.
When they do that, you’ll receive a commission. So, every page added to your website is like adding a new revenue stream to your income…
And, that’s how — and why — Money-Making Websites are the best way to turn spare time writing into a highly-profitable passive income stream.
Now, I’ll explain more about passive income in a bit. But, basically, I’m talking about creating a revenue stream that, once set up, continues to generate income — even when you’re away from your computer.
(As I said, this type of website is one of the easiest to set up. We’ll even show you how… step-by-step!)
But first, you’re probably wondering what you should write about. The answer? Almost anything.
You can choose from hundreds of thousands of interesting topics…
“I’ve been able to work on a project with my husband that we both find interesting. This website helps to promote my husband’s preparedness consulting business and gives us something fun to work on together.”
— Kathy Erwin
Vancouver, WA
Just looking around the room you’re currently in…
You could write about electronics… furniture… clothing… jewelry… shoes… the color green — or anything else you can think of…
You can write about a hobby — like stamp collecting or bird watching…
You can write about a skill you’ve developed — like cooking or playing guitar…
You can write about a place you like to visit (or something you like to do) — like Hawaii (or surfing).
And that’s just scratching the surface of potential topics…
You could write about scrapbooking, TV repair, makeup, pet sitting, or pretty much anything else you can imagine.
Just remember, it’s all about information.
“My readers and visitors tell me how my information and my stories have helped them with their own transitions. So many people have told me how grateful they are to have found my site, and that makes all the effort worthwhile.”
— Becky Rider
Fargo, ND
Take Nick, for example. He writes about coffee so people who have questions about how to brew a perfect cup can find the information they need.
And all the writers I mentioned so far also write and share information. They simply set aside an hour or so per week (or more) to write about topics they love.
Often, writing content that answers their loyal readers’ questions. Then, they publish this content on their own (very simple-to-set-up) website.
The result?
An income-generating website with loads of perks like these:
- Perfect for writers!
Because you already know how to write — and can do everything we talked about using a basic computer or laptop — you can easily get started today. From anywhere in the world.
Also, a Money-Making Website sets you up to profit from your work over and over again — just like a novelist with royalties! This extra source of income can help when you’re between clients, allow you to schedule more flexible hours, or provide funding for a vacation.
- Completely portable.
Writing in your spare time (and publishing it on your own Money-Making Website) is an opportunity that anyone can take advantage of.
Like all the writers you already met, no matter where you live or travel, your income — and your ability to maintain that income — can go with you.
- VERY part time.
I call these writers “spare time writers” because they typically spend fewer than three hours each week on their writing and website. (Nick works on his coffee website for only 1-3 hours per week… yet, he makes about $3,500 per month!)
Others decide to spend more time than Nick, especially when they see their income increasing. But, the big thing here is that the choice is yours. You can choose your own hours — as many or few as you’d like. Oh, and you can forget the days of asking someone else for permission to take a day off!
- Write about what you LOVE (and live your passion).
One of the best things about a Money-Making Website is that you get to write about something you enjoy — whether you choose a hobby, a passion, or another special interest.
That’s why writing a Money-Making Website doesn’t feel like work. If you’re anything like the “spare time writers” I know, you’ll write for your website because you enjoy your topic and the writing, not because you’re forced to do it.
- There’s no limit to what you can achieve with a Money-Making Website.
Once your website starts bringing in a consistent income, you’re on your way. You can keep writing — just a few hours each week — and enjoy a recurring income stream. Or, you can develop more skills and use your Money-Making Website to achieve other goals…
You could: Leave your job, create an author platform to sell books, or turn your Money-Making Website into a full-blown company. You could also raise money for a worthy cause or even build a multi-site empire.
Take Tomaz, for instance. He writes about vacuums… but he also set up another website; this one is all about tennis. Last time I checked in with him, the new site was already bringing in an “extra” $3,000 a month.
- Money-Making Websites are low-tech.
Another great thing about Money-Making Websites is that you don’t need to be a computer guru to set one up. In fact, advances in technology now make it easier than ever to launch a website and start publishing your own writing.
If you visit Nick’s coffee website, you see that it looks good. But, it’s very simple. He uses a basic theme and only a few graphics. That’s because Money-Making Websites are about information… and the design isn’t so important when you provide pages and pages of interesting, up-to-date information.
- Low overhead. No inventory. No shipping.
With a Money-Making Website, it’s easy to earn a steady, recurring income. You might choose to recommend products or services, or even sell your own e-books. (We’ll show you exactly how!)
That’s why your “overhead” is so incredibly low — all you really need is a computer. Yes, that means you don’t need to buy inventory… and you won’t have to ship anything.
- Passive income!
While “passive income” is a hot phrase these days, for Nick Usborne it’s not a passing trend. Nick has been using his own Money-Making Website to bring in passive income for more than 10 years.
Remember, passive income is money that comes in to your bank account even while you’re not actively working. That means you set up your system once. Then, when you step away, it keeps working — bringing in “extra” income even when you’re sleeping, traveling, running errands, or anything else.
Just like Nick. He writes for his website an hour or two each week… and sometimes an extra hour on the weekend. As a result, he makes more with his spare time writing than many people do with a full-time job.
That’s why an information website (like a Money-Making Website) is a great way to generate “extra” income…
In fact, let’s look at how Money-Making Websites compare to many of the “gigs” or “side hustles” available in today’s “gig economy”… starting with your potential income…
Is your neighbor getting rich renting their spare bedroom on Airbnb?
How much do Uber drivers earn?
Let’s take a look…
Money-Making Websites Beat Out Uber, Airbnb, Etsy, or Any Other “Side Hustle”
I was surprised to discover that 25% of Americans now earn some of their income from a side-gig such as Airbnb, Uber, or Etsy (according to a study from Lucy Nicholson/Reuters).
This somewhat new “gig economy” has exploded in popularity. It has created many additional options like Lyft, TaskRabbit, and more. All fairly new ways for Americans to earn income when and where they choose.
But, how much money are they really making?
85% of “gig workers” earn less than $500 per month (on average) working part-time for Airbnb, Etsy, and Uber (and others like them), according to a study performed by loan provider, Earnest.
That doesn’t begin to show the full picture. I wasn’t satisfied with such a general number, so I dug deeper…
Company |
Service |
Median Income |
Airbnb |
Vacation and overnight rentals |
$440 per month |
Etsy |
Craft-selling website |
$40 per month |
Postmates |
Delivery app |
$70 per month |
TaskRabbit |
Services marketplace |
$110 per month |
Lyft |
Ride-sharing app |
$210 per month |
Uber |
Ride-sharing app |
$155 per month |
*** Statistics gathered by San Francisco-based loan provider, Earnest. Tens of thousands of loan applications were reviewed and analyzed to determine the effect of gig-economy jobs on loan applicants’ total monthly income. |
As you can see from the chart above, Uber drivers make an average income of only $155 per month.
Now, don’t get me wrong.
An extra $155 per month could be really helpful. You could go on a nice date, pay an unexpected bill, or add it to your savings account…
But, my investigation proved you can make just as much (and a whole lot more!) with a Money-Making Website…
Plus, you’ll avoid the downsides that come with many “side hustles”:
- UBER: With Uber, you make money when you’re driving someone. Period. So, the only way to increase your income is to drive more.
- AIRBNB: List a room with Airbnb and you’ll have to host someone in your home… or find somewhere else to stay until your visitor leaves. Again, the only way to raise your income is to do it more often.
- ETSY: The risk is smaller with Etsy, but there’s still some investment. You’ll need to buy supplies and actually produce your inventory. Then, you’ll have to market your web page to get orders… pack and ship your products… and support your customers.
Of course, the parent companies of all these services will keep part of what you earn. Why not create your own website and keep 100% your income?
Now, these are just a few examples… I could go on. But, it’s worth pointing out that there are also positive sides to the “gig economy” — like the fact that you can work when you feel like it…
Although that’s also true of a Money-Making Website…
Not only can you work on your site whenever you choose, you get to make every decision (Be Your Own Boss!)…
You won’t have to be dependent on clients or ask anyone for permission. Your Money-Making Website is all yours — your very own publishing platform…
- You can write and launch your own new web pages and blog posts —anytime you want…
- You’re not affected by corporate policies or someone else’s decisions…
- You don’t have to manage or store any physical inventory…
Plus, you can “recession-proof” your business. Just choose a topic that people will always need to read about or research… think vacuums, dog training, or weight loss.
And those are just a few of the immediate benefits…
Easily build a valuable real-world asset… with your words
If your goal is to make an extra $400, $1,000, $3,500 or more to reduce debt, pay bills, and get ahead, the long-term benefits of a Money-Making Website may not be on your radar now…
But once you get your website to the point of paying your bills — and then some, like many of the writers I introduced you to in this report — you’ll start thinking about how you can get more out of your writing and your website…
That’s when you’ll realize that a Money-Making Website is a real asset — with real-world value — because there are always people interested in purchasing a passive income-generating machine.
Let me give you an example…
Sara, the “spare time writer” who writes about juicing, had someone make an offer to buy her website. Do you want to know the amount they offered to pay?
Can you believe that?!
It happened to Nick, too. A few years back, someone asked if they could buy his website about coffee…
They offered $125,000!
Sara and Nick both turned down these offers. Why? Because they prefer to keep their predictable, steady income flowing into their accounts month-after-month.
But, once your site is up-and-running — if you should ever choose to sell — you’ll be very likely to find a buyer. In fact, a popular marketplace for buying and selling mostly information-based websites has 75 current listings. Asking prices range from $12,619 (for a site that makes $485.33 per month)… to $1,003,702 (for a website that makes $31,365.68 per month).
Wow! With that kind of payout, you could probably achieve whatever you desire in life…
- Travel the world in your own RV? Yes!
- Build an art studio and spend your days lost in your work? For sure!
- Volunteer more in your community? Absolutely!
And the best part? The time commitment is minimal…
Build Your New Passive Income Stream in Only Three Hours Each Week
Take Nick, as an example.
He spends about 1-2 hours during the week… and another hour on the weekends whenever it’s convenient… writing and adding content to his Money-Making Website.
As a result, in only a few hours per week, he brings in an “extra” $3,500 a month writing about coffee.
The other “spare time writers” we investigated were similar. Those making $3,500-$4,000 each month reported spending “just a few hours” per week creating new content for their website visitors. (Of course, the more time they invest, the more money they have an opportunity to make.)
Keep in mind, all this didn’t happen immediately.
There’s some set-up time involved to research your topic, brainstorm some content, and put your first 10 pages online.
How much time?
The writers I spoke with recommended carving out as much time as you can — a few hours per week, if possible — for the first 90 days.
But remember, this should be enjoyable if you picked the right topic… because most of your time will be spent writing about a subject you enjoy!
You’ll also need to carve out a few afternoons or evenings to:
- Set up your new website
- Add your first batch of pages
But after that, expect to spend 1-3 hours per week adding new content to expand or update your Money-Making Website.
And, remember — it’s called spare time writing for a reason. When you have an hour here or there, spend it on your Money-Making Website. It will be worth it because every little bit will add to your monthly income.
Of course, you can work as many hours as you choose. Or, once your website is profitable, you can even add team members to help you (using the income from your Money-Making Website to pay them).
Like Tomaz, he writes about vacuums from where he lives in Slovenia (formerly, a part of Yugoslavia).
When I caught up with him, he revealed that he’s now able to contract two people in the U.S. to write his vacuum reviews for him. As a result, he has more free time than ever… allowing him to take in his favorite sport, tennis, at the Australian Open tennis tournament.
That’s what passive income can do for you!
Spend a few hours “here and there”… writing and publishing your content once. Then, it will continue to work for you forever.
At any time, someone interested in your topic can do a Google search, find your website, read what you wrote, and buy something you recommended…
That means, you can earn a commission via your website at any time of the day (24/7). And, money will continue to arrive in your bank account — whether you’re working or not.
Just imagine sleeping in on a Monday…
Knowing your website is hard at work.
You finally wake up and, before rolling out of bed, check your phone. You see that you’ve already made hundreds of dollars in commissions… all before you brush your teeth!
Later that day, you step away from your computer to have a snack. You come back to find a notice (automatically generated by your website). It sold one of your e-books while you were taking a break. (How great is that!?)
Then, while making dinner, you hear your phone “ding,” alerting you that another sale just happened on your website!
Overnight, there will be more. (You’ll need to turn off the “dings” so you can get some sleep!)
And, so on…
That’s what having passive income is like…
Money dripping into your account all throughout the day…
Adding up to a steady revenue stream…
Paying your bills…
And, giving you a sense of peace, a relief that comes from the security of an “extra” income source.
Best of all, it’s an opportunity that anyone can take advantage of…
Equal Opportunity:Anyone Can Create a Passive Income Stream with a Money-Making Website — Regardless of Age, Location, or Current Skills
Modern technology makes it easier than ever to set up a website. Especially, a simple information website like a Money-Making Website.
It doesn’t matter if you’re 8 or 98… or anywhere between…
It’s okay if you live at the beach or in the mountains… or even in an RV or on a sailboat…
It’s fine if you’re just getting started… or if you’ve been online quite a while.
If you have Internet access… and can follow along with simple step-by-step video instructions… and if you have a desire to write about a subject you love, then you can do this!
In fact, it’s entirely possible to publish your website and first page of content in an afternoon.
“… about a year ago, I discovered AWAI and found Nick’s program. Here was someone who had built a hobby website about something he loved, and was making a tidy sum working on it only part-time. How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites has personally given me the confidence and tools to follow a dream I once had; one I had basically given up on — sharing my passion about everything tea.”
— Sophie McDougal
Lubbock, TX
Then, by spending a few hours each week over the next few months, you’ll add pages and build out a robust information website. (You can build it faster if you have the time available, of course.)
As for the writing, it doesn’t have to be fancy or complex. In fact, the simpler the better.
People searching for information prefer if it’s easy to understand. So, if you explain things simply and write like you talk, your website will become very popular.
You don’t even have to worry about grammar or spelling… keep it simple and trust your spell check. (Just pretend you’re writing to a friend.)
“So far, this has been a great decision, I believe, and I am truly excited to begin building a website and seeing this project through. I turn 40 soon, and I’m hoping to be able to find the correct way to develop some freedom for myself, which means I can do more, of course, for myself and also friends and family.”
— Glenn Hyska
Southfield, MI
So, whether you’re interested in juicing like Sara, vacuums like Tomaz, or tomatoes like Kathy…
Or nail art… wind energy… Caribbean vacations… space travel… or anything else…
You can start your own Money-Making Website and add $400, $1,000, $3,500 or more to your monthly income.
And, it’s all very easy to understand and easy to replicate, once someone shows you how…
That’s why I’m proud to announce that Nick himself — the creator of Money-Making Websites — has agreed to teach you everything…
How to Build Your $400, $1,000, $3,500+ Income Stream… Starting Right Now
As I mentioned earlier, Nick has been perfecting his Money-Making Website method for more than 10 years. He has it down to a science.
That’s why I was so excited when Nick agreed to map out his entire step-by-step method for us… and every detail in between, including all his own tips and techniques.
Nick put the entire process (something anyone can replicate) into a complete course called, “How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites.”
Now anyone can write about topics they love… and earn an impressive side income. I’m talking about $400, $1,000, $3,500+ per month and more…
“All the AWAI programs are life-changing. This program, How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites, is no exception. It is fun, informative, and practical, but not available in traditional schools anywhere else.”
— Carl Zhou
Mill Creek, WA
In fact, this comprehensive course has given more than 5,000 AWAI members (and counting!) the ability to create their own passive income streams from their writing…
And Nick makes it all so easy to understand! He’s broken the program down into seven weeks’ worth of easy-to-follow instructional videos and simple step-by-step directions. So, let’s jump right in…
Part 1. How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites — A Quick Overview of the Program
The How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites program provides access to Nick’s personal system. The exact steps he follows to create each new steady passive income stream…
“I have spent a great deal of money over the past three years trying to learn how to make money on the Web. Nick’s program is by far the most comprehensive (and comprehensible) I’ve used to-date and the cost reasonable.”
— Rosa Chillis
Sun City West, AZ
Part One is his written step-by-stepprocess. In Nick’s very detailed instructions, you’ll discover how to:
- Select the perfect topic for your website…
- Reduce potential competition by narrowing in on a niche…
- Choose between a website and a blog — depending on your personal website goals…
- Use current trends — and proven marketing principles — to boost your website traffic… and income!
- Identify and claim a domain name that is likely to attract readers…
- Feel confident writing about your topic… even if you still have a lot to learn…
- Make a passive income right away from your brand-new website… and grow your income over time…
- And much more…
Plus, to help get your website up and running fast, you’ll get checklists and worksheets to guide you along the way…
And, you should know right up front that How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites is a “Living Program” — so you’ll get all updates for life from AWAI!
That’s important because technology changes, Google gets smarter, and people alter their buying habits. But, you’ll never have to worry about your Money-Making Website skills getting rusty or outdated. Instead, you’ll have someone who actively runs his own profitable site (Nick Usborne) to guide you every step of the way.
Part 2. 8-Week Webinar Training Series
Along with the comprehensive written guide, you’ll get:
- A five-part pre-recorded webinar series walking you through each step …
- Unlimited Q&A via the exclusive forum …
- And more (which I’m about to reveal) …
This balanced combination allows Nick to personally guide you through his process, while also giving you time to implement each step.
If questions should come up along the way, you’ll have access to our private, members-only group where you can reach out to Nick himself. Simply post on the forum and address it to Nick.
With this powerful visual-learning experience and unlimited access to the online group, you’ll feel like Nick is right beside you … showing you (in complete detail) how to create your own Money-Making Website.
You’ll kick off your journey with an orientation so Nick can walk you through what to expect over the next few months, give you his best tips for succeeding as quickly as possible, and answer any questions you may have.
Don’t worry if you can’t attend though … everything will be recorded so you can catch up anytime. And remember, you’ll be able to post any questions you may have in the online group.
From there, it’s time to dig in and start building your Money-Making Website!
Simply follow his instructions as he leads you through his proven process from beginning to end …
Step One: Choosing Your Topic
A Money-Making Website is perfect for a writer because it’s simply an information website…
You can write about anything.
Here are just a few topics chosen by the “spare time writers” we interviewed:
- Dog treats
- Sushi
- Self-esteem building
- House cleaning
- Fitness
- The Law of Attraction
- Tea
- Writing
- Santa Claus
- Outdoor painting
- Probiotics
- Saving money
- Life as a Baby Boomer
- Cat health
- Growing food in small spaces
- Computers
- Crochet
- Life after a stroke
- Texas
- Organic gardening
- Gourmet cheese
- Family fitness
- Publishing on YouTube
- Ice cream
- Electronics
- Luggage
- Sewing
- Pasta
- California
- Photography
- Emergency preparedness
- Stress
- Camping
- Running
- Teen style
- Wedding speeches
- Gluten-free recipes
- And many more…
With so many options, how will you choose? That’s the exact place where Money-Making Websites begins.
You’ll discover how to:
- Take inventory of your experiences, interests, passions, and hobbies — so you can choose a profitable topic — one you’re passionate about… and one that will make you money for years to come…
- Explore your topic ideas and weigh their potential profit…
- Verify that your topic is big enough… without being too big… or adjust it as needed to make sure you’re as profitable as possible…
- Investigate possible competition to find additional opportunities…
- Use your computer and Google to become an “expert neighbor” — someone with authority on your chosen topic — in just a few weeks…
- And much more!
Now, don’t worry if you can’t think of a topic now. Nick will give you hundreds of ideas…
And, it doesn’t matter if you’re not an “expert” in a certain subject. You don’t have to be an expert to begin researching, organizing, and writing high-quality information that will help your website visitors.
“The good news is, you don’t have to be an expert. For quite a while, I wanted to create a website that combined an interest with passive income. But I had no idea where to begin. Nick’s program gave me the blueprint — and inside tips — I needed to finally get my site launched.”
— Malcolm Smith
Lake Worth, FL
Step Two: Choosing a Platform and Domain Name
It’s likely that you already have a computer. So, your only additional expense will be your domain name (about $12/year) and hosting for your website (about $5/month). Nick will explain the fees and what they’re for — but think about this:
Other “side hustles” cost much more.
Take Uber for instance… along with a car, you need fuel, regular vehicle maintenance, and more. With Airbnb, you need a house… and you’ll need to hire a clean-up service, or prepare the rooms for guests yourself…
Either way, not very appealing when compared to the complete freedom of a Money-Making Website.
In this session, Nick will walk you through choosing the software for your website and selecting a suitable domain name. He’ll reveal:
- The content that attracts the most visitors (i.e., readers) and gets the best search engine rankings…
- The ONLY time when blogging might be preferable to writing a traditional Money-Making Website…
- How to name your website… including all nine factors you must consider. (For instance, did you know that hyphens in your domain name is NOT a good idea? Nick will explain why.)
- And a whole lot more!
Don’t worry about anything else you’ve been told… or if you already have a domain name. We’ll sort it all out and all your questions will be answered.
We even have a tech team on standby to assist individual Money-Making Website members, like you — should you need it. That way, you can get over any speedbumps and launch your Money-Making Website with a solid foundation.
Step Three: Create Content for Readers and Search Engines
“AWAI’s program How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites by Nick Usborne has totally changed my family’s perspective on reaching a targeted niche market through the Internet. Nick’s generous sharing of his experience, creativity, and favorite tools made the program worth its weight in gold, and the support Forum of members is both inspiring and invaluable.”
— Bonnie Fernandez
Rochelle, VA
The core of your Money-Making Website is your content — the information. So, in this session, Nick will show you how to:
- Develop your own “point of view” (or style of writing). Plus, discover how it impacts your tone and character…
- Write your homepage and second-level pages… and fill up dozens of other pages with quality content. You’ll even see Nick’s layouts and real-world examples of Money-Making Website pages…
- Follow his process for creating a new page… (Hint: Nick doesn’t just sit down and start writing. First, he gets clear on the content by writing out three other, smaller components.)
- Come up with a steady stream of new page ideas using Nick’s eight favorite methods…
- And more!
Then, because you need a way to share your content with the world, you’ll get access to a special bonus…
BONUS #1: Building Your Money-Making Website with WordPress by Jim Wright
Modern technology makes it easy to put information online. And, Jim will show you the easiest way to build a quality website: WordPress.
Yes, it’s one of the fastest and simplest ways to get your website up and running… but there’s still a small learning curve.
That’s why Jim Wright (AWAI’s own Money-Making Website trainer, reviewer, and Facebook page moderator) will guide you by video tutorial through setting up your own Money-Making Website…
He will explain everything you need to know about WordPress, hosting, purchasing your domain name, and more.
He’ll also walk you through installing WordPress, adding a theme (the way your website looks), adding functionality, and everything else you need to know.
Follow the simple steps Jim will walk you through and you’ll soon have a website, online and ready for your content. It’s that simple.
In fact, it’s something you can realistically knock out in an afternoon or two.
Should you run into any issues, have follow up questions, or need one-on-one help, you can reach out to Jim anytime. He’ll be standing by to take your questions via a specially set up, private Facebook page.
“I’ve purchased a lot of Internet marketing programs and they didn’t come close to the results-oriented program that Nick offers. This is truly a Money-Making Website step-by-step guide that really works. Since I’ve purchased Nick’s program, I have created a 70-page website that receives traffic… which is the life-blood of any website. I finally feel like I’m seriously going to be able to quit my day job and be a work-from-home mom.”
— Michelle Sears
Germfask, MI
Step Four: Attracting Traffic to Your Website
Passive income is only generated when potential customers find your website. So, in this session, Nick will explain exactly how he gets a steady stream of readers to visit his website.
Plus, you’ll find out:
- How many pages you should write before publishing your Money-Making Website…
- The traffic-generating techniques you must avoid at all costs! (Or risk having your website removed from the search engines databases.)
- The first thing you should do once you’ve published your website…
- How to force the search engines to find your content more quickly… and seven more things you should do within 48 hours…
And, this is where things really start getting exciting!
With Nick’s program, you won’t need to pay to get visitors to come to your website. Instead, online search engines will bring thousands of people to your website each month — for free! (Nick will show you exactly how it’s done.)
Next, it’s time to start making money!
“… then, I discovered Nick’s program, which is amazingly helpful. I liked Nick’s writing style (which is to the point, educational, and not in the least bit patronizing) and I really appreciated the detail he provided as he described the whole process, from the very early stages right through to promoting the ‘finished’ site — while giving great examples and resources throughout.”
— Paul Parry
United Kingdom
Step Five: How to ‘Monetize’ Your Website Pages
“Monetizing” your website is the final step in setting up your passive income stream. In this session, Nick will reveal everything you need to know to start making money from your Money-Making Website.
You’ll find out how to:
- Bring in passive income from your new website — including the three most popular methods… the easiest method… and how to choose which is right for you…
- Place ads on your website and still protect your editorial integrity. After all, if your website is full of ads, your readers are likely to leave…
- Add more income streams to your website without compromising the quality of your website as a whole…
And that’s not all…
But, at this point, we’ll take a moment to celebrate because your Money-Making Website is officially ready for the public — and primed to start generating a passive income!
Then, the next two steps are dedicated to making sure you get the most out of your effort…
“Since taking Nick Usborne’s How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites program, I truly believe that I will be paid sufficiently for my time and effort. Thank you to AWAI and Nick Usborne for this great opportunity.”
— Glenda de Vries
Stouffville, ON, Canada
Step Six: Recap and Pre-Recorded Group Q&A — Nick Answers Frequently Asked Questions
In this session Nick will give you a recap of everything you’ve accomplished so far. He’ll also answer the most common questions he receives and even answer YOUR questions too!
In previous FAQ sessions, Nick has covered:
- Can I use another platform (other than WordPress) to build my Money-Making Website?
- What’s the difference between HTTP and HTTPS and which do I need?
- Where can I find images for my website… and what size should they be?
- How should I back up my content and website?
- What’s the best way to organize and list ongoing content ideas?
- And more!
So — if you have any lingering questions about your Money-Making Website, how it all comes together, or how to continue growing your income — tune in here to get Nick’s answers.
“Excellent program. Nick (and the staff’s) thought process on how to build a producing website is very methodical and easy to follow.”
— Tim Leary
BONUS #2: Nick’s “Best of” Archive: 14 Money-Making Website Webinars + 17 Rounds of Website Reviews
You’re also going to get access to Nick’s “Best of” webinar archive. This exclusive collection currently includes 14 webinars with Nick as your host (and more are added often).
Plus, you’ll get 17 rounds of website reviews. ALL of Nick’s previous “Live Website Review” webinars have been recorded and you’ll get access to every single one.
“At the end of Nick’s webinar series, Nick ran a special session where everyone submitted their sites and I got to see what everybody else was doing. It was very interesting. Nick was commenting live. It really helped me see what I could be doing better with my site.”
— Natalia Norman
Newport Beach, CA
Watch dozens of actual website examples and hear exactly how the Money-Making Website expert himself would improve each one.
This “look-over-Nick’s-shoulder” type of experience isn’t available anywhere else — or to anyone else — outside the How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites program.
BONUS #3: Boost Your Readers Immediately!
The sooner you can get real visitors coming to your website, the more likely you are to stick with this. That’s why we’ll promote your Money-Making Website as soon as it’s ready. Here’s how it works:
Follow Nick’s simple steps to choose a topic, plan, and write great content, and launch your website…
As soon as you’re ready, email Member Services the good news with a link to your Money-Making Website.
We’ll look at your new website. Assuming you followed the program, we’ll publish a special blog post about you and your site. This not only gives your website an immediate boost as AWAI members discover your website… but it creates a valuable permanent link.
And, there’s something else…
BONUS #4: Support is Always Just a Quick Message Away
Nick’s entire process is something that anyone can do… especially if you take the video tutorials seriously and follow along step-by-step…
“It’s such a positive group of people. They are so helpful. People have a question and people just jump in with the answer and help them. And, of course, Nick jumps in as well. The forum is an important part of the program.”
— Della Flood
Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland
“… the Forum he (Nick) ran was the greatest I have ever been involved with. Everybody helped everybody! It was so wonderful to see so many people pull together. Now, we are all excited for everybody doing well with their sites. We had the weekly classes, the homework, the questions and answers. And, the Forum continues, along with Nick critiquing, as the sites are up and running. My life is totally changing because of this program.”
— Susan Feiertag
New Bern, NC
But even so, you may have some follow-up questions. That’s why you’ll also get access to a special forum dedicated to Money-Making Websites…
Maybe you discovered a unique topic… but you’re worried it may be too “outside-the-box.” You can post in the forum to ask for opinions.
Or, maybe your website is almost ready for visitors, but you’re feeling nervous. Ask other “spare time writers” to give you a peer review…
If you have a question for Nick himself, post on the forum and address it to Nick. He regularly checks in and is happy to answer your questions.
The forum is there for you to ask any question… from the moment you sign up for How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites… as you write your content and grow your business… and long after that.
(Yes, even if you build multiple Money-Making Websites, you can get help, support, and advice with all of them. Simply log in and post in the forum.)
BONUS #5: Start Out Right with a Complete Timeline for Your First 90 Days
Nick always aims to answer every question… and there are always a lot of questions about timing…
How long should I spend choosing a domain name?
How much content should I write before I publish my website?
How many days should I spend setting up my website?
That’s why Nick created an exact schedule for you to follow…
“Nick shows you step-by-step how to build your website and monetize it. It’s all right there. Sure, you could do it without Nick’s help, but why recreate the wheel?”
— Cherryl Wistos
Penn Valley, California
Spread out over 90 days, you’ll know exactly what to work on each week to reach the milestones necessary to launch your first Money-Making Website.
Start out by reading Nick’s action plan. You’ll understand — within a few pages — exactly what’s in store for you over the next 90 days…
And, don’t worry if you can’t stick to the schedule exactly. It’s a good goal to aim for, but you can slow it down (or speed it up) as much as you need.
BONUS #6: Nick’s Goal-Setting Rituals Guide
If this is your first time attempting a new venture, you’ll be thrilled to hear that Nick is also including his own “Goal-Setting Rituals” guide.
This bonus was written by Nick to help freelance writers (and other people who earn a living with their words) set and achieve their BIG goals. You’ll discover:
Why choosing the RIGHT goal for your business is the most important factor in determining your success…
How to set goals that are aligned with your business, passions, and values…
Four goal-setting rituals that can more than double your income…
And more!
By now I’m sure you can see that Nick is going “all out” to make sure you have all the tools and information you need to successfully create a Money-Making Website…
Get Everything You Need to Start Making $400, $1,000, $3,500+ Every Month with a Money-Making Website
As I mentioned earlier, Nick’s course includes all you need to turn your writing into a passive income stream by publishing your own content on a Money-Making Website.
Nick will start at the very beginning (how he got the idea for his own website)… and he’ll guide you through:
Choosing a topic
“It’s a wonderful program, especially for people like me who had no idea whatsoever of how to create a website… I can’t believe I was able to start with a few wedding speech suggestions and create a website that has been visited by several thousand people.”
— Rick Lindner
Writing your content
Setting up your website
Creating a profitable long-term plan
and much more.
Nick’s program is the perfect combination of:
- Proven advice you can trust (and refer to again and again)
- Unlimited opportunities to have all your questions answered
Plus, because Nick wants to guide and motivate you in as many ways as possible, he’s created several different education options for you. As I mentioned, you’ll get the written step-by-step content, recorded webinars to explain in more detail, streaming audio, slides, transcripts, checklists, worksheets, and more.
“I have really ‘clicked’ with this program; both the way it’s written and the delivery of the helpful webinars. The program work is clear, not too overwhelming, yet full of good solid information that I will keep referring to.”
— Lucy Culpepper
Encinitas, CA
“ … the teleconference series was very beneficial and helped me stay focused and on track. I’ve attempted to create websites for making money for several years. I wish I had discovered How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websitesmuch earlier!”
— Nancy Hearn
Phoenix, AZ
In summary you’ll get all the training — everything! — you need to write about a topic you love and add thousands of dollars to your income, month-after-month.
And, Nick’s program won’t cost you thousands of dollars either!
Instead, complete access to the entire program — including all three pre-recorded sessions with Nick, the five accompanying webinar sessions, worksheets, all the bonuses I mentioned, plus lifetime updates — is yours today for only $497.
Any of the spare time writers I know will tell you: $497 is a TINY fraction of what you can make month after month with your spare time writing business.
Even so, I want to make sure you’re inspired to act on this opportunity today.
That’s why we’ll take another $150 off right now … making your investment only $347.
Plus, you’ll have the ability and convenience to break up your payment into monthly installments.
But, you must act now because this offer ends soon.
Order Today!
The moment you place your order, you’ll get an email granting you access to everything we’ve discussed here. The complete program, pre-recorded webinars, and more.
Just like that you’ll be ready to start building a “passive income stream” writing about your passions … or hobbies … or a special interest of almost any kind …
“… Nick’s program gave me the desire to build my own site, the know-how to actually do it, and the practical methods to ensure that I can take my dream as far as I want it to go.”
— Tracey Ahring
Dennard, Arkansas
With Nick’s step-by-step guidance, you’ll skip over many of the trials and errors he encountered firsthand.
Plus, you can do this again and again. Set up as many Money-Making Websites as you’d like… or even offer this service to clients.
And, there’s still one more thing…
There’s No Risk to Try Living Your Dream of Passive Income…
Get your copy of How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites today by clicking here. Go through as many lessons as you’d like, follow along with everything Nick teaches you, and even build your first website…
While a Money-Making Website is simple to set up and maintain, it does take some time. You’ll need to put in a few hours each week, until you start receiving an income from your Money-Making Website…
That’s why we’re extending AWAI’s standard 30-day guarantee for you.
How can we do this?
It’s simple. I know, if you follow the simple steps Nick gives you… and carve out a few hours per week to write for your website, you will be successful.
Click here to Order Now and save $150!
Or, if you’d prefer to place your order by phone with someone in our office, please call Member Services toll-free, 866-879-2924, during regular business hours. (We’re in Florida, on Eastern Time.)
So, what do you think?
With a FULL YEAR to check out the program, what do you have to lose?
Register today and let Nick show you exactly how to start making a passive income (as much as $10,000+ per month!) with Money-Making Websites.
Money-Making Websites are the Perfect Side Gig… No Boss, No Required Hours, and Unlimited Potential Income
I’ll tell you honestly, if I wanted to build a business today, this is exactly what I would do. No question about it.
Just imagine what an extra $400 per month could do for you… or, what an extra $1,000 per month could allow you to do…
- You could relax knowing that unexpected bills are taken care of…
- You could take a class or develop a new skill…
- You could buy a car, a boat, maybe even a house!
- You could take an extra vacation (or two!)…
And thinking BIG: With an extra $30,000 per month, you could retire early… or invest for a few years and then never worry about your finances again.
The old way of “working” is over… and as I mentioned earlier, the “gig economy” is growing…
If you’re looking to make an “extra” income, you could spend your free time with another side hustle. You could rent out a room in your home, chauffeur strangers in your car, or sell crafts on Etsy…
Instead, I recommend that you concentrate on your strengths…
You’re already positioned to build an asset doing what you love and do best: writing!
Just remember, if you want to save an extra $150, you must act now.
Click here to register.
To your success,

Rebecca Matter
President, AWAI
P.S. I should point out that Money-Making Websites are not “get rich quick” schemes. It will take a little while to generate content and get visitors coming to your website…
Think of your Money-Making Website like a 401K… only you’re investing time instead of money. At first, your return may seem to grow slowly, but every little bit compounds into a passive income stream.
Soon you could be bringing in an extra $400, $1,000, or even $3,500+ per month, like the “spare time writers” we investigated.
Then, there are the “perks” that come from being an “influencer”…
When you write about a topic and provide helpful information, readers will see you as someone they can trust.
This influence can open countless other opportunities for you…
So, the sooner you get started, the sooner you can tell your own Money-Making Website success story.
Click here to Order Now and save $150!
“I have wanted to have my own website for years now, just never:
- Had the time
- Had the knowledge
- Had the roadmap
Nick’s program has helped me with all of these.”
— Brenda Barker
Cabot, AR
“… particularly when you’re starting out, it’s great to have guidance from a reliable source. Nick Usborne, for me, is that source. His program is well-written, intelligent — and incredibly valuable (if you’re prepared to put the work in), and I’m delighted to own it.”
— Paul Parry
United Kingdom
“How to Write Your Own Money-Making Websites has saved me untold hours of time and thousands of dollars. It’s helped me to greatly reduce the learning curve and cut right to the chase in implementing proven money-making strategies to my website.”
— Scott Elder
Orem, UT
“I’ve always known that creating a Money-Making Website works. But, we’d never found a program that would take you from nothing to the finished product. We did a lot of research online and came across Nick’s program. It’s a superbly well-written program. It’s just fantastic. It’s full of so much information. If you did this on your own, you’d probably stumble around and lose interest pretty quickly. If you get stuck for ideas, there’s an index there and you can pretty much find whatever you need.”
— Nick Mott
Okotoks, Alberta
Order Today!
American Writers & Artists Inc.
101 SE 6th Avenue, Suite A
Delray Beach, FL 33483
(561) 278-5557 or (866) 879-2924
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