In these politically uncertain times, developers can help to defend their users’ personal privacy by adopting the Privacy by Design (PbD) framework. These common-sense steps will become a requirement under the EU’s imminent data protection overhaul, but the benefits of the framework go far beyond legal compliance.
Note: This article is not legal advice and should not be construed as such.
Let’s give credit where credit is due. The global political upheaval of the past 12 months has done more to get developers thinking about privacy, surveillance and defensive user protection than ever before. The risks and threats to ourselves, and to our users, are no longer theoretical; they are real, they are everyday, and they are frightening. One need only look at the ongoing revelations regarding Cambridge Analytica, a British company with odd links to Canada, which ran a complex data-mining operation on behalf of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to aggregate up to 5,000 pieces of data on every American adult1, to fathom what is at stake for all of us.
As developers and decision-makers, we need to do something to respond to that challenge. The political uncertainty we are living through obliges us to change the ways we approach our work. As the creators of applications and the data flows they create, we can play a critical and positive role in protecting our users from attacks on their privacy, their dignity, and even their safety.
One way we can do this is by adopting a privacy-first best-practice framework. This framework, known as Privacy by Design (PbD), is about anticipating, managing and preventing privacy issues before a single line of code is written. The best way to mitigate privacy risks, according to the PbD philosophy, is not to create them in the first place.
PbD has existed as a best-practice framework since the 1990s, but few developers are aware of it, let alone use it. That’s about to change. The EU’s data protection overhaul, GDPR, which becomes legally enforceable in May 2018, requires privacy by design as well as data protection by default across all uses and applications.
As with the previous EU data protection regime, any developer serving European customers must adhere to these data protection standards even if they themselves are not located in Europe. So, if you do business in or sell to Europe, privacy by design is now your responsibility.
This presents a monumental opportunity for developers everywhere to rethink their approach to privacy. Let’s learn what PbD is and how it works.
The PbD framework was first drawn up in Canada5 in the 1990s. Its originator, Dr. Ann Cavoukian, then Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, devised the framework to address the common issue of developers applying privacy fixes after a project is completed:
The Privacy by Design framework prevents privacy-invasive events before they happen. Privacy by Design does not wait for privacy risks to materialize, nor does it offer remedies for resolving privacy infractions once they have occurred; it aims to prevent them from occurring. In short, Privacy by Design comes before-the-fact, not after.
The PbD framework has seven foundational principles:
Privacy must be proactive, not reactive, and must anticipate privacy issues before they reach the user. Privacy must also be preventative, not remedial.
Privacy must be the default setting. The user should not have to take actions to secure their privacy, and consent for data sharing should not be assumed.
Privacy must be embedded into design. It must be a core function of the product or service, not an add-on.
Privacy must be positive sum and should avoid dichotomies. For example, PbD sees an achievable balance between privacy and security, not a zero-sum game of privacy or security.
Privacy must offer end-to-end lifecycle protection of user data. This means engaging in proper data minimization, retention and deletion processes.
Privacy standards must be visible, transparent, open, documented and independently verifiable. Your processes, in other words, must stand up to external scrutiny.
Privacy must be user-centric. This means giving users granular privacy options, maximized privacy defaults, detailed privacy information notices, user-friendly options and clear notification of changes.
PbD has always been available for any developer to use as a voluntary best-practice framework. Its popularity has tended to be greater in cultures that have a traditionally positive view of privacy, such as Canada and many European countries. Privacy, however, is not traditionally seen as a positive value in the US, whose companies dominate the tech world. For this reason, and for too long, web development has been approached with what at times has felt like the complete opposite of a PbD viewpoint. It has almost become normal for developers to ship apps that require social media registration, that request unnecessary permissions such as microphone access and location data, and that demand access to all of a user’s contacts.
The notion of privacy by design as a voluntary concept is about to change.
In Europe, the regulation that governs all collection and processing of personal data, regardless of use, sector or situation, has had a complete overhaul. This new set of rules, known as the General Data Protection Regulation6 (GDPR), is already on the books but becomes legally enforceable on 25 May 2018. Your business should already be working towards your wider GDPR compliance obligations ahead of this deadline, which will come up fast.
Crucially, GDPR makes PbD and privacy by default legal requirements within the EU. Not only will you have to develop to PbD, but you will have to document your PbD development processes. That documentation must be made available to a European regulatory authority in the event of a data breach or a consumer complaint.
Remember that European data protection and privacy laws are extraterritorial: They apply to the people within Europe whom data is collected about, regardless of where the service is provided from. In other words, if you develop for European customers, you must comply with EU data protection and privacy standards for those individuals, even if you yourself are not located within Europe.
Also remember that the EU, through its data protection system, has some of the strictest and most clearly defined privacy frameworks in the world; the US, by contrast, has no overarching data protection and privacy framework at all. Culture is important to remember as well. In Europe, privacy is considered a fundamental human right. Living and developing in a country where privacy is not a fundamental human right does not negate your moral or legal obligations to those who do enjoy that right.
Developers outside the EU, therefore, should consider adopting the PbD principles within the GDPR guidelines as a development framework, despite being located outside Europe. The guidelines will give you a clear, common-sense and accountable framework to use in your development process — and that framework is a lot better than having no guidelines at all.
The European data protection law defines personal data as any information about a living individual who could be identified from that data, either on its own or when combined with other information.
There is also a classification called “sensitive personal data”, which means any information concerning an individual’s
Racial or ethnic origin
political opinions,
religious or philosophical beliefs,
trade union membership,
health data,
genetic data,
biometric data,
sex life or sexual orientation,
past or spent criminal convictions.
The data users generate within your app is personal data. Their account information with your company is personal data. The UID identifying their device is personal data. So is their IP address, their location data, their browser fingerprint and any identifiable telemetry.
For app developers, PbD compliance means factoring in data privacy by default
at your app’s initial design stage,
throughout its lifecycle,
throughout the user’s engagement with your app,
after the user’s engagement has ended,
and after the app is mothballed.
There is no checklist of ready-made questions that will get you there; General Data Protection Regulation requires developers to come up with the questions as well as the answers. But in a proactive development environment, the answers would likely take the practical forms required under GDPR, such as the following.
Good PbD practice, and its absence, is easy to spot if you know what you are looking for.
Let’s give this popular UK pub chain’s app a quick PbD audit.
The app has no settings page, which suggests no user control over privacy. This implies that downloading the app entails granting consent for data-sharing, which does not meet the second PbD principle.
This suggestion is confirmed in the “Edit Account” option, which only allows users to edit their name and email address. This does not meet the third PbD principle “Privacy must be embedded into design.”
The link to the privacy policy provides a blurry scan of a five-page PDF that is written for the outdated 1995 data protection directive. There are no user controls or granular options. If I wanted to exercise control over my data, I would have to write an email to a generic customer-service address or, alternatively — in the time-honored tradition of privacy policies that are really trying to fob users off — send them a letter in the post. This does not meet the seventh PbD principle of giving users granular privacy options with maximized privacy defaults.
The privacy policy informs me that my data will be shared with third parties but gives me no indication as to who those third parties are, nor does it give me the option to withhold that data sharing. There is no distinction between third parties whose services are necessary for the transaction (for example, PayPal) and unnecessary services, such as ad networks. This does not meet the sixth PbD principle.
But let’s say I write about this stuff for a living, and so I just really need a beer. I go to the pub and fire up the Wi-Fi to use its app. When I connect to the Wi-Fi, I notice its “Settings” page. That page merely provides links to three legal documents. As with the pub’s own app, there are no settings to change, no options and no choices. There is no PbD whatsoever.
It’s clear that the only way I can ensure my privacy with this pub chain is to not use the app or its Wi-Fi at all. This creates the zero-sum dichotomy, which the fourth PbD principle seeks to avoid.
This pub chain does not meet good PbD practice, or GDPR compliance, by any definition.
By contrast, Twitter’s recent privacy overhaul demonstrates very good PbD practice and early GDPR compliance. Here’s the catch: Its new privacy choices could have a detrimental and negative effect on users’ privacy12. The difference, however, is that it has been open and transparent and has given users educated choices and options.
The privacy overhaul offers a range of granular privacy options, which are clearly communicated, including a clear notice that it may share your data with third parties. Users can disable some or all options.
A prominent splash screen drew users’ attention to the changes, increasing the likelihood that they would take the time to educate themselves on their privacy options.
A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is simply a process of documenting the issues, questions and actions required to implement a healthy PbD process in a project, service or product. PIAs are a core requirement of GDPR, and in the event of a data protection issue, your PIA will determine the shape of your engagement with a regulatory authority. You should use a PIA when starting a new project, and run a PIA evaluation of any existing ones.
The steps in a PIA are as follows:
Identify the need for a PIA.
Describe the information flows within a project or service (user to service provider, user to user, service provider to user, user to third parties, service provider to third parties).
Identify the privacy- and data-protection risks.
Identify and evaluate the privacy solutions.
Sign off and record the PIA outcomes.
Integrate the outcomes into the project plan.
Consult with internal and external stakeholders as needed throughout the process.
Take some time to come up with a PIA template unique to your business or project that you can use as needed. The guidance from ICO16, the UK data-protection regulator, will help you to do that.
Good PbD practice gives users clear information and informed choices. Privacy information notices are central to that. The days of privacy policies being pages upon pages of dense legal babble, focused on the needs of the service provider and not the user, are over.
Your app, product or service should have a privacy information notice, including the following details:
What data are you collecting?
Why are you collecting it, and is that reasoning legally justifiable?
Which third parties are you sharing it with?
What third-party data are you aggregating it with?
Where are you getting that information from?
How long are you keeping it?
How can the user invoke their rights?
Include any information regarding the use of personal data to fulfil a contract.
Many European data protection regulators are devising standardized templates for privacy information notices, and you should check with yours to follow the progress on any required format ahead of the May 2018 deadline.
Under GDPR, the old privacy policy trick of stating “we may share your data with third parties” will no longer be considered compliant. GDPR and PbD require you to list exactly who those parties are and what they do with user data.
As one dramatic example, PayPal’s recent updated notice lists over 600 third-party service providers18. The fact that PayPal shares data with up to 600 third parties is not news. That information is simply being brought into the open.
Good PbD compliance is not just about UX. Healthy compliance also involves implementing adequate technical and security measures to protect user data. These measures, as with other aspects of full GDPR compliance, must be documented and made accountable to a regulator on request.
PbD compliance on a technical and security level could include:
password hashing and salting;
data sandboxing;
pseudonymization and anonymization;
automated background updates;
encryption at rest and in transit;
responsible disclosure;
staff training and accountability on data protection;
physical security of servers, systems and storage.
Under GDPR, companies processing certain kinds of data must appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO), a named individual with legally accountable responsibility for an organization’s privacy compliance, including PbD. This requirement is regardless of a company’s size, which means that even the tiniest business engaged in certain kinds of data processing must appoint a DPO.
A DPO does not have to be in-house or full-time, nor are legal qualifications required. Very small businesses can appoint a DPO on an ad-hoc or outsourced basis. Check with your EU member state’s data-protection regulator for information on your national requirements for a DPO.
We would encourage all organizations to voluntarily appoint a DPO regardless of the nature of their work. Think of a DPO as the health and safety officer for privacy. Having someone act as the “good cop” to keep your development processes legally compliant — and acting as the “bad cop” if your practices are slipping — can save you from a world of troubles down the road.
The PbD framework poses challenges that only you can answer. No one else can do it for you: it is your responsibility to commence the process. If you are within Europe, have a look at your national data-protection regulator’s GDPR and PbD resources. If you are outside Europe, we have provided some links and resources below.
Don’t view PbD as a checklist of boxes to be ticked because “the law says so,” nor think of it as something you have to do “or else.” Instead, use PbD to think really creatively. Think of all the ways that your users’ data can be misused, accessed, stolen, shared or combined. Think of where data might be located, even if you might not be aware of it. Think of what liabilities you might be creating for yourself by collecting, retaining and aggregating data that you don’t really need. Think of how the third parties you share data with, even if they are your business partners, could create liabilities for you. And in our current political climate, think about the ways that the data you collect and process could be used to do harm to your users. There are no wrong questions to ask, but there are questions that it would be wrong not to ask.
Adopting PbD into your development workflow will create new steps to follow and new obligations to meet. These steps, as onerous as they might feel, are necessary in our rapidly changing world. So, view PbD as a culture shift. Use it as an opportunity to improve your policies, practices and products by incorporating privacy into your development culture. Your users will be better protected, your business’s reputation will improve, and you will be well on the road to healthy legal compliance. In an often bewildering world, if these steps are all we can take to make a difference one app at a time, they are worth a lot.
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Some people hate writing documentation, and others just hate writing. I happen to love writing; otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this. It helps that I love writing because, as a design consultant offering professional guidance, writing is a big part of what I do. But I hate, hate, hate word processors.
My typical workflow using a desktop word processor goes something like this:
Select some text I want to copy to another part of the document.
Note that the application has selected slightly more or less than I told it to.
Try again.
Give up and resolve to add the missing part (or remove the extra part) of my intended selection later.
Copy and paste the selection.
Note that the formatting of the pasted text is somehow different from the original.
Try to find the styling preset that matches the original text.
Try to apply the preset.
Give up and apply the font family and size manually.
Note that there is too much white space above the pasted text, and press “Backspace” to close the gap.
Note that the text in question has elevated itself several lines at once, joined the heading text above it and adopted its styling.
Ponder my mortality.
When writing technical web documentation (read: pattern libraries1), word processors are not just disobedient, but inappropriate. Ideally, I want a mode of writing that allows me to include the components I’m documenting inline, and this isn’t possible unless the documentation itself is made of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. In this article, I’ll be sharing a method for easily including code demos in Markdown, with the help of shortcodes and shadow DOM encapsulation.
Say what you will about CSS, but it’s certainly a more consistent and reliable typesetting tool than any WYSIWYG editor or word processor on the market. Why? Because there’s no high-level black-box algorithm that tries to second-guess what styles you really intended to go where. Instead, it’s very explicit: You define which elements take which styles in which circumstances2, and it honors those rules.
The only trouble with CSS is that it requires you to write its counterpart, HTML. Even great lovers of HTML would likely concede that writing it manually is on the arduous side when you just want to produce prose content. This is where Markdown comes in. With its terse syntax and reduced feature set, it offers a mode of writing that is easy to learn but can still — once converted into HTML programmatically — harness CSS’ powerful and predictable typesetting features. There’s a reason why it has become the de facto format for static website generators and modern blogging platforms such as Ghost.
Where more complex, bespoke markup is required, most Markdown parsers will accept raw HTML in the input. However, the more one relies on complex markup, the less accessible one’s authoring system is to those who are less technical, or those short on time and patience. This is where shortcodes come in.
Hugo3 is a static site generator written in Go — a multi-purpose, compiled language developed at Google. Due to concurrency (and, no doubt, other low-level language features I don’t fully understand), Go makes Hugo a lightening-fast generator of static web content. This is one of the many reasons why Hugo has been chosen for the new version of Smashing Magazine.
Performance aside, it works in a similar fashion to the Ruby and Node.js4-based generators with which you may already be familiar: Markdown plus meta data (YAML or TOML) processed via templates. Sara Soueidan has written an excellent primer5 on Hugo’s core functionality.
For me, Hugo’s killer feature is its implementation of shortcodes6. Those coming from WordPress may already be familiar with the concept: a shortened syntax primarily used for including the complex embed codes of third-party services. For instance, WordPress includes a Vimeo shortcode that takes just the ID of the Vimeo video in question.
The brackets signify that their content should be processed as a shortcode and expanded into the full HTML embed markup when the content is parsed.
Making use of Go template functions, Hugo provides an extremely simple API for creating custom shortcodes. For example, I have created a simple Codepen shortcode to include among my Markdown content:
Some Markdown content before the shortcode. Aliquam sodales rhoncus dui, sed congue velit semper ut. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent. {{<codePen VpVNKW>}} Some Markdown content after the shortcode. Nulla vel magna sit amet dui lobortis commodo vitae vel nulla sit amet ante hendrerit tempus.
Hugo automatically looks for a template named codePen.html in the shortcodes subfolder to parse the shortcode during compilation. My implementation looks like this:
{{ if .Site.Params.codePenUser }} <iframe height='300' scrolling='no' title="code demonstration with codePen" src='//{{ .Site.Params.codepenUser | lower }}/embed/{{ .Get 0 }}/?height=265&theme-id=dark&default-tab=result,result&embed-version=2' frameborder='no' allowtransparency='true' allowfullscreen='true' style='width: 100%;'> <div> <a href="{{ .Site.Params.codePenUser | lower }}/pen/{{ .Get 0 }}">See the demo on codePen</a> </div> </iframe> {{ else }} <p><strong>Site error:</strong> The <code>codePenUser</code> param has not been set in <code>config.toml</code></p> {{ end }}
To get a better idea of how the Go template package works, you’ll want to consult Hugo’s “Go Template Primer7.” In the meantime, just note the following:
It’s pretty fugly but powerful nonetheless.
The {{ .Get 0 }} part is for retrieving the first (and, in this case, only) argument supplied — the Codepen ID. Hugo also supports named arguments, which are supplied like HTML attributes.
The . syntax refers to the current context. So, .Get 0 means “Get the first argument supplied for the current shortcode.”
In any case, I think shortcodes are the best thing since shortbread, and Hugo’s implementation for writing custom shortcodes is impressive. I should note from my research that it’s possible to use Jekyll includes8 to similar effect, but I find them less flexible and powerful.
I have a lot of time for Codepen (and the other code playgrounds that are available), but there are inherent issues with including such content in a pattern library:
It uses an API so cannot be easily or efficiently made to work offline.
It doesn’t just represent the pattern or component; it is its own complex interface wrapped in its own branding. This creates unnecessary noise and distraction when the focus should be on the component.
For some time, I tried to embed component demos using my own iframes. I would point the iframe to a local file containing the demo as its own web page. By using iframes, I was able to encapsulate style and behavior without relying on a third party.
Unfortunately, iframes are rather unwieldy and difficult to resize dynamically. In terms of authoring complexity, it also entails maintaining separate files and having to link to them. I’d prefer to write my components in place, including just the code needed to make them work. I want to be able to write demos as I write their documentation.
Fortunately, Hugo allows you to create shortcodes that include content between opening and closing shortcode tags. The content is available in the shortcode file using {{ .Inner }}. So, suppose I were to use a demo shortcode like this:
{{<demo>}} This is the content! {{</demo>}}
“This is the content!” would be available as {{ .Inner }} in the demo.html template that parses it. This is a good starting point for supporting inline code demos, but I need to address encapsulation.
When it comes to encapsulating styles, there are three things to worry about:
styles being inherited by the component from the parent page,
the parent page inheriting styles from the component,
styles being shared unintentionally between components.
One solution is to carefully manage CSS selectors so that there’s no overlap between components and between components and the page. This would mean using esoteric selectors per component, and it is not something I would be interested in having to consider when I could be writing terse, readable code. One of the advantages of iframes is that styles are encapsulated by default, so I could write button { background: blue } and be confident it would only apply inside the iframe.
A less intensive way to prevent components from inheriting styles from the page is to use the all property with the initial value on an elected parent element. I can set this element in the demo.html file:
<div> {{ .Inner }} </div>
Then, I need to apply all: initial to instances of this element, which propagates to children of each instance.
.demo { all: initial }
The behavior of initial is quite… idiosyncratic. In practice, all of the affected elements go back to adopting just their user agent styles (like display: block for <h2> elements). However, the element to which it is applied — class="demo" — needs to have certain user agent styles explicitly reinstated. In our case, this is just display: block, since class="demo" is a <div>.
.demo { all: initial; display: block; }
Note:all is so far not supported in Microsoft Edge but is under consideration. Support is, otherwise, reassuringly broad9. For our purposes, the revert value would be more robust and reliable but it is not yet supported anywhere.
Using all: initial does not make our inline components completely immune to outside influence (specificity still applies), but we can be confident that styles are unset because we are dealing with the reserved demo class name. Mostly just inherited styles from low-specificity selectors such as html and body will be eliminated.
Nonetheless, this only deals with styles coming from the parent into components. To prevent styles written for components from affecting other parts of the page, we’ll need to use shadow DOM10 to create an encapsulated subtree.
Imagine I want to document a styled <button> element. I’d like to be able to simply write something like the following, without fear that the button element selector will apply to <button> elements in the pattern library itself or in other components in the same library page.
The trick is to take the {{ .Inner }} part of the shortcode template and include it as the innerHTML of a new ShadowRoot. I might implement this like so:
$uniq is set as a variable to identify the component container. It pipes in some Go template functions to create a unique string… hopefully(!) — this isn’t a bulletproof method; it’s just for illustration.
root.attachShadow makes the component container a shadow DOM host.
I populate the innerHTML of the ShadowRoot using {{ .Inner }}, which includes the now-encapsulated CSS.
I’d also like to include JavaScript behavior in my components. At first, I thought this would be easy; unfortunately, JavaScript inserted via innerHTML is not parsed or executed. This can be solved by importing from the content of a <template> element. I amended my implementation accordingly.
JavaScript is, to my surprise, not encapsulated automatically12 like CSS is in shadow DOM. That is, if there was another [aria-pressed] button in the parent page before this component’s example, then document.querySelector would target that instead.
What I need is an equivalent to document for just the demo’s subtree. This is definable, albeit quite verbosely:
I didn’t want to have to write this expression whenever I had to target elements inside demo containers. So, I came up with a hack whereby I assigned the expression to a local demo variable and prefixed scripts supplied via the shortcode with this assignment:
if (script) { script.textContent = `(function() { var demo = document.getElementById('demo-{{ $uniq }}').shadowRoot; ${script.textContent} })()` } root.shadowRoot.appendChild(document.importNode(template.content, true));
With this in place, demo becomes the equivalent of document for any component subtrees, and I can use demo.querySelector to easily target my toggle button.
var toggle = demo.querySelector('[aria-pressed]');
Note that I have enclosed the demo’s script contents in an immediately invoked function expression (IIFE), so that the demo variable — and all proceeding variables used for the component — are not in the global scope. This way, demo can be used in any shortcode’s script but will only refer to the shortcode in hand.
Where ECMAScript6 is available, it’s possible to achieve localization using “block scoping,” with just braces enclosing let or const statements. However, all other definitions within the block would have to use let or const (eschewing var) as well.
{ let demo = document.getElementById('demo-{{ $uniq }}').shadowRoot; // Author script injected here }
Of course, all of the above is only possible where shadow DOM version 1 is supported. Chrome, Safari, Opera and Android all look pretty good, but Firefox and Microsoft browsers are problematic. It is possible to feature-detect support and provide an error message where attachShadow is not available:
if (document.head.attachShadow) { // Do shadow DOM stuff here } else { root.innerHTML = 'Shadow DOM is needed to display encapsulated demos. The browser does not have an issue with the demo code itself'; }
Or you can include Shady DOM and the Shady CSS extension, which means a somewhat large dependency (60 KB+) and a different API. Rob Dodson was kind enough to provide me with a basic demo13, which I’m happy to share to help you get started.
With the basic inline demo functionality in place, quickly writing working demos inline with their documentation is mercifully straightforward. This affords us the luxury of being able to ask questions like, “What if I want to provide a caption to label the demo?” This is perfectly possible already since — as previously noted — Markdown supports raw HTML.
However, the only new part of this amended structure is the wording of the caption itself. Better to provide a simple interface for supplying it to the output, saving my future self — and anyone else using the shortcode — time and effort and reducing the risk of coding typos. This is possible by supplying a named parameter to the shortcode — in this case, simply named caption:
{{<demo caption="A standard button"}} ... demo contents here... {{</demo>}}
Named parameters are accessible in the template like {{ .Get "caption" }}, which is simple enough. I want the caption and, therefore, the surrounding <figure> and <figcaption> to be optional. Using if clauses, I can supply the relevant content only where the shortcode provides a caption argument:
{{ if .Get "caption" }} <figcaption>{{ .Get "caption" }}</figcaption> {{ end }}
Here’s how the full demo.html template now looks (admittedly, it’s a bit of a mess, but it does the trick):
{{ $uniq := .Inner | htmlEscape | base64Encode | truncate 15 "" }} {{ if .Get "caption" }} <figure role="group" aria-labelledby="caption-{{ $uniq }}"> {{ end }} <div></div> {{ if .Get "caption" }} <figcaption>{{ .Get "caption" }}</figcaption> {{ end }} {{ if .Get "caption" }} </figure> {{ end }} <template> {{ .Inner }} </template> <script> (function() { var root = document.getElementById('demo-{{ $uniq }}'); root.attachShadow({mode: 'open'}); var template = document.getElementById('template-{{ $uniq }}'); var script = template.content.querySelector('script'); if (script) { script.textContent = `(function() { var demo = document.getElementById('demo-{{ $uniq }}').shadowRoot; ${script.textContent} })()` } root.shadowRoot.appendChild(document.importNode(template.content, true)); })(); </script>
One last note: Should I want to support markdown syntax in the caption value, I can pipe it through Hugo’s markdownify function. This way, the author is able to supply markdown (and HTML) but is not forced to do either.
For its performance and its many excellent features, Hugo is currently a comfortable fit for me when it comes to static site generation. But the inclusion of shortcodes is what I find most compelling. In this case, I was able to create a simple interface for a documentation issue that I’ve been trying to solve for some time.
As in web components, a lot of markup complexity (sometimes exacerbated by adjusting for accessibility) can be hidden behind shortcodes. In this case, I’m referring to my inclusion of role="group" and the aria-labelledby relationship, which provides a better supported “group label” to the <figure> — not things that anyone relishes coding more than once, especially where unique attribute values need to be considered in each instance.
I believe shortcodes are to Markdown and content what web components are to HTML and functionality: a way to make authorship easier, more reliable and more consistent. I look forward to further evolution in this curious little field of the web.
For many people, a map of a transportation network is a given, an expected part of the system, something that just is — like a fire-escape plan in a building. So, when I say that I design transportation maps, they don’t understand. What is there to design even?
Well, let’s take the London underground map as an example. Designed by Harry Beck, it was the world’s first transportation map to use the principles of electrical circuit drawings. All line segments were put to the angles of 45 or 90 degrees. The distances between stations were equalized. I wrote about it in part three of my “Maps and Reality” series, “Diagrams1.”
This schematic approach was later adopted for many transportation maps of the world. But not every time was this a good idea. This is one useless map (from Samara, Russia):
It adds almost nothing beyond just listing the stations: Алабинская · Российская · Московская · Гагаринская · Спортивная · Советская…
Beck’s design dealt with growing complexity and the spread of London’s underground rail network. When there is just one line, it’s better to put this line in context. See the Ekaterinburg metro map5, for example:
Every transportation network requires a specialized solution.
Let’s look at New York. The subway is large and complicated but quite different from London’s: Trains can have different routes, which are denoted by both numbers and letters. In 1972, Massimo Vignelli designed this map:
In London, ticks are used to depict stations:
Vignelli couldn’t have used them in New York. In London, lines rarely run together through the same stations. And when they do, all trains in a “wisp” stop at all of them — see Great Portland Street and Euston Square above.
In New York, such wisps are everywhere, and some trains don’t stop at some stations. So, when there is a stop on a particular route, Vignelli puts a black bullet on the route’s line:
You can see that, at some stations, not every line has a bullet.
Vignelli’s map was beautiful but, unfortunately, unsuccessful. People considered it too abstract. Having no geographical reference, the eye had nothing to catch on. Also, the stations named with street numbers looked identical — the font was just too small for that.
This design was the closest to London’s that New York has ever seen.
The successful design was the one by Michel Hertz (1979) — still in use. It includes parks, ponds, main streets and area names:
The related routes are denoted with just one line, not a wisp:
But there’s a list of stopping routes at each station. Look at the red line, for example. Only route 1 stops at 18th, 23rd and 28th Streets, but all routes stop at 14th and 34th Streets.
Hertz wanted his map to look geographical. But he knew that a “true” map would use the format very inefficiently. So, his map is actually distorted significantly for everything to fit. Compare Google Maps on the left to Hertz’s map on the right:
Hertz’s map doesn’t look stylish. But it has proven to work well. This is a very specific, bulletproof design tailored to New York.
But even maps that appear to be much more alike in principle have many little details to serve their cities’ needs.
On stations, there are tracks for opposing directions. In some cities, these tracks are marked with the names of the lines’ terminals.
The terminals are, thus, important for wayfinding, so they have to be emphasized on a map. In Barcelona, they put the terminal’s name on a background, whose color matches the line’s:
In Paris, they use bold font and symbols for the line numbers:
This is unnecessary in London, where, instead of toponymics, they use geographic directions (for example, “Northbound”).
In Oslo, a thick wisp of lines passes through the city center. One of the lines forms a loop and passes several stations twice: first as line 4, then as line 6. The transformation from 4 to 6 is shown with a gradient — not a typical element indeed:
There is another detail in Oslo: Trains pass Gulleråsen station in only one direction. This requires a designation, an element that is not used in any of the maps we’ve discussed above:
Moscow has its own peculiarity: For historical reasons, the stations have different names on different lines (sick, but what can you do). In addition, the Moscow metro map has to use both Cyrillic and Latin scripts for its station names. Depiction of transfers turns into a problem. Here, eight names must be positioned around the “Biblioteka Imeni Lenina — Aleksandrovsky Sad — Arbatskaya — Borovitskaya” junction, where four lines intersect:
A whopping six lines intersect at London’s “King’s Cross St. Pancras” station; just one name suffices:
There is not a single place on London’s giant map where a station name intersects a line — there is always space around the lines. To achieve this in Moscow, one would need to dramatically reduce the font size and complicate the line geometry. That’s why Moscow’s metro map includes a device that the London one does not: a semi-transparent background for the station names that cross lines (see above).
But London has its own complication, one absent in Moscow. The gray “clouds” delineate the payment zones — something Moscow does not need because the price of a ride is fixed:
Every city and transportation network has a lot of details, which makes it impossible to use exactly the same graphical principles everywhere. But there is another reason for maps to be so different: aesthetics.
A transportation map is not only a tool, but also a notable object of graphic design in a big city. So, if you opt for Beck’s design language, you would get a London-like map, no matter what you depict. The transportation system must have a face, and aesthetics are as important as logic.
The main feature of the Moscow metro map is the circle line. It doesn’t fit Beck’s language, but it’s very important to Moscow. This is not of Moscow:
This, on the other hand, is:
London also has a line named Circle, but it has never been depicted as a circle. Today, it’s not even a closed loop:
These circle lines are major elements and form the overall impression of the map.
But little details also influence the perception of a map.
In London, the black rings of the transfer stations are noticeably thinner than the lines. The “corridors” are of the same width. The stations’ ticks are square, sticking out at two thirds of a line’s width. The names are typeset with blue New Johnston:
In Moscow, the fat rings of the transfers are colored with their lines’ colors. The corridors are much thinner and have a gradient. Some transfers are circular. The station ticks stick out at a full line’s width. The names are typeset with black Moscow Sans:
Look at this tram map:
It’s obvious that it’s a tram map for London, not for some other city. It follows London’s transportation graphic design standards — the rings, the ticks, the captions.
When we see the beige background, the particular palette of the lines, the filled station disks and the distinct designation of the transfers, we immediately recognize the Paris map:
Jug Cerović follows an unusual 18-degree-angle grid in his Luxembourg map. Once you see it, you’ll recognize it every time:
Why are they like this? The only reason is that we wanted this map to look special.
It is not enough for a good transportation map to just answer the question, “How do I get there?” Because it is used everywhere, it is a part of the city’s image. And if its design is powerful, it will influence the city in other ways.
Moscow’s circle line has inspired designers to create this beautiful wayfinding signage:
The round designations of New York’s subway train routes are used in all of the signage and have even made it to the dots of the i‘s in the pedestrian city maps (in the classic Helvetica these dots are rectangles):
And in London, the tube map has given birth to the graphical language of all transportation-related signage:
This graphical language is so iconic that you can even buy all sorts of souvenirs with its elements: t-shirts, umbrellas, shower curtains. This design has spread not only beyond the Tube, but beyond London. All sorts of maps are now done in this style:
Strong graphic design makes transportation systems more attractive. This helps cities get rid of privately owned cars. People spend more time outside, interacting with each other. This gives small businesses a boost and makes cities more pleasant to live in.
CSS is an amazing tool which we constantly use but we don’t seem to honor it appropriately. Whenever I see the growing browser support of the :focus-within selector, the much wanted justify-content: space-evenly for Flexbox or how great CSS Grids already work, I feel really grateful to have such awesome tools available to work with.
And with advanced new media queries such as prefers-reduced-motion, screen and (color), or pointer, we get amazing tools to improve accessibility and usability of our websites. Just let the user be in control how to view your amazing design and it’ll be a success for everyone.
The :focus-within CSS pseudo-selector11 is a nice way to enhance your form sections further. Browser support12 is still a bit limited so far but it’s already worth thinking about adding it to your code to improve design and usability for those whose browser support the selector already.
The CSS Flexbox Module specification now has a new value justify-content: space-evenly13. This new setting places even space between and to the outer of the elements — a feature we all wanted to have very much in Flexbox. It already works in Firefox, and Safari Tech Preview and Chrome Canary have the support as well.
Hampus Sethfors18 and Hugo Giraudel19 collected a bunch of real-world experiences regarding accessibility on websites. These two articles give a lot of insight on how to understand accessibility and usability of websites better.
Whether you’re into good ol’ drawing and painting, or quick editing in Photoshop or Illustrator, one thing’s for sure: they’re all creativity’s best friends. Some draw pictures all day1, while others find their inspiration in uncommon sources2 in order to break out of the box. Whatever it is that you decide to do, it’s good to challenge yourself more often and get out of your comfort zone. If you don’t, you may never discover something that you love doing, or perhaps even worse, never learn a whole lot about yourself.
If your excuse are pesky blackouts or simply having no clue what to create nor where to get started, don’t fret! Even the most talented artists out there practice so much more than you’d ever imagine, and hone their skills by trying out copywork3. The most important thing is to be confident and simply give it a try. For more encouragement, I’ve collected a good number of inspirational artwork that is bound to give you that spark you need to get started already!
An editorial illustration for DB Magazine in the US on the subject of the dangers of hackers within the hospital system. Beautiful style, colors and patterns.
Playing with color, shapes and shadow. That’s what you’ll see in this series called Colorful Boxes. Absolutely love the very bright colors in this one.
What could be so difficult about designing a decent date picker? Basically, we just need an input field and an icon that represents a calendar clearly enough, and once the user clicks on that icon, we pop up a little overlay with the days lined up in rows. Right?
Well, not every date picker fits every interface, just like not every interface actually needs a date picker. But when a date picker is required, quite often it’s just a bit too tedious and annoying to specify that one date, and too often it produces irrelevant results or even a zero-results page, although just a few minor refinements would make it much easier to use.
Over the last few years, I’ve spent a lot of time working with various companies trying out various approaches and studying them in usability tests. This series of articles is a summary of observations and experiments made throughout that time. Over the course of months, we’ll be exploring everything from carousels to car configurators. Having looked into the design of accordions1 two weeks ago, let’s look into the design of date and time pickers today — in all the various facets and flavors of their visual appearance and interaction design.
First things first, though: Date pickers are often considered to be a foolproof component for date selection — predictable, consistent, generic — and so more often than not, we use them just because they seem to be a universally accepted pattern for date input. But just like any other form element, sometimes they should be the method of last resort, aiding the user’s input if it can’t be inferred in a better way. Now, there are situations where date pickers are extremely helpful, and there are situations where they just slow users down. Our job, then, is to carefully study our own scenarios and figure out an optimal way to frame the question of time and date to help users provide the input quickly and easily.
The best input is the one that matches the user’s intent, without having to ask the user to be precise, of course. But what if we set a budget on the date input as at most two taps? Three taps for a date range? Five taps if we bring a time slot into the game as well? You might be wondering if it’s really a big deal; after all, it’s just a tiny little date picker! If date selection is front and center in your interface, you should expect users to use it a lot, and going to extremes to optimize date input isn’t really a matter of optimization, but is rather a core element of your website’s experience.
In fact, there are plenty of contexts in which date pickers matter: whether it’s for a medical appointment, a spa treatment, a boat rental, a TV guide, online banking, a flight ticket or a summer cottage rental — pretty much anything that requires date input is likely to have some sort of a date and time picker. And more often than not, all such websites tend to use the same (jQuery) implementation, plugged into the UI a while back and happily forgotten ever since. However, it might not be the best option for your particular case.
If we look closely at the nature of a date picker, there are a good number of design questions to be resolved — and many of them aren’t straightforward at all:
Are we designing a date picker, a date-range picker or a time picker?
Should the user be able to type in a date in the input field or only select predefined values using a date picker?
Should the date-picker overlay appear when the user clicks on the input or when they click on the calendar icon (or both)?
Should the date picker contain default prepopulated values? If yes, what values should be default?
Should we include some sort of “previous, current, next” navigation? If so, how do we design it for days, months and years?
Should we enhance the experience by displaying availability, price, etc.?
For date-range pickers on narrow screens, should the overlay automatically disappear once two dates are selected, or only when the user clicks on the “Continue” button to proceed?
Should the week run from Monday to Sunday or from Sunday to Saturday?
How do we avoid displaying unavailable dates or zero-results dead ends?
Is a date picker the right pattern to use for date selection in the first place?
Indeed, we have many decisions to consider, and most of them aren’t that straightforward at all. But let’s tackle one issue at a time. The main question we should ask ourselves first is what problem and in which context exactly are we solving and how can a date picker help there or, more specifically, what kind of a date picker would help users move forward in completing their task seamlessly.
Before choosing an interface pattern to apply to your problem, it’s important to understand what kind of date input you actually need. Is it enough to know just one day, or do you need a date range? The latter doesn’t mean that you have to use two date-pickers, though, but it will affect the interaction and the design of the component.
You might also want to extend the date picker with a time input, but it doesn’t mean that the experience has to happen in steps — date picker first, time picker second. There are also ways to integrate both the day and time selection in one single component. We’ll explore some of them later in the article.
Beyond that, it’s a good idea to look into the expected range of values that your visitors will most likely type in. Perhaps you’ll need to extend the date input with a set of predefined options, or limit the range of accepted values, or complement it with numerical input so that customers can type in the values manually. In fact, the latter option might be useful more often than not — the problem is that it’s quite difficult to get right.
One thing is certain: If you’ve been considering a date picker, chances are high that, you know, you need some sort of a date input (duh!). You could, of course, use three separate numerical inputs, separated by a separator symbol — perhaps a <select> dropdown for the day, month and year — but with that design, users will embark on a journey through tapping and scrolling, which isn’t necessarily the most seamless or fastest experience. We want the date to be chosen as quickly as possible, and being able to set the date with two taps (tap to open the calendar, and tap to pick a day) would be much easier than dealing with three separate input fields.
All right, then. What if instead of three separate inputs, we keep only one — perhaps with the format helper DD/MM/YYYY, for example? As the user starts typing, the transition between day and month and year should happen seamless and automatically, so that the user wouldn’t need to do anything but keep typing on the numerical keyboard. Ideally, they’d be finished with the input after, at most, eight keystrokes. Obviously, we can’t assume whether the user knows the exact date, but it would be useful to make precise input possible, complementary to a regular date picker. Especially in interfaces where the date input can vary a lot (such as with passport expiry dates), typing the value instead of endlessly tapping through years and months just sounds more reasonable, right?
Well, numerical input has to be reliable enough to manage all kinds of edge cases — and there are plenty of them. Of course, we’ll be using some sort of a label or placeholder to indicate the order of the day, month and year input and an example of the input format, but inline validation should pick up an ill-formatted input quickly and suggest corrections to drive the user forward in the input flow. Watch out for the day on which the week starts. If your company is international and most customers come from the US, then you’ll probably need to change the UI based on the user’s location or preferences to avoid misbookings.
Being reliable also means being forgiving. If the user wants to select March 1st, 2019, with the numerical input MM/DD/YYYY, they would need to type in 01 / 03 / 19. As designers, that’s exactly the input we are expecting.
Now, how would users type in the data when encountering that numerical input? If you observe users typing in a date in an input, you’ll see them pause for a second, type in 1, then manually switch to the month input, type 3, then manually switch to the year input and type the year — either 19 or 2019.
Other users will play it safe and type in 03 and 01 explicitly. Still others will try to include a separator sign in either of these inputs. Because in some implementations the placeholder disappears once the input is activated, some users will use a different separator sign than the one you’ve accounted for — often a hyphen (-) or slash (/). Some users will try to increment the value by using the up and down arrows in the input fields. And some users will choose to tab through the fields when typing in the date. Oh, what a nightmare it is for inline validation!
Why do users do this? Mostly because they have been burned in the past — by clunky interfaces whose data input was designed poorly, resulting in a frustrating experience of going back and forth — for example, seeing an incorrectly interpreted input, then hitting a tiny day or month selection input to correct it, but ending up resetting the other input as a result. In all of these cases, it’s easy to get frustrated. And in all of these scenarios, the designer’s implementation should be able to properly interpret the input and support the user, rather than throwing errors left and right (with autocomplete or smart suggestions).
Keep the date format suggestion (in the placeholder) when the user activates the input field. Keep the delimiters and placeholders displayed as the users manually inputs the date. If that’s not possible for some reason, use a floating label to continue displaying the format (this does have some accessibility issues12, but there are some13solutions14 as well.)
Numerical input matters in cases where the range of input varies widely — potentially spanning years, such as visa validity dates, or accounting for predictable input, such as birthday dates. That’s where it’s worth investing into a proper numerical input. You could even take it to the next level, supporting actual context-sensitive input. Perhaps instead of asking for a specific input format, you could support queries such as “yesterday,” “now,” “today,” “next Friday,” “one year ago,” “two weeks ago” or even “5 days into July.”
Depending on the nature of your application, allowing for flexible dates might be useful, and typing the query in the input field would be easy enough. If that’s not possible, then it might be a good idea to add easily tappable, predefined options for “today,” “tomorrow,” “in 7 days” and so on alongside the date picker. It could be useful when searching for the optimal fare for an airline ticket. In fact, that’s exactly the technique that Kremlin.ru1817 uses. Of course, you also need to communicate that you support this kind of “smart” fuzzy input prominently as well.
While numerical input is useful and it’s good to have it available as a fallback, in some situations a date picker is infinitely more useful — for example, when the customer is booking a short vacation. What if the user is looking for a quick weekend trip within the next six weeks, but they don’t have exact dates in mind — instead, they are exploring pricing and availability, which means they will be jumping between days and weeks, and potentially even months, a lot. In such cases, numerical input would be way too slow and tiring, whereas a calendar view would be way more relevant because it displays weekend options lined up in a grid upon a tap.
If we examine the interaction with the date-picker input field a bit closer, we’ll stumble upon a number of micro-decisions around its interaction design. Should the input field have default values, or should it be left blank, perhaps populated with a date placeholder, showing an example of the correct input? If we do use default values, which values do we choose? And once the user has selected dates but refreshes the page, should the input be persistent in the fields or reset automatically?
Frankly, we didn’t test, nor did we spot any preference for, any of the options above, but it seems that setting random values for the customer isn’t really the best option because it would force customers to “fix” the values from the seemingly random ones to the ones they are actually looking for. However, if your customers are likely to buy last-minute deals on your website (be it shows, public transportation or hotels), then the current date (“today”) or even current time (“now”) might be a good option — especially in a time-sensitive context, like a TV guide. The final decision will come from the general behavior you’ve gathered from your frequent customers.
Once the user has selected dates or time slots but refreshed the page (accidentally or deliberately), we can choose to cancel the selection or keep it as is. If the user accidentally refreshed, they won’t be delighted about their input being lost and having to retype it again. That’s frustrating. If the user deliberately refreshed, they’d see predefined dates and have to “fix” the dates. This can be quite frustrating as well, unless you provide a noticeable “Reset” or “New search” link next to the date input. Instead of manually deleting all of the previous input, the customer can clear the selection with one tap. This is also where a mini-stepper could be helpful as well, as dates might not change significantly. In that latter case, adjusting the date using two native scroll wheels, for example, would be just way too annoying.
In a nutshell, it’s a good idea to prepopulate the dates only if you are certain that the user is likely to choose these dates; also, persist data after a page refresh (unless the input is time-sensitive), and add a “Reset” link to enable the user to cancel their input easily. By the way, that reset link should probably be available in the calendar overlay as well.
One might think that you’d need to be really creative to come up with a distinct design for the calendar overlay. After all, they are so generic most of the time! Usually, the overlay appears under the date-input field, and mostly as a full-screen overlay on narrow screens and as a smaller panel on the desktop. The days are lined up in rows, grouped as weeks, with drop-downs to navigate the years and months. However, as it turns out, a calendar overlay could contain various level of detail and navigation.
The simplest question is, should the week row start on Monday or Sunday? Well, it depends on the service you are providing and the audience you are targeting. Should a date picker always contain the year input? Probably not on a public transportation website, a TV guide or a food delivery service. Should you display all day options and month options all the time? Probably not if you are designing a car rental website — you probably wouldn’t need to book a car more than a few months in advance. And if you are using these services in months when the next year could be an option — such as in mid-December — you might get away without displaying the year, because January would obviously be January of the upcoming year.
There is another level of complexity to it, though. In some situations, displaying an actual day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) is important (for example, for booking an appointment). In other situations, it’s irrelevant (such as for a birthday). Sometimes we do want to display availability or pricing (such as for booking a flight). And sometimes we want to know a date range (for renting a summer cottage) or an exact time slot (a restaurant reservation), rather than just a date. In such cases, we need to complement a date selection with a time-slot selection, or indicate the connection between the start date and end date somehow.
It’s worth considering the level of detail to provide in your date picker early on to help users make an informed choice more quickly. If availability matters, consider clearly separating available and unavailable options. Additionally, if there are different options or price tags associated with different dates, then it might be useful to color-code to indicate better fares or better availability. If many customers are booking your services over the weekend, clearly indicate weekends and, potentially, public holidays.
What would you choose to highlight for a selected day in your interface? Perhaps availability on that day? Maybe different opening or closing times? The kind of show running on that particular day? It’s also a safe bet to restrict or disable certain selections, or at least provide a hint right away in the calendar if a selected date range won’t bear the expected result.
Figure out the critical detail that’s important to your customers and expose it prominently — for example, with gray dots (to denote unavailable) and green dots (available). The latter could appear in different sizes, for different grades of availability. It doesn’t have to be a full-detail view, though — potentially, even a color gradient overlay would do the job, with a list detail view that could be progressively disclosed once the date is selected.
It’s easy to get lost among all those fine features and indicators, but it’s also critical to get the basics right first. Don’t forget to indicate the current day, so that customers can easily see the relationship between a remote date and the current date.
Obviously, you will need the day and probably the month most of the time, but you might not need to display the year all the time. Or at least, if the year isn’t used that much, it doesn’t have to be as prominent as the other input, and perhaps appear only when needed, with some sort of progressive disclosure. In all of these cases, you’ll also need to include some sort of navigation between days, months and years. It doesn’t have to be only a select drop-down though.
For date selection that is not so fixed, such as a wedding date or the beginning of employment, you might want to look into a more dynamic input that would complement a good ol’ date picker — for instance, a mini-stepper.
If many customers are likely to explore a quite short range of date options, you could add quick “previous” and “next” navigation next to the day input right in the input field. For example, when booking a weekend trip, a user might want to leave either on late Thursday or early Friday, but late Saturday is definitely out of question, so instead of retyping the input or selecting the date in the calendar overlay, a single tap would produce the expected result.
In fact, that’s exactly what Google Flights38 uses as an addition to its date-range picker. To be able to jump quickly between months and years, you could add a mini-stepper for them as well (again, think how quick the change of the date would be for a passport expiry input).
In general, a mini-stepper is a good enhancement for every date picker. However, it probably shouldn’t be considered a replacement for a calendar overlay. Of course, tapping is easy; but it can also get very tedious very quickly. In usability sessions, you can see how the annoyance level (and blood pressure) increase with every tap after the 10th tap. Eventually, some users switch to numerical input instead altogether (if it’s possible, of course).
So, what to choose? Study the purpose of the calendar and the scope of the date input range first. If the date is likely to be quite far in the past or the future (for example, for booking a vacation), then a numerical input with a date picker might be a good option. If the date input range is usually quite short (less than six weeks, such as when booking a medical appointment), definitely consider adding a mini-stepper for quicker jumps.
Ideally, providing all three options — a numerical input, a calendar overlay and a mini-stepper — seems to be a safe bet, as long as numerical input is reliable enough. If there are only a few options to display at a time, then perhaps a date picker isn’t necessary for your interface at all. Consider displaying predefined options as links, buttons or perhaps even a slider, instead of prompting a calendar overlay.
Date input doesn’t necessarily require a date picker, but usually a date picker is a good solution. However, not all date pickers are created equal, and interaction design will vary quite significantly depending on the context. One thing is certain, though: Unless the date picker is displayed as is in plain sight, it will have to be prompted by a click or tap on an input field or a date picker icon (usually some sort of a calendar icon).
Here’s another question: Should the overlay appear when the user chooses to click on the calendar icon or on the input field — or both? Of course, if numerical input is possible, the click on the input field shouldn’t trigger the calendar. However, if that’s not the case, the entire field should trigger the date picker overlay. But maybe we should treat the use case of a user manually prompting a date picker as an exception rather than a rule for interaction with our interfaces?
It’s quite remarkable that in many interfaces, date selection is usually not the very first data that the user is asked for. For some mysterious reason, it is often preceded by other, often more general, input.
For example, booking interfaces usually ask users about the destination of their journey before asking for the dates. While the calendar overlay should, of course, be triggered by a tap on the icon and in many cases the input field, what if it was triggered automatically once the user finished the preceding input?
Ryanair57, for example, seamlessly drives the user forward through the input, displaying the date picker automatically. When the initial date selection is done, the second date picker for the end date is triggered automatically. In an ideal scenario, then, defining a date range takes just two taps, unless you have to switch between months. The interface takes care of this issue: At any point of time, the date picker displays the view with two months at a time (on both narrow and wide screens). Because most journeys are unlikely to span more than two months, jumping between months is often not necessary, and input can be achieved much faster. Unfortunately, the website is hardly accessible, which makes input literally impossible with voiceover.
The selected range is visualized immediately by connecting the dates visually in the calendar with a background color change. This range should be announced by a screen reader as well when a selection is made.
This simple technique boosts completion of the date-range input because no click or tap on the date-input field or icon is required in the entire interaction. By always moving forward in the form, the user never has to actively switch or think about the date selection — everything is literally just a tap away.
It’s all good if a date picker is used every now and again, but what if you wanted to really power-boost the experience for your frequent customers? What are the common issues that keep appearing? How can interaction with a date picker be designed even better?
That’s where we need to dive slightly deeper into the features and functionality that a date picker might provide. What if you included keyboard shortcuts to enable keyboard-accessible selection of the date and movement by days, weeks or months? It might be helpful to be able to jump to the first or last day of a week, and to escape to the date input field.
That’s exactly what Airbnb does. In fact, Airbnb’s date picker is open-sourced66 and can be used right away as a React component — comprehensive and bulletproof, and it supports localization as well. If your customers are relying on a date picker, enabling them to jump between dates via keyboard shortcuts does have a learning curve, but it could be a real boost. It would be quite difficult to make a date picker more powerful than that.
When we think about date selection, we probably imagine a couple of input fields along with a calendar overlay. Date selection doesn’t have to use form elements at all, though. Here’s an idea: What if we used a conversational interface with smart defaults, asking the customer to either type or choose the day, month and year — obviously, with a date picker, just in case the date doesn’t come up in the overview of predefined options. Adhithya Kumar built a quick Invision mockup67 of what the basic interaction could be like. You’ll find a couple of examples of such interaction below as well.
In some situations, asking for the exact date might be overly specific and unnecessary. For instance, a food delivery service might benefit from quick shortcuts to “tonight,” “tomorrow morning” or “Monday,” rather than a calendar overlay. Museum website could offer tickets for the next few days (“today,” “tomorrow,” “weekend”) and a calendar overlay for more precise input. In fact, you could explore most frequently used timeframes and suggest quick shortcuts to the most common selections.
The National Geographic schedule page76 highlights shows prominently, grouping them by time. A little switcher in the left upper corner switches between daily and weekly views. The mobile view is not available, but it could easily display daily view on mobile (by default), with an option to switch to weekly view, and the other way around on desktop. Common selections (“Early morning”, “Morning”, “Afternoon”, “Primetime”) are extracted from the time picker — a precise input isn’t necessary.
If your date input should be even fuzzier than above, or your customers sometimes don’t have a specific date in mind, a date picker should probably be the method of last resort. More often than not, a couple of presets and general suggestions, combined with filters, would work way better than browsing months and years ever would.
In that case, you could still provide a detailed calendar view, displaying all options at once, and using color coding, for example, to indicate best prices. In fact, that’s what Google Flights7977 displays when flexible dates are selected. However, the option is dropped on narrow screens altogether.
Dohop888581, on the other hand, uses not only flexible dates but also flexible location as the main feature, prominently highlighting both features as the user starts typing in their destination or date. Instead of the price, the calendar view highlights the availability of direct and indirect flights, as well as whether there are flight days with no connections (based on the user’s defined departure days, for example).
Just like any other input, a date input can also be accomplished by moving the knob of a slider. The good ol’ slider can be used either for a single value input or to specify a date range, and indeed it’s often featured in interfaces where the customer can set a predefined range of dates.
A discussion of sliders deserves another article, but the main problem is that too often they just don’t allow for precise enough input90. The wider or the denser the range selectable through a slider, the harder it is to use. In usability tests, you’ll see users desperately try to set the exact date in a slider by moving the knob very carefully and very slowly. If we think about the date or time range — which can vary a lot, and encompass months or a wide range of time slots — then picking one of the options can become quite an adventure on narrow screens.
Sliders seem to work best when the specific value does not matter much, or when you have a very limited set of options to scrub through. Unfortunately, it won’t be the case for most date pickers, especially when the date is adjusted and refined quite frequently.
Where Does This Leave An OS’ Native Date Picker? Link
At this point, you might be wondering whether all of that effort and all of these considerations are actually worth it. Why not use native93date94pickers95 — isn’t that exactly what they are intended for? Besides, because they are native, they will look and behave consistently with the user’s expectations anyway.
The problem with native date pickers is that they are very limited in their design and functionality. For example, it’s impossible to add any details such as availability or pricing to a native date picker to avoid zero-results pages. It’s also impossible to select a date range and highlight the connection between two dates because it doesn’t provide a calendar overview.
Just like with regular numerical input, the starting point and end point require two separate date pickers. Scrolling through dates is predictable and consistent, but because selection requires precision, they become very annoying very quickly in usability interviews. Also, native date pickers aren’t supported in desktop browsers, and so you still would need to design the experience for larger views, essentially transforming a <select> menu into a calendar overlay anyway.
Does it mean that using a native control is always a bad idea? Not at all. If the date input in your case is faster with native controls, and you don’t need a calendar view, then using a native date picker is absolutely reasonable. In fact, while numerical input might have formatting issues due to differences in day formats, the user is more likely to provide proper data quickly this way because native controls cater to the user’s mobile device. However, whenever you need slightly more than just an exact and “stable” date, such as a birthday, then native date pickers seem to hit their limitations quite quickly.
Things get slightly more complicated when, in addition to a date picker, you also need to provide a time-slot picker. The easiest way to achieve time selection would be by providing an extra input field as a step after the date has been selected. This brings us back to square one again: That input field could support manual input, or contain a mini-stepper, or prompt a custom drop-down, or appear as a slider or be a native <select> menu.
But what if we look at this issue from a slightly different perspective? Now, a typical example of an interface with a time picker would be booking an appointment or a restaurant reservation. In these cases, both the date and time matter, but sometimes the date matters a bit more, whereas other times, time matters a bit more. One thing is certain, though: Choosing a date isn’t helpful if there are no appropriate time slots on that day. Wouldn’t it be more reasonable, then, to ask for the time slot first, just to display all available days with the time in question (or closest slots) for quicker selection? In that case, time selection acts as a filter to remove all unavailable days.
In fact, when it comes to appointments, a good number of users have a certain time slot in mind, because the day might be packed with work time and family matters. The selection of time, then, can’t be a radio button, but rather a multi-select group, allowing for various options at once.
In fact, that’s exactly the idea that Matthew Talebi suggested107 recently. Prompt the customer to select the time range that best fits their schedule (morning, afternoon or evening), and display next available appointments in a list, available for booking.
Alternatively, you could combine date and time selection in one screen as well. On Treatwell.nl108, customers can slide through the days horizontally while the list of available time slots appears horizontally — with the price displayed inline. That’s a slightly more compact way to combine date and time pickers in one place — and it’s quite common in TV guides as well.
Envy.rent114112 extends its date picker with a slider for selecting an approximate time slot to pick up a rented car. A precise slot doesn’t matter much in that case, but a group of checkboxes would do the job here as well.
The Calendars 5116 app uses a sort of tabbed navigation to switch between date and time selection. The panel at the bottom is easily accessible for the thumb. The time view, though, has a very unusual layout for time selection, with options grouped by daytime and nighttime, and minutes listed in a slider, basically resulting in 36 clickable buttons. A slightly better way to provide exact input would be to use a native control or progressive disclosure, where we could display only AM or PM first, and then allow users to dive into specific hour or minute input if needed.
If your problem is very specific, you might explore alternative designs altogether — the date-picker overlay doesn’t have to contain a calendar view, but could rather be a group of pre-defined buttons to “construct” the date. Alternate Date Picker122 is designed with the goal to provide the easiest way to define a date from very wide range of dates (1800–2999). The selection doesn’t require keyboard input, nor does it prompt a calendar overlay or slider. You just tap on buttons to build the date. (Thanks to Slav for heads up in the comments!)
Localization matters. Whether you are using a date input or time input, it’s critical to have some sort of strategy of how you will target specific regions of the world to avoid misbookings. You could use a combination of drop-down and numerical input to minimize the number of mistakes made, like Gmail130125 and Yahoo132126 do for input fields. But at least when it comes to the calendar view of weeks, you’ll need to dynamically switch between US-formatted dates and EU-formatted dates, for example — and potentially consider Hijri, Hebrew, Chinese and your user base-specific calendars in addition to Gregorian calendar as well. You can always check the Date Format By Country Wikipedia page127 as a reference as well.
Making one of those date pickers accessible isn’t trivial, because date selection should be keyboard-accessible and you would need to toggle between open and collapsed states. You can find an overview of accessible date pickers133. Also, consider looking into Whatsock’s examples134.
Looking back now, what can we do with a date picker? We can combine day, month and year into one input field, add a fancy calendar icon, and prompt a calendar overlay that exposes the main purpose of the calendar prominently. We could use smart inputs, a mini-stepper and flexible dates, and we could allow users to switch between week and month views or change the level of fidelity of the calendar accordingly.
We could even consider two separate views — a big-picture calendar along with a detailed list. The transition from start date to end date should be seamless and should happen without prompting a second calendar, just with a few taps. Typing in an input field might be less annoying than scrolling through the select wheeler or jumping back and forth between months and years. And to help users find the perfect day, we can expose the most relevant detail, such as availability or pricing, in the calendar as well.
If you’re about to design a date picker, here are all of the questions you might have to ask yourself in order to choose the right solution for your problem:
Decide whether you are designing a date picker, a date-range picker or a time picker.
Is the flow between input fields and calendar overlay seamless, with the next step triggered automatically?
Is date picker the right pattern to use for date selection in the first place? Would it be faster to have predefined options as radio buttons instead, or a slider, or a native OS date picker, or a conversational interface?
How do we avoid displaying unavailable dates or zero-results dead ends?
Consider localization techniques; for example, a mix of a “month” drop-down and manual date input for month and year for birthdays.
If the date is likely to be quite far in the past or the future (for example, when booking a vacation), a numerical input with a date picker might be a good option. If the date input range is usually quite short (less than six weeks, such as when booking a medical appointment), definitely consider adding a mini-stepper for quicker jumps.
Should the user be able to type in a date in the input field or only select predefined values using a calendar overlay?
With a numerical input, is inline validation robust and reliable enough for various separators and ill-formatted inputs? Is it also keyboard-accessible?
Do we allow for “smart” date input? For instance, do we accept “three days ago,” “yesterday,” “next week” or “in July” as an input?
Should the date-picker contain preselected default values? If yes, then what values will be default?
Do we keep the expected date format suggestion (placeholder) when the user activates the input field?
Persist data after a page refresh, and add a “Reset” link to enable the user to cancel their input easily or not?
Do we add a mini-stepper navigation for quick jumps between days, months or years — right in the input field and in the calendar overlay?
Ideally, providing numerical input, a calendar overlay and a mini-stepper seems to be a safe bet, as long as numerical input is reliable enough.
Ideally, any date selection should be achieved within at most three taps.
Should the date-picker overlay appear when the user clicks on the input or with a click on the calendar icon (or both)?
How many weeks, months or days would you display in a given view?
How do we incorporate any localization techniques? For example, should the week run from Monday to Sunday or from Sunday to Saturday?
How do we indicate the current day and time in the calendar overlay?
Should we include some sort of “previous, current, next” mini-stepper for quicker navigation?
Figure out the critical detail that’s important to your customers and expose it prominently. It could be availability, pricing, public holidays. Use colored dots or background color-coding for different options.
Did you make sure that the date-picker disappears when the user clicks outside the date-picker overlay? Do you have a “close” button as well?
Is it possible to escape to the numerical date input field?
Should user be able to clear the selection with a “Reset selection” button?
The simplest option is to combine a vertical slider for days, with a horizontally laid out data list of time slots.
What’s more useful: asking for the time slot first, or for the date first? Time selection could act as a filter to remove all unavailable days.
Consider adding most frequently used timeframes and suggest quick shortcuts to the most common selections.
And that’s a wrap! Perhaps you had very different experiences than the ones mentioned in the article? Let us know in the comments to this article! Also, if you have another component in mind that you’d love to have covered, let us know, too — we’ll see what we can do!
This article is part of the new ongoing series about responsive design patterns here on yours truly, Smashing Magazine. We’ll be publishing an article in this series every two weeks. Don’t miss the next one — on fancy (and not so fancy) responsive car configurators sliders. Interested in a (printed) book covering all of the patterns, including the one above? Let us know in the comments, too — perhaps we can look into combining all of these patterns into one single book and publishing it on Smashing Magazine. Keep rockin’!
What comes to your mind when you hear the word “business”? White collars, cubicle offices, and encrusted habits? Not when you ask the folks at Vexels161. Their Business Concept icon set manages to break free from the conceptions that are stuck in our heads and paints a fresh and creative picture instead. One that captures the liveliness of today’s startup world. And, well, we are very happy to present you the icons as a freebie.
Colorful, friendly, but nonetheless straight to the point, that’s Vexels’ take on the business subject. There are 28 icons in the set in total, depicting concepts that help a business thrive — from vision and strategy to teamwork and competition. All icons are available in AI, EPS, SVG, PSD, and PNG formats.
Please note that this icon set is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported4 license. This means that you may modify the size, color, and shape of the icons. Attribution is required, so if you would like to use the icons, please do remember to credit the designers and to link to this article if you want to spread the word in blog posts or anywhere else.
“We view business as an opportunity to work with talented people, to grow and help each other out while making a great product in the process. We created this icon collection because of it. This pack is colorful and lively, it’s a set where competition isn’t seen like the enemy and creativity and innovation have an important role.”
A big thank you to the folks at Vexels161 for designing this wonderful icon set — we sincerely appreciate your time and efforts! Keep up the fantastic work!
Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) has been running for 34 years, which is 6 years longer than The Simpsons. Like Netflix, Apple likes to drop a whole season at once. When it does, I devote that week and the following weekend to binge-watching as many videos as I can and trying out some of the new technology, especially as it relates to iOS.
In the past 10 years, a big portion of these conferences has been devoted to iOS. This is where we learned about the first iPhone SDK, notifications, share and today widgets, the iOS 7 redesign, iPad multitasking, and other iOS milestones. I was genuinely surprised with some of the announcements this year.
Here’s my overview of what happened this WWDC season, with code samples. But before we begin, there are some things you need to keep in mind. If you want to try out any of the sample projects, you are going to have to update your Mac to macOS Sierra 10.12.5 (the latest point release), and have Xcode 9 installed. If you are super-brave, or just irresponsible, you’ll need at least one device on iOS 11 for some of the samples to work. I fall under the irresponsible category here, but I also needed iOS 11 for my day job and to write this article, which seemed like a good excuse, but it’s not. Everything is working fine for me so far, but this is a huge risk. Don’t do it with an unbacked-up device you care about.
Go to the same website on your device, and install the iOS 11 Beta Configuration Profile6. This will let you get iOS 11 Beta and updates through the normal iOS update mechanism. (A free developer account is required.)
While you are waiting for Xcode 9 to download, go watch the WWDC Keynote9 if you haven’t seen it. If you have, watch the “Platforms State of the Union4510.” All WWDC session videos have to viewed in Safari or in the WWDC app on any iOS or tvOS device. Another great option is the unofficial WWDC app for macOS11.
This article is about the WWDC updates that matter most to iOS developers, so I’ll skim through some of the big news on other fronts.
There were updates across the MacBook and iMac lines, including a tease for a new iMac Pro12 with very high-end components (up to 18 cores) and a new space-gray finish, to be released in December.
These new iMacs (and MacBooks with an external GPU) can be used to create virtual reality (VR) content, and this was demoed, with ILM showing off a VR Darth Vader. Steam, Unity and Unreal VR engines will release Mac versions later this year.
The new macOS will be called High Sierra, and, as the name indicates, this release is meant to be a refinement of Sierra. Apple File System will make its Mac debut in this release.
The iPad Pro also got component bumps, and the smaller size has been increased to 10.5 inches. The video refresh rate on both is variable and up to 120 Hz (twice the previous speed).
iOS system apps got updates, including handwriting recognition and document scanning in Notes, live photo effects, and a new Files app that lets you get to the files inside of apps directly.
Apple announced a new smart speaker named HomePod16. It describes it as a cross between a high-end speaker like Sonos and a smart speaker like Amazon Echo. It’s also scheduled for December, but I’d expect this to be available to buy for the holidays.
Apple Watch has a new Siri watch face that gives you information that it thinks you want (using machine learning). This is a lot like Google Now, but it does it all on the device, so your privacy is protected.
Apple Pay supports peer-to-peer payment through iMessage, so you can split up a restaurant bill with just a text message.
The App Store has been totally redesigned. It looks a lot like the Music app and puts Games into its own area. Developers can now roll out releases over time, among other features.
Amazon Prime Video will be available on Apple TV later this year.
That’s a lot, and we haven’t even gotten to the new developer capabilities in iOS 11.
Every year, iOS developers can expect some refinements to the overall system experience, and this year we got a big one: drag and drop. A lot of app developers try to do this themselves, but now iOS provides built-in support for it that supports multi-select, default animations and standardized interactions. On iPad, it even works between apps. You could say it was overdue, and perhaps it was, but we didn’t even get copy-and-paste until iPhone OS 3.
Another big addition to the system is that files are now more of a first-class concept. You can browse your device’s documents in the Files app (which includes cloud-based documents from iCloud Drive and third-party services), but, also, any app can bring up a file browser for the user to pick files from.
The new drag-and-drop system interaction is implemented so that any view can participate by having a UIDragInteraction attached to it and then implementing the appropriate delegates. Similarly, the drop target just needs to implement the drop delegates to accept the dragged data. On iPad, items can be dragged from one app to another, but on iPhone, drag and drop only works inside the same app.
One nice thing is that if a view already knows how to accept pasted data, then it automatically will accept drops of the same kind. So, UITextView can automatically have text dropped onto it without your needing to add anything to your app. You can get the basics by watching the “Introducing Drag and Drop18” video or downloading the demo app19.
If you want to add drag or drop behaviors to a UITableView or UICollectionView, then a lot of the work is done for you already, and you just need to implement the drag or drop delegates specific to those views. The details can be found in the “Drag and Drop With Collection and Table View20” video and demo app21.
The UICollectionView/UITableView Drag and Drop Demo app implements a photo album that supports using drag and drop to:
reorder photos in an album,
move photos from one album to another,
move all of an album’s photos to another album,
copy images between this app and other ones.
The main points to look at are in PhotoCollectionViewController.swift in the sample app (which you can download22):
A UIViewController with a collection view should implement the UICollectionViewDragDelegate to allow drags and the UICollectionViewDropDelegate to allow drops.
class PhotoCollectionViewController: UICollectionViewController, UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout, UICollectionViewDragDelegate, UICollectionViewDropDelegate {
As with other delegates, you should assign the collection view’s drag and drop delegates to self in viewDidLoad.
The only required drag delegate protocol method is called to create a UIDragItem array when dragging starts. A drag item holds any object that represents the drag data.
In this case, we return true if the dragged item can be turned into an image.
Once the drop actually happens, we need to copy or move the photos into the collection view.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, performDropWith coordinator: UICollectionViewDropCoordinator) { guard album != nil else { return } let destinationIndexPath = coordinator.destinationIndexPath ?? IndexPath(item: 0, section: 0) switch coordinator.proposal.operation { case .copy: // Receiving items from another app. loadAndInsertItems(at: destinationIndexPath, with: coordinator) case .move: move(items: coordinator.items, with: coordinator) default: return } }
There are entry points for customizing the lift and drop animations, and for moving items out of the way, and a lot of other possibilities. Many of the optional features are implemented in the sample app, and more details were covered in the “Mastering Drag and Drop23” session. You could also read the “Drag and Drop5224” documentation.
If your iOS app is also available as a mobile web app, then you can get access to the user’s website credentials to let them log into your app automatically.
To support pre-iOS 11 features (such as universal links25), you probably already have an apple-app-site-association file to connect your website and app (if not, you should do that). All you need to do in addition is set the content type of your username and password UITextFields to .username and .password, respectively.
The new Files app lets users browse files directly, but if your app needs files from other apps, you can bring up a document-picker view, similar to how you would have used an image picker to get a photo from the Photos app.
Swift 4 is open-source, so most of what’s happening in it can be seen in the mailing list and GitHub repository. One thing that was shown at WWDC is the new Codable protocol, which allows structs to be encoded via the NSCoding classes. All you need to do is declare conformance to the Codable protocol, and Swift will give you a default implementation, like so:
struct WWDCVideo : Codable { let title: String let presenters: [String] let videoURL: URL }
This gets you automatic JSON support. You encode a struct like this:
let swiftVideo = WWDCVideo( title: "What's New in Swift", presenters: [ "Doug Gregor", "Bob Wilson", "Ben Cohen", "John McCall", ], videoURL: URL(string: "")! ) let jsonData = try JSONEncoder().encode(swiftVideo)
And you decode with this:
let vid = try JSONDecoder().decode(WWDCVideo.self, from: jsonData)
Also, Codable supports custom encoding and decoding if you need it, and it supports an easy way to make simple alterations, like alternate key names (see CodingKeys).
One big theme of WWDC was how Apple is using machine learning (ML) to add features across the system and apps. The Siri watchface at the top of the keynote was the first example, but Apple announced so many ML-based features that it was not a surprise when it introduced CoreML, a new Apple framework that implements the run phase of ML models, such as neural networks.
At a very high level, machine learning is used to implement functions that map arbitrary inputs to arbitrary outputs. Instead of the mapping being coded directly, it’s learned from sample data. In iOS, machine learning has been used to implement facial recognition, OCR, handwriting recognition, typed-text prediction, Siri and a lot of other features.
The first thing that CoreML does is define a machine-learning-model file specification. This file is something you create ahead of time by using training software to describe your model and feeding it a lot of examples of inputs and the expected outputs. Over time, the software will be able to predict the outputs for new inputs. This understanding can be exported to model files to be used in other programs that can run models.
Once you drag a model file into your Xcode project, a Swift class is created for you that exposes a simple function that you can use to run the model on your input.
A common form of ML input is an image (from the camera, for example), and a common output is a rectangle of a recognized region in the photo. It might look something like this:
let kittenFinder = KittenFinder() let r: CGRect = kittenFinder.findKitten(image: imageView.image)
The exact interface is generated from your model file. When you call it, all kinds of things are taken care of for you. For example, models based on images usually need a specific size and pixel format (color or grayscale). CoreML will automatically convert whatever image you send it to whatever the model actually needs (and supports all of the ways an image can be represented in iOS).
Using the model is extremely simple. Making these models is left as a exercise to the developer, but there are actually a lot of open-source ones, and Apple has made some available30 for you to use in your apps. The model format’s specification is open, and there’s an open-source Python library to help you convert31 other formats to it. It’s likely that the ML community will make more models available in this format in the coming months.
But Apple didn’t stop there. On top of CoreML, It wrote two more frameworks that make some common tasks even easier. The Vision framework assumes that you want to recognize objects in a live camera stream, and it can read AVCaptureSession images automatically. It also builds in some models, such as a more accurate face detector that can also give you the location of “face landmarks” (for example, eyes, nose, mouth).
There is no sample app or documentation for detecting faces yet, but I was able to piece something together from what Apple showed in the Vision session (get it on GitHub34).
In a typical AVCaptureSession-based app, add the Vision import to your View Controller
import Vision
And add this property to make detection requests:
var requests: [VNDetectFaceRectanglesRequest] = []
Initialize it in this function, which you should call in viewDidLoad:
In your captureOutput implementation, add this code:
guard let imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer) else { return } // Make the Face Detection Request var requestOptions: [VNImageOption: Any] = [:] if let cameraIntrinsicData = CMGetAttachment(sampleBuffer, kCMSampleBufferAttachmentKey_CameraIntrinsicMatrix, nil) { requestOptions = [.cameraIntrinsics: cameraIntrinsicData] } // The orientation should be determined from the phone position, but assume portrait (1) for now let imageRequestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(cvPixelBuffer:imageBuffer, orientation: 1, options: requestOptions) do { try imageRequestHandler.perform(self.requests) } catch { // handle this }
When a face is detected, this function will be called:
func handleFaces(request: VNRequest, error: Error?) { DispatchQueue.main.async { self.hideFaceBox() guard let result = (request.results as? [VNFaceObservation])?.first else { return } let bb = result.boundingBox if let imgFrame = self.imageView?.frame { // Bounding Box is a 0..<1.0 normlized to the size of the input image and // the origin is at the bottom left of the image (so Y needs to be flipped) let faceSize = CGSize(width: bb.width * imgFrame.width, height: bb.height * imgFrame.height) self.drawFaceBox(frame: CGRect(x: imgFrame.origin.x + bb.origin.x * imgFrame.width, y: imgFrame.origin.y + imgFrame.height - (bb.origin.y * imgFrame.height) - faceSize.height, width: faceSize.width, height: faceSize.height) ) } } }
The request passed in has a results array. We grab the first element and turn its bounding box into a frame for a semi-transparent view to show over the captured image. The main thing to note is that the coordinate system of the bounding box puts the origin in the bottom-left, whereas the iPhone puts the origin in the top-left, so we need to flip the Y coordinate.
There’s also a natural language processing (NLP) library, which didn’t seem as useful to me, but it can detect languages and label parts of speech in a text input. The core parts could be used to implement something like a predictive text engine in a keyboard, but that’s not built into the framework.
The similar features from cloud services tout much higher accuracy and training based on enormous data sets, which continue to grow. Your CoreML model is baked in at compile time. If you get more data, then you’ll need to retrain your model, import it and rebuild.
The final big announcement was ARKit, a new framework for adding augmented reality to your app. If you have been building any content using SceneKit (for 3D games) or SpriteKit (for 2D), then you are in a good position to take advantage of ARKit, because it integrates with their drawing surfaces. Incorporating your existing code into an AR version of your app doesn’t take much.
To get you started quickly, Xcode now has an augmented-reality app template:
If you choose this, then on the next screen, you are given a choice of content technology (SceneKit, SpriteKit or Metal). Choose SceneKit, and the app will be ready to run.
The default code places a spaceship floating in front of you. You can walk around and examine it. Because this is all built on SceneKit, adding in your 3D models is simple if you have them. Just import one and update this line:
let scene = SCNScene(named: "art.scnassets/ship.scn")! sceneView.scene = scene
But to play around, you can generate 3D geometry with SceneKit’s various geometry nodes. For example, replace the above two lines with this:
self.sceneView.autoenablesDefaultLighting = true let scene = SCNScene() let sphereNodes = SCNNode() scene.rootNode.addChildNode(sphereNodes) addSphere(to: sphereNodes, pos: SCNVector3Make(0, 0, -2.0)) addSphere(to: sphereNodes, pos: SCNVector3Make(-0.3, 0.2, -2.4)) addSphere(to: sphereNodes, pos: SCNVector3Make(0.3, 0.2, -2.8))
The AR template turns off default lighting in the storyboard, but we want our spheres to appear to be lit by the light that ARKit detects in the scene. All of the coordinates are in real-space coordinates of 1 meter, and the negative z-axis is in front of us, so this places 3 spheres about 2 meters or so in front of our starting position.
Then, add this function to create and add a sphere to the scene:
Even with all of this, there was so much more. Xcode 9 is a big upgrade, with a fully rewritten editor and (finally) support for refactoring in Swift. You can run multiple simulators and even debug wirelessly (much needed for AR debugging).
There’s more support for right-to-left languages and easier ways to deal with dynamic type sizes.
Swift Playgrounds got two updates. One you can download now, but the beta for version 2.0 is also available through TestFlight43. This new version lets you play with all of iOS 11’s features, such as ARKit and Swift 4.
Normally, we expect the real release of all of this sometime in September, along with new iPhones, so go watch those videos and get your apps ready for iOS 11.
1. Navigate to the Facebook website and log in to your account.
2. Click the “Find Friends” link located next to your account name on the Facebook menu.
3. Enter the name of an employer in the “Employer” field.
4. Select the correct employer from the search results that appear.
5. Click the “Add Friend” button located next to any of the people listed in the results for that company or click the person’s name to view his public personal Timeline.
Finally, if you run across folks online you want to know more about often, search a ton of engines for someone’s name with the Who Is This Person? Firefox extension. Simply highlight the name on any web page and look ’em up on Wink, LinkedIn, Wikipedia, Facebook, Google News, Technorati, Yahoo Person Search, Spock, WikiYou, ZoomInfo, IMDB, MySpace and other engines from the Who Is This Person? context menu item.
For more online sleuthing resources, check out Wendy’s great tutorial on searching public records online. To make yourself more findable? Have a say in what Google says about you. Also, many of these services let you “claim” your name and add information to your results. Do a search for your own name and click the link that says, in effect, “Is this you?”
How to Find Someone’s Email: Strategic Guessing To Find An Email Address
This strategic hack was coined by Ginny Soskey, Section Editor of the HubSpot blog. Here are the steps in the process:
Step 1 Search for other company email addresses.
If our contact’s email address isn’t readily available, we have to do a little more digging. There’s typically one email structure for each company, so everyone who works for that company has a consistently formatted email address.
For example, If we can find someone’s email address from that company, we can likely copy that structure to determine our contact’s email address.
Where can we find company email structures?
Check out LinkedIn. If we find a first connection that works at the company, we can look at the “Contact Info” section of their profile to see if they included their work email.
Press releases are a hidden treasure for finding the structure of a company’s email address. Search for a company’s recent announcements with Google or on their website and, if they have a PR person, their contact information should be at the bottom of the release.
Try the company’s blog as well, it will usually include the author’s contact information at the bottom or top of the page.
Pro Tip: Try this website to quickly find a company’s email convention based on their domain.
Step 2 Plug the person’s information into that structure.
Once we find the company’s email structure, we can plug in our contact’s name. For example, after some digging, we find the company’s email address to be:
Now let’s plug in the rest. Say our contact’s name is Steve and he works for Culture Company. Here’s what his email would look like:
This isn’t fool-proof though. Steve might actually be a pet name for Steven or Stephan or Stephen. We should try all possibilities by including these emails in our list as well:
Pro Tip: Use to generate a list of these possibilities automatically. The free tool pulls any valid email addresses for your contact’s given name and domain. Here’s how Sam Parr used this tool to connect with 27+ CEOs without any introductions.
Step 3 Check the email with HubSpot’s CRM.
Once we determine our list of possible email addresses, we should compose a message in Gmail and enter each email into the “To” line. If they’re valid, HubSpot Sales will show us their contact profile with information like where they work and their social media profiles.
See how Brian’s information appears in his contact profile? We know this is a legit email address. On the other hand, if the email isn’t valid, we’ll get a blank profile like this one:
Step 5 Plug these options into HubSpot, and find the winner.
Type in all of the options into the “To” line of a new email, and make sure HubSpot Sales is installed. Once we see our contact’s information pop up, we know we have the right email.
Mailtester will tell us whether we’ve found a valid email address. Let’s try it out with our previous example:
Invalid, just as HubSpot told us in the first approach. A valid email will show up on this screen in a green box and display “Valid mail domain” instead of “Invalid mail domain.”
Step 4 Conduct a final test in HubSpot before composing the email.
Navigate to HubSpot Sales and type in the validated email address in the “To” line of a new message. If we see information appear in their contact profile section, we’ve confirmed that we found the right email address. We can also conduct this email verification test using another tool, Rapportive.
How to Find Someone’s Email: Scouring the Internet to Find An Email Address
Step 1 Let’s try googling our contact’s information in one of these formats:
Step 2 If none of those work, look on the company’s website
The goal here is to verify the email structure. To do this, we can look at the company’s blog to see if they include contact information for authors, we can check the bottom of their PR announcements for contact points, or we can sift through their “About Us” page in case they’ve included any employee contact information.
Step 3 Once we’ve verified the structure, try Google again.
Again, we can conduct a common search, such as “Fred Flinstone” or if we want to limit our search to just the company’s website, try this search:
Pro Tip: If we can’t find our contact’s company email address, we can turn to their personal email address. Perform a search like the one below to see if they have a personal website.
Step 4If we don’t find success here, we can turn to social networks.
Let’s start with Twitter. Does our contact have a Twitter handle? We can also Google search this: “Fred Flinstone Twitter.” Check out their description in Twitter for clues to other websites where we might find their email. If that doesn’t work, we can try following our contact and then tweeting or direct messaging them to ask for their email.
The key here is to let he or she know why you want to get in touch. Be specific and get to the point, but don’t tweet a simple “what’s your email?” And remember, we only have 140 characters to send something compelling.
Pro Tip:Try Twitter’s advanced search to see if our connection ever tweeted out his email. In the “Advanced Search” menu type (at)(dot) in the “All of these words” space, and then the person’s twitter handle in the “From these accounts section.”
No Twitter? Try LinkedIn. Do the same search here: “Fred Flinstone LinkedIn.” Once we find their profile, we can look for a personal website or an email which might be listed under “contact info” right underneath their profile picture.
No luck? Let’s try sending them a request to connect.
If we find any common interests or connections, use these to increase the “compelling” factor of our message. Keep in mind we only have 300 characters to urge our recipient to accept the invite. People also respond well to compliments, so we can also try something like this:
Once (and if) they accept our invitation to connect, we can message them in more depth regarding our outreach and then request their email.
Pro Tip: As soon as they accept our invitation to connect, we have their email address. Click “Connections” in the LinkedIn Nav bar and then click the settings gear in the upper right corner of the page. Under “Advanced Settings” click “Export LinkedIn Connections.” Voila – we automatically have all of our connections email addresses [Click to Tweet Tip].
Still not working? We can turn to Quora. Let’s type in [First Name] + [Last Name] in the search bar to see if our contact has a Quora profile. If they do, click their profile and we can gather more information about their social profiles or websites.
Look at their activity to see what they’re interested in, if they’ve asked any questions, and what questions they’ve responded to. Once we gather more information about our contact, we can try messaging them by clicking the “Message” button on their profile page.
Pro Tip: We can reverse email lookup with Facebook to verify that we’ve found the right email address. All we have to do is type in what we presume is our contact’s email address in the search bar. If a profile appears with our contact’s name, we know we’ve found the right email address.
Lost email = found. Just like that. And by transitive property..
Email found = door opened.
And opened doors can lead anywhere… to a new relationship, an overdue reunion, a business deal, or life-altering insight.
Find emails, open doors.
Now that the easy part is over, let’s look at how we can build meaningful relationships with connections through proven examples.
How to Find Anyone’s Email: 13 Little-Known Tricks
1. Clearbit – Super Accurate Email Finder That Lives In Your Inbox
This Gmail Chrome extension finds email addresses in less than five seconds, and we’ve found that it’s accurate 97% of the time. Just plug in someone’s company name with either their first name or job title. Once Clearbit identifies an address for you, you can one-click compose an email to that person.
2. Datanyze Insider – Super Fast Email Address Lookup For Chrome or Firefox
Datanyze’s browser plugin lets you look up anyone’s email address by highlighting their name wherever it appears online. The Insider Email Finder then pings likely email addresses, finds which one is active, and displays a link to the correct address.
3. SellHack – Search Up To 10 Emails For Free Per Month
Similar to Datanyze Insider, Sell Hack is a handy browser extension that checks publicly available data sources to find someone’s email address. The free plan will let you search up to 10 emails per month on Chrome, Firefox, or Safari.
4. Email Hunter – Find Email Addresses In Bulk By Company Domain
This one’s great for account-based sales. Punch any company domain in and you’ll quickly get a list of all publicly available email addresses associated with it. You can search up to 150 domains for free each month, and plans start at $49/month if you’re interested in searching more.
5. Headreach – Search by Name, Company, or Website
Headreach allows users to search for prospects by name, company, website, or by using the ‘advanced search’ option where you can search by job position (easy access to decision makers). Once you find your prospect, click “find (name)’s emails and social profiles” and they’ll be added to your contacts. Headreach also includes a log for easy access to all of your searches.
Findthat is a quick and easy way to search and discover exactly who you’re looking for. This database includes several diverse plans. Whether you keep it simple with the free plan (includes 15 monthly credits) or get the whole team involved (their team plan runs for $149 per month with over 3,000 credits).
7. Anymail Finder – Guesses your prospect’s address using email patterns
Just click on the toolbar from your Chrome browser and you can add your prospect’s name and their company website. Anymail Finder guess their email address in seconds and let you one-click copy it.
A note: if you’re looking for addresses at an account where email address patterns vary, it’s going to be tough to accurately guess your prospect’s addresses using Anymail Finder. For example, at Yesware our earliest employees have as their address, whereas more recent employees have as their pattern. Anymail did not pick this up. Matthew’s email address is accurate above but others were not. Stick with Anymail for companies where you know one pattern applies.
8. Voila Norbert – Quickly Find And Verify Someone’s Email
Search by first name, last name, and company domain. Norbert pings the mail host to confirm the correct email address, giving you 50 free searches per month.
While simple to use — you don’t need to install a plugin — Norbert does not check for catchall addresses, and it limits the number of queries users can conduct (SMTP servers could block the service if pinged too frequently). In our own unscientific test, Norbert was able to correctly identify three out of five email addresses.
This free database contains the email address formats of more than 1000 companies. Search by company name, industry, or geographical location to find the pattern your prospect’s company uses across their corporate email addresses — i.e., or
Small caveat: The site hasn’t added new companies to its listings since 2011, so consider this a tool for prospectinginto established companies only. We had better luck finding email patterns for startups and other new businesses using EmailBreaker (below).
It’s exactly what it sounds like. Use this site to find email addresses of CEOs in companies around the globe.
11. Conspire – Ask For An Introduction, Backed By Data
One of the coolest email tools we’ve come across recently is Conspire, an app that analyzes your contact list to identify mutual acquaintances who can introduce you to the person you want to reach.
Simply sign up with your existing email account and search for the person or company you’re interested in emailing. Conspire will churn out a relationship graph showing who has the strongest ties to that person across your extended network, based on factors like frequency, speed, and the length of time they have corresponded.
It even offers prewritten email templates to make your request that much easier. (Although we’d be remiss if we didn’t recommend copying and pasting the text into a Yesware template so you can track what happens after sending.)
By the way, if you’re looking for more email templates to introduce yourself or make new connections, you might want to check out the 18 free ones we offer in our latest email course.
12. LinkedIn Connections – Export Email Addresses To Google Contacts
The good news is that hidden away in LinkedIn’s advanced settings is the ability to export your connections, giving you up-to-date email address in your inbox.
People get asked for their email on Twitter all the time. You can use Twitter’s advanced search to find the last time your contact responded to such a request:
Search for the terms (at) (dot) in “All these words” under the ‘Words” section
Enter their Twitter handle in “From these accounts” under the “People” section
Pro tip: Don’t waste your time searching for the word “email.” You’ll just end up combing through a long list of tweets on the topic of email, and not their actual email address.
You may be able to easily find somebody’s website, Facebook profile, Twitter profile, LinkedIn profile and countless other social profiles, but their email address? Good luck with that!
People protect their email addresses for a reason, and even if you try to run an email address search by Googling somebody’s full name with the word “email,” you’re often unlikely to find anything. Putting it right out there in plain sight on the web invites anyone and everyone to contact them–even spammers.
But in the age of social media, is email still really relevant? Should we all just give up on trying to find people’s email addresses and resort to Facebook Messages and Twitter Direct Messages instead?
Nope. At least not yet.
Why Emailing Someone Is More Powerful Than Contacting Them on Social Media
Email is the most personal way to contact someone. It’s meant for one thing and one thing only–getting in direct contact with somebody. Sure, social platforms offer private messaging features, but in the end, they’re primarily meant to be used for public sharing.
Email is the most professional way to contact someone. If you’re a professional who’s looking to share an idea with another professional, you’re more likely to get a serious conversation going via email. People do business via email–not through private chats on Facebook or Twitter.
People pay more attention to their email inboxes. Not everyone checks their Facebook Messages or Twitter DMs. If they even use these platforms, they’re usually more preoccupied with browsing and interacting on them. Email, on the other hand, is meant for receiving private messages that people know they need and want (think work conversations or subscriptions to newsletters), so they’re much more likely to browse through their inboxes regularly.
Everybody has an email address. Email is the one thing that makes personalization on the internet possible. You can’t sign up for an account on any website without an email address. Facebook may be the largest social network in the world, but that doesn’t mean that everyone uses it. Whether you like using email or not, it’s basically a mandatory part of interacting online.
Even when people do start talking on social media, it’s common courtesy to ask for each other’s email to move the conversation to a more personal and professional medium if there’s lots to be discussed. I see a lot of people on Twitter do this.
Now that you’re probably convinced that email is still the best way to contact somebody (especially for professional matters), let’s take a look at three of the very best tools that can help you find somebody’s email address in as little as a few seconds.
Click through to the next slide to check out the first tool.
Use Email Hunter to Search for Email Addresses by Domain
Email Hunter is probably the most useful tool that you can take advantage of if you’re looking for somebody’s company email address.
It works by asking you to type a company domain name in the given field and then pulls up a list of all the email results it finds based on sources from around the web. Depending on the results, the tool may even suggest a pattern like {first} if it detects any.
Once you’ve found an email address from the results that you want to try emailing, you can switch over to the Verify tab to get Email Hunter to do some more investigative work on it. You’ll be told whether the address is valid or not.
You’re allowed to perform up to 150 searches for free every month, but if you want more than that, plus the ability to make bulk requests and export results to a CSV file, you’ll need to upgrade to a premium monthly plan.
Make sure to check out the Email Hunter Chrome extension too, which makes it possible for you to get a quick list of email addresses when you’re browsing a company site. No need to open up a new tab and search It even adds an Email Hunter button to LinkedIn user profiles to help you find their email addresses.
Email Hunter Advantages: Fast, easy to use and great for looking up company-specific email addresses. The Chrome extension makes it even faster!
Email Hunter Disadvantages: Limited free use and not at all useful for searching for personal email addresses from free providers like Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo and others.
Use Voila Norbert to Search for Email Addresses by Name and Domain
Voila Norbert is another email address search tool that’s both free and super easy to use.
In addition to a domain name field, you’re also given the option to fill out the first and last name of the person you’re trying to contact. Based off the information you’ve provided, Norbert will start searching for related email addresses and will notify you of anything it can find.
The tool works best with company domains because there are only so many users that will have a company email address. Amazingly enough, it even works with free email providers like Gmail. Just bear in mind that if you decide to search for a first and last name with a domain, the results that Norbert gives you may not correspond to the exact person you’re trying to contact, mainly because Gmail has such a massive user base and there are bound to be multiple users who share the same names.
It appears that Voila Norbert can only perform so many searches at a time, which is why there are premium options you can pay for to get more unlimited searches. There’s also a powerful Massive Search option that you can use by uploading a CSV file of names and website domains to get an estimate of how much it would cost to search each one.
Voila Norbert Advantages: Very easy to use and great for finding email addresses based on full names and company-specific domains. There’s the added bonus that it works for free providers like Gmail too.
Voila Norbert Disadvantages: The service is limited to a number of free searches every day and if you are looking for an address for a free provider like Gmail, there’s no guarantee that the email it finds belongs to the correct person.
Use Anymail Finder to Search for Email Addresses by Name and Domain
Anymail Finder is nearly identical to Voila Norbert, but it has a few subtle differences that make it a worthwhile mention here.
Like Voila Norbert, you can type in a name and a domain to search for an email address. I personally found that Anymail was a lot faster than Norbert, and there was a great little extra feature where my searches and corresponding results were listed in a collapsible tab on the right side of the screen.
The biggest downside to Anymail is that it’s very limited in use for free users, and you’ll notice a counter at the top of the screen drop down by one (starting from 20) every time you perform a new search. It’s not clear if you can get 20 free searches a day or 20 free searches a month, but I suspect that it is a monthly limit. A premium upgrade of about $20 a month will get you 1,000 searches per month.
Unlike Voila Norbert, Anymail Finder doesn’t seem to work with free email providers like Gmail. I tried using as the domain for a search and got an error.
Rapportive is a neat little email tool from LinkedIn that works with Gmail. It only comes in the form of a Google Chrome extension.
Once installed, you can start composing a new email message in Gmail by typing any email address into the To field. Active email addresses that are linked to LinkedIn profiles will display profile information on the right side.
Rapportive won’t give you any suggested email addresses like any of the previous tools mentioned; that’s up to you to figure out. So, you can either use one of the previously mentioned tools to come up with email addresses or you can guess them yourself by typing examples into the Gmail To field like, or even more generic addresses like and contact@domain.comto see what sort of information appears in the right column.
What’s great about Rapportive is that it can give you some hints about email addresses that aren’t exactly connected to any social data. For example, may not be in use for a particular person’s LinkedIn profile, but if you type it into the To field in a new Gmail message, it may display a message in the right column confirming that it’s a role-based email address.
If you type in an email address that doesn’t show any information in the right column, it probably isn’t a valid email address.
Rapportive Advantages: Useful if you know the person you’re trying to contact is already on LinkedIn and may be used as a complimentary tool to some of the previous tools mentioned.
Rapportive Disadvantages: Lots of guesswork and it only works with Gmail.
And that’s a wrap! Hopefully, you found all of these tools useful in your hunt for email addresses. None of them are exactly perfect, and you may even need to do a little more digging around to make sure you’re searching for the right person, but they’re extremely helpful when a particular person’s email address is nowhere to be found on the web.
July is almost here, and that means, well, new wallpapers. It’s been nine years already since we embarked on this mission1 to welcome the new month with a fresh batch of desktop eye candy, with wallpapers that are a bit more distinctive as the usual crowd. And it wasn’t any different this time around.
Bound to spark new ideas, artists and designers from across the globe once again challenged their creative skills and created a lovely collection of wallpapers for July 2017. All of them come in two versions — with and without a calendar — and can be downloaded for free. Now you only need to decide which one will make it to your desktop. Enjoy!
Please note that:
All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
You can feature your work in our magazine2 by taking part in our Desktop Wallpaper Calendars series. We are regularly looking for creative designers and artists to be featured on Smashing Magazine. Are you one of them?
“Summer is coming in the northern hemisphere and what better way to enjoy it than with watermelons and cannonballs.” — Designed by Maria Keller7 from Mexico.
“July often brings summer heat and we all wish for something cold to take it away… If you take a closer look, you will see an ice cream melting from the sunset. Bon appetite!” — Designed by PopArt Studio60 from Serbia.
“And once you let your imagination go, you find yourself surrounded by eternal summer, unexplored worlds and all-pervading warmth, where there are no rules of physics and colors tint the sky under your feet.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa105 from Belgrade, Serbia.
“July is the middle of summer, when most of us go on road trips, so I designed a calendar inspired by my love of traveling and summer holidays.” — Designed by Patricia Coroi148 from Romania.
“What’s better than a starry summer night with an (unexpected) friend around a fire camp with some marshmallows? Happy July!” — Designed by Etienne Mansard167 from the UK.
“July is National Ice Cream Month and who needs an invitation for a scoop or two, or three! Lacking the real thing, our Tutti Frutti wallpaper can satisfy until your next creamy indulgence.” — Designed by Karen Frolo214 from the United States.
“Rural landscape, silence, freedom. I took this photo in July three years ago in a small village near Wroclaw in Poland. I remember very well that day. I went alone on a trip, it was just before my son Leo was born. I was wondering how our everyday life will change, how it would be to be a mom, would I manage… Now I share this free photo with you together with all the feelings that accompanied me that day!” — Designed by Altphotos290 from Poland.
“There are a lot of emotions to transmute in the dusk. Even more so in embracing one’s darker side. The twilight brings us into a deeper level of commitment to reality, evoking a sense of self. It’s a mystical phase of seeking the inner mind, knowing your deeds, your faults, your promises and your paradoxes. It is a quest for beauty in life and simply how much you dissolve into the light. There’s always a place where you meet darkness and can’t recognize what all are happening to you and around. The show time is on until the last beam of light, never miss a moment.” — Designed by Sweans311 from London.
“In times of clean eating and the world of superfoods there is one vegetable missing. An old forgotten one. A flower actually. Rare and special. Once it had a royal reputation (I cheated a bit with the blue). The artichocke — this is my superhero in the garden! I am a food lover — you too? Enjoy it — dip it!” — Designed by Alexandra Tamgnoué432 from Germany.
“Big cats. Big cause. But it just needs a small step. A calendar tribute to the pride of India!” — Designed by Color Mean Creative Studio500 from Dubai.
“It is July and the most awaited moment arrives… Holidays! We pack our bags and go to relax! Happy holidays!” — Designed by Veronica Valenzuela581 from Spain.
“Summers of my childhood were spent singing John Denver songs around the campfire with my family. This tradition is now being passed down to my own children, who all know a good John Denver song when they hear one. ‘Country Roads’, one of Denver’s biggest hits (and also our family favorite), was written while he was performing in Washington D.C. – and inspired by nearby Harper’s Ferry, WV. The lyrics paint a picturesque summer day in Harper’s Ferry so well: ‘Almost heaven, West Virginia, Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River. Life is old there, older than the trees, younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze. Country roads, take me home to the place I belong. West Virginia, mountain mamma, take me home, country roads.’” — Designed by The Hannon Group602 from Washington D.C.
“‘I think we’re going to the moon because it’s in the nature of the human being to face challenges. It’s by the nature of his deep inner soul… we’re required to do these things just as salmon swim upstream.’ (Neil Armstrong) — Designed by Dipanjan Karmakar629 from India.
“July 28th is Beatrix Potter’s Birthday. I have always loved reading ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’, so created this wallpaper in honour of Beatrix! I have also included an inspirational quote by the lady herself to motivate you this July.” — Designed by Safia Begum648 from the United Kingdom.
“Snails can be inspiring! If you keep heading towards your goal, even if it is just tiny steps, enjoy the journey and hopefully it will be worth the effort.” — Designed by Glynnis Owen667 from Australia.
“Great success in life comes to those who leave the comfort of their nest, break out from their shells and venture out to explore the world of risks and rewards opportunities.” — Designed by BootstrapDash735 from India.
“I love the relaxed feeling of subdued floral patters. July should be a month of hanging out by the lake, enjoying family time, and enjoying a more relaxed schedule.” — Designed by Kindel Thomas778 from the United States.
“July is one awesome month, and even though it has very short evenings, those evenings are full of stars. On those evenings in July you can also see the Milky Way, our home galaxy. And you can see it the way I have it on my wallpaper with a DSLR camera.” — Designed by Igor Ristovski795 from Macedonia.
“You don’t need a day for kissing that special someone in your life — but today’s hectic living has made kissing an almost forgotten art. We kiss hello, we kiss goodbye — hurried, fleeting, and sometimes as an afterthought; often mechanical. Kissing for kissing’s sake — now that’s what we’re talking about! Stop everything else; let time stand still; let your hearts beat as one; hold the love of your life in your arms, close your eyes, and give in to the simple, intimate pleasure that is a kiss, on this July 6th. The International Kissing Day celebrates the humble kiss; and reminds us all how good it feels. Happy International Kissing Day, folks!” — Designed by IPIX Technologies828 from India.
“The wallpaper is based on a picture I took when I was on vacation last year with my parents. I took it in Bormes-les-Mimosas in the South of France. It’s a very lovely village. Being there always makes me happy, so I wanted to share this feeling with the world.” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans875 from Belgium.
Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us, but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.
This week, we’ll explore some rather new concepts: What happens if we apply artificial intelligence to text software, for example? And why would a phone manufacturer want its business model to be stolen by competitors? We’ll also take a look at how we can use the new headless Chrome browser for automated testing and learn to build smarter JavaScript bundles with Webpack 3’s new scope hoisting. Sometimes it’s easy to be excited about all the improvements and new things our industry has to offer.
Webpack 3 was released8 with support for scope hoisting. This is a huge step forward as it can reduce bundle sizes significantly. Another useful feature in this new version are magic comments for dynamic imports.
Samim shares insights into how assisted writing tools are using machine learning9 to understand and generate the human language. While the article focuses on how we can reimagine word processing software with machine learning and better algorithms, we can also learn a lot about improving our own writing style.
Eric Bidelman shares how we can use headless Chrome for automated testing13, in this case to run your Mocha and Chai tests via the Karma test runner. As a bonus, he also explains how this works on a CI-server.
React Express14 is an all-in-one guide to modern React application development. Perfect for people who want to get into React development and understand the differences between the various approaches.
Kristian Glass wrote an article about making decisions and owning them18 — something I constantly fail at in private life and could still improve in business life.
The ethical smartphone vendor Fairphone wants Apple to steal its idea19 of building devices that don’t rely on resources sourced with child-labor or under inhumane working conditions. So far, Fairphone has built two variants of smartphones, and as an owner of the Fairphone 1, I’m convinced that it’s possible to manufacture ethically better devices.