The Nine Principles Of Design Implementation

The Nine Principles Of Design Implementation

Recently, I was leading a training session for one of our clients on best practices for implementing designs using HTML and CSS. Part of our time included a discussion of processes such as style-guide-driven development1, approaches such as OOCSS242 and SMACSS, and modular design. Near the end of the last day, someone asked, “But how will we know if we’ve done it right?”

At first, I was confused. I had just spent hours telling them everything they need to “do it right.” But after thinking about it, I realized the question was rooted in a deeper need to guide and evaluate what is often a set of subjective choices — choices that are sometimes made by a lot of different people at different times. Stuff like consistent naming conventions and live style guides are the end result, but these “best practices” are rooted in a deeper set of values that aren’t always explicit. For example, specific advice like “Minimize the number of classes with which another class collaborates3” isn’t as helpful without a broader appreciation for modularity.

I realized that in order to really know whether our work is any good, we need a higher level of principles that can be used as a measuring stick for implementing design. We need something that is removed from a specific language like CSS or an opinionated way of writing it. Much like the universal principles of design4 or Nielsen’s usability heuristics5, we need something to guide the way we implement design without telling us exactly how to do it. To bridge this gap, I’ve compiled nine principles of design implementation.

Architecting Progressive Single-Page Applications Link

By using just a couple of CSS tricks, less than 0.5 KB of JavaScript and, importantly, some static HTML, Heydon Pickering introduces an experimental solution for progressively enhanced single-page applications. Read more →6

This is not a checklist. Instead, it is a set of broad guidelines meant to preserve an underlying value. It can be used as a guide for someone working on implementation or as a tool to evaluate an existing project. So, whether you’re reviewing code, auditing CSS or interviewing candidates for a role on your team, these principles should provide a structure that transcends specific techniques and results in a common approach to implementing design.

  1. Structured

    The document is written semantically and logically, with or without styles.
  2. Efficient

    The least amount of markup and assets are used to achieve the design.
  3. Standardized

    Rules for common values are stored and used liberally.
  4. Abstracted

    Base elements are separated from a specific context and form a core framework.
  5. Modular

    Common elements are logically broken into reusable parts.
  6. Configurable

    Customizations to base elements are available through optional parameters.
  7. Scalable

    The code is easily extended and anticipates enhancements in the future.
  8. Documented

    All elements are described for others to use and extend.
  9. Accurate

    The final output is an appropriate representation of the intended design.

To make it easier to follow along and see how each principle applies to a project, we’ll use a design mockup from one of my projects as the basis for this article. It’s a special landing page promoting daily deals on an existing e-commerce website. While some of the styles will be inherited from the existing website, it’s important to note that the majority of these elements are brand new. Our goal is to take this static image and turn it into HTML and CSS using these principles.

This “card” layout for products is brand new to our e-commerce website. (View large version8)

1. Structured Link

The document is written semantically and logically, with or without styles.

The principle here is that the content of our document (HTML) has meaning even without presentational styles (CSS). Of course, that means we’re using properly ordered heading levels and unordered lists — but also using meaningful containers such as <header> and <article>. We shouldn’t skip out on using things such as ARIA labels, alt attributes and any other things we might need for accessibility.

It might not seem like a big deal, but it does matter whether you use an anchor tag or a button9 — even if they’re visually identical — because they communicate different meanings and provide different interactions. Semantic markup communicates that meaning to search engines and assistive technologies and even makes it easier to repurpose our work on other devices. It makes our projects more future-proof.

Creating a well-structured document means learning to write semantic HTML10, familiarizing yourself with W3C standards11 and even some best practices12 from other experts, and taking the time to make your code accessible. The simplest test is to look at your HTML in a browser with no styles:

  • Is it usable without CSS?
  • Does it still have a visible hierarchy?
  • Does the raw HTML convey meaning by itself?

One of the best things you can do to ensure a structured document is to start with the HTML. Before you think about the visual styles, write out the plain HTML for how the document should be structured and what each part means. Avoid divs and think about what an appropriate wrapping tag would be. Just this basic step will go a long way toward helping you to create an appropriate structure.

<section> <header> <h2>Daily Deals</h2> <strong>Sort</strong> <span></span> <ul> <li><a href="#">by ending time</a></li> <li><a href="#">by price</a></li> <li><a href="#">by popularity</a></li> </ul> <hr /> </header> <ul> <li aria-labelledby="prod7364536"> <a href="#"> <img src="prod7364536.jpg" alt="12 Night Therapy Euro Box Top Spring" /> <small>Ends in 9:42:57</small> <h3>12" Night Therapy Euro Box Top Spring</h3> <strong>$199.99</strong> <small>List $299</small> <span>10 Left</span> </a> </li> </ul> </section> 

Starting with HTML only and thinking through the meaning of each element results in a more structured document. Above, you can see I’ve created the entire markup without using a single div.

2. Efficient Link

The least amount of markup and assets are used to achieve the design.

We have to think through our code to make sure it’s concise and doesn’t contain unnecessary markup or styles. It’s common for me to review code that has divs within divs within divs using framework-specific class names just to achieve a block-level element that’s aligned to the right. Often, an overuse of HTML is the result of not understanding CSS or the underlying framework.

Bloated HTML and CSS can be rewritten to be more efficient.13
Here’s an example of the common over-reliance on frameworks, which creates bloated HTML and CSS, and a case of divitis. Think about what the markup needs to be, not what the framework can do to achieve the desired design. (View large version14)

In addition to the markup and CSS, we might need other external assets, such as icons, web fonts and images. There are a lot of great methods and opinions about the best ways to implement these assets, from custom icon fonts to base64 embeds to external SVGs. Every project is different, but if you’ve got a 500-pixel PNG for a single icon on a button, chances are you’re not being intentional about efficiency.

A style guide is great, but a live style guide generated directly from the CSS is life-changing.15
It’s not always about file size. Considering the implications of using a base64’ed icon in CSS versus an external asset such as an image or icon font is important to writing efficient code. (View large version16)

When evaluating a project for efficiency, there are two important questions to ask:

  • Could I accomplish the same thing with less code?
  • What is the best way to optimize assets to achieve the smallest overhead?

Efficiency in implementation also overlaps with the following principles on standardization and modularity, because one way of being efficient is to implement designs using set standards and to make them reusable. Creating a mixin for a common box shadow is efficient, while also creating a standard that is modular.

3. Standardized Link

Rules for common values are stored and used liberally.

Creating standards for a website or app is usually about establishing the rules that govern things like the size of each heading level, a common gutter width and the style for each button type. In plain CSS, you’d have to maintain these rules in an external style guide and remember to apply them correctly, but using a preprocessor such as LESS or Sass is best, so that you can store them in variables and mixins. The main takeaway here is to value standards over pixel-perfect designs.

So, when I get a design mockup with a gutter width of 22 pixels, instead of the 15 pixels we’re using elsewhere, I’m going to assume that such precision is not worth it and instead will use the standard 15-pixel gutter. Taken a step further, all of the spacing between elements will use this standard in multiples. An extra wide space is going to be $gutter-width * 2 (equalling 30 pixels), rather than a hardcoded value. In this way, the entire app has a consistent, aligned feel.

.product-cards { li { display: inline-block; padding: @gutter-width/4; color: @text-color; text-decoration: none; background-color: @color-white; .border; margin-bottom: @gutter-width/2; margin-right: @gutter-width/2; } } .product-status { font-size: @font-size-small; color: @grey-darker; font-weight: @font-weight-bold; margin-bottom: @gutter-width/4; } 

Because we’re using standardized values derived from LESS variables or mixins, our CSS doesn’t have any numerical values of its own. Everything is inherited from a centralized value.

To check for standardization, review the CSS and look for any hardcoded unit: pixels, HEX colors, ems or pretty much any numerical value.

  • Should these units use an existing standard value or variable?
  • Is the unit reused such that it would benefit from a new variable? Perhaps you’ve realized that this is the second time you’ve applied a partially opaque background, and the same opacity is needed both times.
  • Could the unit be derived from the calculation of an existing variable? This is useful for variations on color — for example, using a standard color and performing a calculation on it to get something 10% darker, rather than hardcoding the resulting HEX value.

As often as possible, I use standard values and create new ones only as an exception. If you find yourself adjusting an element 5 pixels here and 1 pixel there, chances are your standards are being compromised.

In my experience, the majority of preprocessed CSS should use centralized variables and mixins, and you should see almost no numeric, pixel or HEX values in individual components. Occasionally, adding a few pixels to adjust the position of an individual component might be appropriate — but even those cases should be rare and cause you to double-check your standards.

4. Abstracted Link

Base elements are separated from a specific context and form a core framework.

I originally called this principle “frameworked” because, in addition to creating the one specific project you’re working on now, you should also be working toward a design system that can be used beyond the original context. This principle is about identifying larger common elements that need to be used throughout the entire project or in future projects. This starts as broad as typography and form field inputs and all the way up to different navigation designs. Think of it this way: If your CSS were going to be open-sourced as a framework, like Bootstrap or Foundation, how would you separate the design elements? How would you style them differently? Even if you’re already using Bootstrap, chances are that your project has base elements that Bootstrap doesn’t provide, and those also need to be available in your project’s design system.

Comparing the design to our abstracted CSS framework.17
Though none of these design elements currently exists in our e-commerce website, most of them are useful enough to abstract and make available to the entire framework. (View large version18)

The key here is to think of each element in more generic terms, rather than in the specific context of your project. When you look at a particular element, break it into parts, and give each part overall styles that that element would have regardless of the specific implementation you’re working with now. The most common elements are typography (heading styles, line height, sizes and fonts), form elements and buttons. But other elements should be “frameworked” too, like the callout tag or any special price formatting that might have been designed for our Daily Deals but would also be useful elsewhere.

When checking your project for abstraction, ask:

  • How would I build this element if I knew it was going to be reused in another context with different needs?
  • How can I break it into parts that would be valuable throughout the entire application?

Thinking through a more general implementation of each element is key. These pieces should be stored as completely separate and independent classes or, better yet, as separate LESS or Sass files that can be compiled with the final CSS.

This principle is easier in a web component19 or module app architecture because the widgets are probably already separated in this way. But it has as many implications for our thinking as anything else. We should always be abstracting our work from the context it was derived from to be sure we’re creating something flexible.

5. Modular Link

Common elements are logically broken into reusable parts.

Overlapping with the “Abstracted” principle, making our designs modular is an important part of establishing a concrete design system that is easy to work with and maintain. There is a fine line between the two, but the difference is important in principle. The nuance is that, while global base elements need to be abstracted from their context, individual items in context also need to be reusable and to maintain independent styles. Modules may be unique to our app and not something we need available in the entire framework — but they still need to be reusable so that we aren’t duplicating code every time we use that module.

For example, if you’re implementing the product card list from the previous example for a Daily Deals landing page, instead of making the HTML and CSS specific to Daily Deals, with class names like daily-deal-product, instead create a more general product-cards class that includes all of the abstracted classes yet could also be reused outside of the Daily Deals page. This would probably result in three separate places where your component gets its styles:

  • base CSS

    This is the underlying framework, including default values for typography, gutters, colors and more.
  • CSS components

    These are the abstracted parts of the design that form the building blocks of the overall design but can be used in any context.
  • parent components

    These are the daily-deal component (and any children) containing styles or customizations specific to Daily Deals. For many, this will be an actual JavaScript web component, but it could just be a parent template that includes the HTML necessary to render the entire design.
Modular components often inherit styles from the framework and only need CSS for layout.20
Making your implementation modular results in a structure that looks something like this, where each component might have a few styles for spacing or position, but where most of the CSS is inherited from the framework. (View large version21)

Of course, you can take this too far, so you’ll have to exercise judgement. But for the most part, everything you create should be as reusable as possible, without overcomplicating long-term maintenance.

6. Configurable Link

Customizations to base elements are available through optional parameters.

Part of building a design system is about thinking through options that the project might need now or in the future. It’s not enough to implement the design only as prescribed. We also have to consider what parts might be optional, turned on or off through a different configuration.

For example, the callout flags in our design show only three variations of color, all pointing to the left. Rather than create three separate classes, we’ll create a default class and add additional class names as the optional parameters. Beyond that, I think someone might come along and want to point the flag right for a different context. In fact, using our default brand colors for these callouts is also useful, even though the design doesn’t specifically call for it. We’d write the CSS specifically to account for this, including both left and right as options.

These callouts have options that allow for easily creating different styles.22
Our default callout actually uses default brand colors, while the special Daily Deals callouts have the styles we want for our landing page. We’d also create some alternate options, like a different color or right-pointing tip. (View large version23)

While you’re thinking through a particular design element, think about the options that might be valuable. An important part of understanding this is thinking critically about other contexts in which this element might be reused.

  • What parts could be configured, optional or enabled through an external variable?
  • Would it be valuable for the color or position of the element to be able to change?
  • Would it be helpful to provide small, medium and large sizes?

Using a methodology such as BEM, OOCSS242 or SMACSS to organize your CSS and establish naming conventions can help you make these decisions. Working through these use cases is a big part of building a configurable design system.

7. Scalable Link

The code is easily extended and anticipates enhancements in the future.

In the same spirit as the principle of “Configurable,” our implementation also has to expect changes in the future. While building in optional parameters is useful, we can’t anticipate everything that our project will need. Therefore, it’s important to also consider how the code we’re writing will affect future changes and intentionally organize it so that it’s easy to enhance.

Building scalable CSS usually requires me to use more advanced features of LESS and Sass to write mixins and functions. Because all of our call out flags are the same except for the colors, we can create a single LESS mixin that will generate the CSS for each call out without the need to duplicate code for each variation. The code is designed to scale and is simple to update in one place.

@angle: 170; .callout { &.qty-left { .callout-generator(@color-deals, @color-white, @angle); } &.qty-sold { .callout-generator(@color-white, @color-deals, @angle, 2px solid @color-deals); } &.qty-out { .callout-generator(@color-grey, darken(@color-grey, 10%), @angle); } } 

To make the callouts scalable, we’ll create a LESS mixin named .callout-generator that accepts values for such things as the background color, text color, angle of the point and border.

.callout-generator accepts values like background color, text color, angle of the point, and border.25
The result is scalable CSS capable of generating any number of new callouts. (View large version26)
.review-flag { .callout-generator(@color-brand, @color-white, 75); } 

In the future, when a new requirement calls for a similar design pattern, generating a new style will be easy.

.callout-generator accepts values like background color, text color, angle of the point and border.27
(View large version28)

To create a scalable design system, learn to anticipate the changes that are common in projects, and apply that understanding to make sure the code you write is ready for those changes. Common solutions include using variables and mixins, as well as storing values in arrays and looping through them. Ask yourself:

  • What parts of these elements are likely to change?
  • How can you write the code so that it’s easy to make those changes in the future?

8. Documented Link

All elements are described for others to use and extend.

Documenting design is undervalued and is often the first corner to be cut in a project. But creating a record of your work is more than about just helping the next person figure out what you intended — it’s actually a great way to get all of your stakeholders onboard with the entire design system, so that you’re not reinventing the wheel everytime. Your documentation should be a reference for everyone on the team, from developers to executives.

The best way to document your work is to create a live style guide, one that is generated directly from the comments in your code. We use an approach called style-guide-driven development, along with DocumentCSS29, which pays for itself in dividends. But even if your project can’t have a live style guide, creating one manually in HTML or even a print-formatted PDF is fine. The principle to remember is that everything we do must be documented.

To document your design system, write instructions to help someone else understand how the design has been implemented and what they need to do to recreate it themselves. This information might include the specific design thinking behind an element, code samples or a demo of the element in action.

  • How would I tell someone else how to use my code?
  • If I were onboarding a new team member, what would I explain to make sure they know how to use it?
  • What variations of each widget can I show to demonstrate all the ways in which it can be used?
A style guide is great, but a live style guide generated directly from the CSS is life-changing.30
A style guide is great, but a live style guide generated directly from the CSS is life-changing. (View large version31)

9. Accurate Link

The final output is an appropriate representation of the intended design.

Finally, we can’t forget that what we create has to look just as great as the original design concept it’s intended to reflect. No one is going to appreciate a design system if it doesn’t meet their expectations for visual appeal. It’s important to emphasize that the result can only be an appropriate representation of the design and will not be pixel-perfect. I’m not fond of the phrase “pixel-perfect” because to suggest that an implementation has to be exactly like the mockup, pixel for pixel, is to forget any constraints and to devalue standardization (never mind that every browser renders CSS a little differently). Complicating accuracy is the fact that static designs for responsive applications rarely account for every possible device size. The point is that a certain degree of flexibility is required.

You’ll have to decide how much of an appropriate representation is needed for your project, but make sure that it meets the expectations of the people you’re working with. In our projects, I’ll review major deviations from pixel-perfection with the client, just to be sure we’re on the same page. “The designs show a default blue button style with a border, but our standard button color is slightly different and has no border, so we opted for that instead.” Setting expectations is the most important step here.

The implmentation varies from the original design, but it's still accurate.32
In production with real data and standardized CSS, the final implementation looks slightly different from the original mockup. Plus, some of the requirements changed during implementation. The result, though, is accurate. (View large version33)

A System Of Thinking Link

The goal of these nine principles is to provide a guide for implementing design in HTML and CSS. It is not a set of rules or prescriptive advice as much as it is a way of thinking about your work so that you can optimize for the best balance between great design and great code. It’s important to give yourself a certain amount of flexibility in applying these principles. You won’t be able to achieve perfection with each one every time. They are ideals. There are always other distractions, principles, and priorities that prevent us from doing our best work. Still, the principles should be something to always strive for, to constantly be checking yourself against, and to aggressively pursue as you take your design from the drawing board to the final medium in which it will be experienced. I hope they will help you to create better products and build design systems that will last for many years.

I’d love to hear from you about your experience in implementing design. Post a comment and share any advice or other principles you might be using in your own work.

(rb, vf, al, il)

Footnotes Link

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 16
  17. 17
  18. 18
  19. 19
  20. 20
  21. 21
  22. 22
  23. 23
  24. 24
  25. 25
  26. 26
  27. 27
  28. 28
  29. 29
  30. 30
  31. 31
  32. 32
  33. 33

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Tracking Internal Marketing Campaigns With Google Analytics

Tracking Internal Marketing Campaigns With Google Analytics

Editor’s Note:This article is targeted at readers experienced in using Google Analytics. If you’re new to Analytics, the following guide might be challenging.

Many websites use internal advertising in the form of banners or personalized product recommendations to bring additional products and services to the attention of visitors and to increase conversions and leads.

Example: Some internal advertising on (View large version2)

Naturally, the performance and effectiveness of internal marketing campaigns should be assessed, too, as this is one of the most powerful instruments for generating more leads, more conversions and more revenue on your website. In many cases, web analysts use Google Analytics’ UTM campaign parameters3 to track internal advertising.

For those of you who are not familiar with UTM parameters, this is what an internal link could look like if you add UTM parameters:


The problem: UTM parameters are intended to be used in external campaigns (for example, promoted posts on Facebook). Unfortunately, they are not suitable for tracking internal campaigns. In this article, I’ll explain why you would corrupt your Google Analytics data when using UTM parameters for internal tracking purposes.

The solution: I have developed a set of URL parameters (called ITM parameters) that make tracking internal marketing just as simple and convenient as the familiar UTM parameters. Set-up takes a little time, but then you’d have a means of tracking internal marketing that both is easy to use and delivers accurate data. This article presents the solution and includes a precise description of all the necessary steps.

Collecting Data, The Powerful Way Link

Did you know that CSS can be used for collecting statistics? Indeed, there’s even a CSS-only approach for tracking UI interactions using Google Analytics. Read more →4

Can Internal Marketing Campaigns Be Tracked With UTM Parameters? Link

Well, yes and no. There’s no technical problem with using UTM parameters for internal links as well. However, in the context of web analytics, it is definitely not advisable! As soon as a visitor clicks on an internal link with UTM parameters, their current session in Google Analytics is ended and a new session is started with the source and medium information from the UTM parameters. This has disagreeable consequences for your data in Google Analytics:

  • The number of sessions counted increases artificially, because every click on an internal link with UTM parameters results in a new session.
Clicks on an internal link with UTM parameters results in a new session5
Clicks on an internal link with UTM parameters result in a new session. (View large version6)
  • A conversion can no longer be traced back to the original, external source of the traffic, because the new session uses the source and medium information from the UTM parameters, which makes it more difficult to quantify the contribution of various external traffic sources to your conversions.
New session uses the source and medium information from the UTM parameters7
New session uses the source and medium information from the UTM parameters. (View large version8)
  • If a new visitor clicks on an internal link with UTM parameters right on the landing page, this immediately results in a new session. The upshot of this is that the bounce rate for visitors from external sources increases artificially.

Naturally, you want to avoid these negative consequences, because they reduce the quality of your website’s analytics.

Nevertheless, the use of UTM parameters to track banners ads and product recommendations is widespread. For one thing, many web analysts are unaware of the problem described above. But the deciding factor is something else: The UTM parameters are easy to use, very flexible and accessible, even for the less technically adept among us, which is why they are so often misused for internal campaigns.

In my blog post “Tracking Teasers and Internal Links in Google Analytics9” (in German only, unfortunately), I’ve already covered how clicks on internal banner ads can be monitored and evaluated using event tracking or enhanced e-commerce tracking.

In practice, I’ve discovered that setting up tracking is too much for many people and/or they don’t follow through with it systematically. As a result, they fall back on using the UTM parameters for internal purposes.

So, I asked myself the following question: If the UTM parameters are so popular, can I find a way to track and evaluate internal marketing campaigns using URL parameters?

Tracking And Evaluating Internal Marketing Campaigns Using URL Parameters Link

The answer is yes, it is possible!

Not with UTM parameters, because the type of evaluation you can do with these is predetermined in Google Analytics. What we can do, however, is define a new set of URL parameters that we then use to track internal marketing campaigns.

I call these parameters simply ITM parameters. Instead of using utm_source, utm_medium and so on, you would now use the parameters itm_source, itm_medium and so on for tracking your internal advertising. I consciously took the names of the UTM parameters, so that existing URLs can be easily modified with “find and replace.”

OK, let’s get started. I’ll show you how to use Google Tag Manager and Google Analytics to create a set of URL parameters for tracking internal marketing campaigns and for analyses.

ITM Parameters At A Glance Link

Drawing on the UTM parameters, we’ll use the following ITM parameters to track internal marketing campaigns:

  • itm_source

    This identifies the source of the traffic. In the case of internal ads, this is usually your own domain. However, if you employ cross-domain tracking or different ad servers, different traffic sources can appear in this field.
  • itm_medium

    This is the medium of the internal ad; for example, a banner or product recommendation.
  • itm_campaign

    This is the name of the internal marketing campaign.
  • itm_content

    This is a parameter to differentiate between similar content, or links in the same ad; for example, text_link or banner_468x60.
  • itm_term

    This is the search keyword that triggered the internal ad. Alternatively, it could be a keyword to categorize the ad by content.

A URL that uses all five ITM parameters might look something like this:


Now we have to make sure that the information we are collecting with the ITM parameters is passed to Google Analytics and available for analysis.

Note: To analyze ITM parameters in Google Analytics, we need to create customs reports. In this article, I’ll show you how to create these reports, but I’ve uploaded them to Google Analytics’ Solutions Gallery, too! You’re free to download the reports here10 and here11.

Creating Custom Dimensions In Google Analytics Link

All of the information that we collect with the ITM parameters should be saved in Google Analytics. To this end, we’ll create custom dimensions in Google Analytics. Here, we have to consider their scope: Should we create the new dimensions at the session or hit level?

Let’s go back to the UTM parameters for a moment. The UTM parameters are session-level parameters — that is, the information regarding source, medium, campaign and so on applies to the entire session. What this means for internal campaign tracking is that only the information regarding the last link clicked is captured with UTM parameters.

However, if we want to measure the influence of internal ads on conversion rates, then we would be interested in all of the clicks on internal banners, not just the last one. For this reason, it is advisable to create the new dimensions in Google Analytics at the hit level (for example, pageviews) in order to record the individual clicks on banner ads accurately.

The catch is that session-based and hit-based dimensions can only be combined in custom reports in exceptional cases. That means that we can’t combine conversions (session level) with individual clicks on banners (hit level), and it means that an internal promotion report, like the one we know from enhanced ecommerce, is not available as a custom report.

So, how do we solve this problem?

  • We could capture the ITM parameters at the session level.

    This allows us to use the predefined campaign reports in Google Analytics as templates for reports on internal marketing campaigns. This is similar to tracking with UTM parameters, which also don’t provide detailed information at the hit level. Not ideal, but easy to manage.
  • Or we could capture the information from the ITM parameters at the hit level.

    Then, we can’t establish a direct relationship between the ITM data and conversions. However, we can use data segments to analyze precisely those sessions in which internal banners were clicked and, thus, determine the influence of internal marketing campaigns on conversions.

It’s up to you which method to use. If you capture the information from the ITM parameters on a session basis, it will be easier to manage the reports in Google Analytics, but the data will be less precise. If you go with the second variant, you will capture very accurate click data for internal banners but will have to invest more time to link this data to your conversions.

Alternatively, you could employ both methods in parallel by creating two custom dimensions for each ITM parameter in Google Analytics: one at the session level, the other at the hit level. Then, you will be free to decide how you want to analyze the data. The disadvantage of this solution is that you need 10 custom dimensions in Analytics to implement it, rather than 5. This might be a critical point, since the free version of Analytics allows a maximum of 20 custom dimensions.

Creating Dimensions For The ITM Parameters Link

In the following step, we’ll create two sets of dimension: one at the hit level and one at the session level. If you’ve already decided whether to count clicks on internal ads in sessions only or as hits only, then you’ll only need to create the one set that you require.

Creating New Dimensions at the Hit Level Link

Click on “Admin” in Google Analytics. Select “Custom Dimensions” under “Custom Definitions” in the “Property” area.

Creating custom dimensions at the hit level, step 1.12
Creating custom dimensions at the hit level, step 1.

Now click on “+ New Custom Dimension”:

Creating custom dimensions at the hit level, step 213
Creating custom dimensions at the hit level, step 2.
  1. Name the dimension itm_source_h. The _h at the end of the name indicates the scope “Hit.”
  2. Select “Hit” as the scope of the dimension.
  3. Now just click “Create.”

Repeat these steps for the dimensions itm_medium_h, itm_campaign_h, itm_content_h and itm_term_h.

When you’re done, you should have five new dimensions at the hit level in Google Analytics:

Custom Dimensions at hit level14
Custom dimensions at the hit level

Creating New Dimensions at the Session Level Link

Repeat the steps again for the second set of dimensions (at the session level):

Creating custom dimensions at the session level, step 415
Creating custom dimensions at the session level, step 4.
  1. Name the dimension itm_source_s. The _s at the end of the name indicates the scope “Session.”
  2. Select “Session” as the scope of the dimension.
  3. Again, just click “Create.”

Repeat these steps for the dimensions itm_medium_s, itm_campaign_s, itm_content_s and itm_term_s.

Now, you should have five new dimensions at the session level as well:

Custom dimensions at the session level16
Custom dimensions at the session level

Google Analytics: Excluding Query Parameters Link

When you add the ITM parameters to your URLs, these enhanced URLs will also be displayed in Google Analytics (for example, in the content reports). In this case, you would see the same page twice: once with the additional ITM parameters and once without. We want to prevent this, because the content of the pages with and without ITM parameters would be identical. Thankfully, Google Analytics provides a simple means of excluding query parameters.

First, select your “Property” in the “Admin” view, and then the desired “data view.” Under the “View Settings” menu item, you’ll find the section “Exclude URL Query Parameters”:

Excluding query parameters17
Excluding query parameters

Enter the ITM parameters that are to be used for tracking in the field provided: itm_source, itm_medium, itm_campaign, itm_content, itm_term.

Then, just save the changes, and we’re done here.

Search Console: Adding ITM Parameters Link

Remember that the Google Bot will also find your URLs with the ITM parameters. This could mean that these URLs will also land in Google’s index and cause duplicate content. We can prevent duplicates from arising with a minor tweak in Google Search Console. Select “URL Parameters” from the “Crawl” section in Search Console:

Search Console: adding ITM parameters, step 118
Search Console: adding ITM parameters, step 1.

Now click on the “Add Parameter” button to let Google know that the ITM parameter doesn’t affect the page’s content:

Search Console: adding ITM parameters, step 219
Search Console: adding ITM parameters, step 2.
  1. Enter itm_source in the “Parameter” field.
  2. Select the entry “No: Doesn’t affect page content (ex: tracks usage)” from the dropdown menu.
  3. “Save.”

Repeat these steps for the parameters itm_medium, itm_campaign, itm_content and itm_term as well. When you’re finished, all of the ITM parameters should be configured as follows:

Search Console: ITM parameters added20
Search Console: ITM parameters added (View large version21)

Setting Up Internal Campaign Tracking In Google Tag Manager Link

Now that we have laid the groundwork, we finally come to the point that probably interests you the most: How will the ITM parameters be read with Google Tag Manager and be passed to the custom dimensions in Google Analytics?

This is surprisingly easy. All we need to do is store the content of the ITM parameters in user-defined variables and then send them to Google Analytics with the pageview tag. That’s it!

Let’s begin

Creating User-Defined Variables Link

For each of the five ITM parameters, we’re going to create a variable in Tag Manager. When a URL that contains one of these parameters is called, its value will be saved in the corresponding variable.

Click on “Variables” in the “Workspace” in Tag Manager and then on “New” under “User-Defined Variables”.

Creating user-defined variables, step 122
Creating user-defined variables, step 1. (View large version23)

In the window that opens, we’ll define the first variable, itm_source URL-Parameter, where we’ll be storing the value from the URL parameter itm_source.

Creating user-defined variables, step 224
Creating user-defined variables, step 2. (View large version25)

  1. Name the variable itm_source URL-Parameter.
  2. Select “URL” as the variable type.
  3. Select “Query” as the component type.
  4. The query key is itm_source. This is the name of the URL parameter that is going to be saved in this variable.
  5. Make sure that “Page URL / Default” is selected under “URL Source.”
  6. Click “Save” to finish defining the variable.

Repeat these steps for the four other parameters (itm_medium, itm_campaign, itm_content and itm_term).

Once you’re finished, there will be five variables available in Tag Manager to save the values from the ITM parameters.

User-defined variables in Google Tag Manager26
User-defined variables in Google Tag Manager (View large version27)

In this screenshot, you can see not only the five newly created variables (itm_xxx URL-Parameter), but also five additional variables with the type “Constant” (itm_xxx Index). Let’s take a closer look at the variable itm_source Index:

itm_xxx index variables28
itm_xxx index variables

The variable itm_source Index is a constant and has the value 14.

What is it good for?

In the next step, we’re going to send the contents of the five itm_xxx URL-Parameter variables to the custom dimensions we prepared in Google Analytics. Each of these custom dimensions is addressed using an index number. In the example, the index number for the dimension itm_source is 14 (see the section “Creating Dimensions for the ITM Parameters”). In your case, the number will probably be different. If you use the custom dimensions in different tags, you will probably have to check the number of the relevant dimension every time in Google Analytics. That’s why I like to save the dimension number in its own variable — so that I don’t have to remember it. Saving the index numbers in separate variables is not necessary; you can also just address the dimensions in the tag directly with the respective number.

Enhancing the Pageview Tag for ITM Parameters Link

Even with the most basic configuration of Google Analytics and Tag Manager, you will have at least one tracking tag activated — namely, the tag used to send the pageviews to Google Analytics. This tag is ideally suited to be enhanced for the ITM parameters.

Click on “Tags” in the “Workspace” in Tag Manager, and then select the tag with the trigger “All Pages”:

Enhancing the Pageview tag, step 129
Enhancing the Pageview tag, step 1. (View large version30)

Clicking on the name of the tag will display its details:

Enhancing the Pageview tag, step 231
Enhancing the Pageview tag, step 2.

Make sure that the “Track Type” is set to “Pageview.” This is the tag used to send pageviews to Google Analytics.

Open the configuration page for the tag, and add the ITM parameters:

Enhancing the Pageview tag, step 332
Enhancing the Pageview tag, step 3. (View large version33)
  1. Open the “Custom Dimensions” area.
  2. Click on the button “+ Add Custom Dimension.”
  3. Enter the variable {{itm_source Index}} in the “Index” field and the variable {{itm_source URL-Parameter}} in the “Dimension Value” field. In this way, the content of the URL parameter itm_source — which we saved before in the variable itm_source URL-Parameter — will be passed to dimension number 14 in Analytics.
  4. If you don’t use variables to save the index numbers, you can simply enter the respective number here (for example, 15). Add the four remaining dimensions for the variables itm_medium-URL Parameter, itm_campaign URL-Parameter,itm_content URL-Parameter and itm_term-URL Parameter.
  5. “Save.”

Here, at the latest, you’ll have to decide whether the information from the ITM parameters should be saved at the session or hit level in Google Analytics. In the example above, I used the index numbers of the session-based dimensions. You will have to adjust this according to your needs.

Now that we have enhanced the pageviews tag, don’t forget to publish the changes in Tag Manager. Now, when the requested URL contains additional ITM parameters, Tag Manager will read them and pass the information to Google Analytics.

Evaluating Internal Marketing Campaigns In Google Analytics Link

After you have finished setting up ITM parameter tracking in Tag Manager, it’s time to take a closer look at the analysis options in Google Analytics. In doing so, we will have to decide whether to save the ITM parameters at the session or hit level (see the section “Creating Custom Dimensions in Google Analytics”).

Session-Based Evaluation Link

If you save the ITM parameters in custom dimensions with the scope “Session,” then evaluation of the internal marketing campaign will work in much the same way as with UTM parameters. As I’ve already mentioned, the disadvantage of this method is that there is only one set of ITM data for the whole session, which is overwritten each time a URL with ITM parameters is clicked. As a result, you will only see the information relating to the last click on an internal banner. Of course, this was already the case when using UTM parameters.

Session-based tracking of ITM parameters is more convenient in terms of web analytics, but less accurate than capturing the ITM parameters at the hit level.

Creating a Custom Report Link

The simplest way to create a custom report for evaluating internal marketing campaigns is via the standard reports for campaigns. In Google Analytics, select the report via “Acquisition” → “Campaigns” → “All Campaigns.” You can then modify this report to suit your evaluation requirements by clicking on the “Customize” button.

I’ve made the report for session-based evaluation of internal marketing available34 in the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery.

This is what it looks like:

Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (session-based), 135
Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (session-based), 1. (View large version36)
  1. I named the report “Internal Marketing Campaigns (session-based).”
  2. The report has two tabs: an “Explorer,” which you can see here, and a “Flat Table,” which is visible in the next screenshot.
  3. The “Explorer” tab can have various freely customizable metric groups.
  4. The “Explorer” drills down through the dimensions itm_campaign_sitm_content_sitm_term_s. So, the internal marketing campaign level is immediately visible in this report. The two other dimensions, itm_source_s and itm_medium_s, can be added easily as required.
  5. I included a filter, so that the report only displays sessions where the dimension itm_campaign_s is not empty.

Let’s look at the second tab in the report:

Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (session-based), 237
Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (session-based), 2. (View large version38)
  1. This tab features a flat table which is well suited for exporting the data.
  2. The table uses all of the session-based dimensions that store ITM parameters: itm_source_s, itm_medium_s, itm_campaign_s, itm_content_s and itm_term_s.
  3. The specified metrics are freely customizable.

Important tip: The table only displays sessions that have values in all five(!) ITM dimensions. If, for example, you don’t use the parameter itm_term, then the dimension itm_term_s will remain empty, which means that no sessions would be displayed in the table. We can eliminate this restriction in two ways: either by removing the unused dimensions from the report or by using Google Tag Manager to set a default value in the dimension if the corresponding ITM parameter is empty. The second option necessitates more work in Tag Manager, as we would then have to distinguish between mandatory parameters and optional parameters.

Session-Based Evaluation of Internal Marketing Campaigns Link

With the aid of some simple example data, I’d like to illustrate how the data from internal marketing campaigns is presented in this report.

In the “Explorer” tab, it is possible to combine various dimensions with one another; for example, itm_campaign_s (marketing campaign) and itm_content_s (ad content):

Session-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 139
Session-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 1 (View large version40)

Or you can analyze the effectiveness of internal marketing campaigns in relation to the external traffic sources. This, for instance, is not possible with UTM parameters:

Session-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 241
Session-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 2 (View large version42)

The table contained in the report provides you with a session-based view of all the ITM parameters and makes it simple to export data for further processing in Excel, Google Docs, etc.

Session-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 343
Session-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 3 (View large version44)

Hit-Based Evaluation Link

Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns provides you with an accurate overview of how often specific advertising content has been clicked. However, an additional step is necessary in order to establish the relationship to the conversions achieved. This makes this method of analysis more time-consuming than session-based evaluation. However, it enables more sophisticated analyses.

Creating a Custom Report Link

There is no standard report for hit-based evaluation that we can take and customize for our purposes, so we’ll have to create our own report that will provide us with information on how often the individual pieces of ad content have been clicked. Based on this report, we will then infer the data segments that we need for our analysis. But first, the report.

I’ve also made this report available45 in the Google Analytics Solutions Gallery.

This is what it looks like:

Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (hit-based), 146
Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (hit-based), 1 (View large version47)
  1. I named it “Internal Marketing Campaigns (hit-based).”
  2. The report has two tabs: an “Explorer,” which you can see here, and a “Flat Table,” which is visible in the next screenshot.
  3. I kept the “Explorer” tab simple; it should provide you with an overview of the usage of internal advertising over time. That’s why it only contains a single metric group with the metric “Hits.”
  4. The “Explorer” drills down through the dimensions itm_source_hitem_medium_hitm_campaign_hitm_content_hitm_term_h.
  5. I included a filter so that the report only displays sessions in which the dimension itm_source_h is not empty.

Let’s look at the second tab in the report:

Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (hit-based), 248
Custom report: internal marketing campaigns (hit-based), 2 (View large version49)
  1. This tab features a flat table that provides you with an overview of the clicks on different advertising content and that is well suited for exporting the data.
  2. The table uses all of the hit-based dimensions that store ITM parameters: itm_source_h, itm_medium_h, itm_campaign_h, itm_content_h and itm_term_h.
  3. I only used the metric “Hits.” The session-based metrics such as number of conversions cannot be combined with the selected dimensions.

Important tip: This table also only displays hits that have values in all five(!) ITM dimensions. If, for example, you don’t use the parameter itm_term, then the dimension itm_term_h would remain empty, which means that no hits would be displayed in the table. In this case, you would either have to remove the unused dimensions from the table or use default values for the parameters (see above).

Hit-Based Evaluation of Internal Marketing Campaigns Link

As I already mentioned, combining hit-based data (such as clicks on internal ads) and session-based data (such as conversions) directly is not possible in Google Analytics. That’s why we first use the custom report “Internal Marketing Campaigns (hit-based)” to identify data segments that we can then apply to the acquisition reports, for example.

Let’s look at the report, jumping straight to the table this time:

Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 150
Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 1 (View large version51)

In the table, we see the number of clicks (hits) on internal ads. The data is grouped based on the combinations of ITM parameters that occurred. In a sense, this is our raw data. Now we have to consider which data segments we can identify:

  1. In this example, there is only one internal marketing campaign, but this is already interesting as a data segment. We want to examine more closely how the number of conversions differs between sessions with and without clicks on internal ad content.
  2. Then, we drill down a little deeper and differentiate based on the dimension itm_term_h, which identifies ad content with a relationship to web analytics (webanalyse) or AdWords (adwords).

Even with so little data, we can continue to slice it up into new segments. For example, you could create segments from the dimensions itm_term_h and itm_content_h to examine which type of ad content works better for itm_term_h = "webanalyse" or itm_term_h = "adwords". But that’s just a side note.

I’m not going to go into the details of creating the data segments. You can see the definition of the segments in their names.

We’ll start with the segment itm_campaign_h = marketing2017. To make the difference clearer, I also defined a segment that includes all of the users who didn’t click on internal ads. This segment is named itm_campaign_h != marketing2017. != is the operator for “not equal to.”

Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 252
Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 2 (View large version53)
  1. Even with these two simple segments, we can distinguish between users who clicked on internal advertising and those who didn’t.
  2. We can see significant differences in the number of conversions and the conversion rate.
  3. We can examine the effectiveness of the internal marketing campaign in relation to the traffic sources. This data provides us with valuable starting points for better targeting and optimizing our internal marketing campaigns. Performing this kind of analysis is impossible if you use UTM parameters!

In the second short analysis, we’ll consider the segments itm_term_h = webanalyse and itm_term_h = adwords. These segments enable us to differentiate based on the context of the internal ad with regard to content — in this example, therefore, AdWords (adwords) and Web Analytics (webanalyse).

Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 354
Hit-based evaluation of internal marketing campaigns, 3 (View large version55)

  1. We can now distinguish between internal ads with the subjects AdWords (adwords) and Web Analytics (webanalyse). Once again, I’ve activated the segment itm_campaign_h != marketing2017 (users without clicks on internal ads) as a control group.
  2. If we look at the number of conversions, we’ll notice that the total of the individual segments (3 + 4 + 2 = 9) is greater than the total number of conversions. Here we might have expected that the sum of itm_term_h = webanalyse and itm_term_h = adwords would be six conversions, but it is actually seven conversions. This is a consequence of hit-based evaluation. It is possible that users click on banner ads for AdWords and banner ads for Web Analytics during a single session. These users would, then, be part of both data segments!

Naturally, these examples are just a taste of the many analyses that are possible with data segments. But they clearly show how much more the potential for analysis is when clicks on internal ads are captured at the hit level.

Recommendations Link

  • Don’t use UTM parameters to track internal marketing campaigns. They are intended for external campaigns. If you use these parameters internally, you’ll lose information about the sources of the users’ traffic. Moreover, you’ll only ever have information about a user’s last click on an ad.
  • If you already employ ecommerce tracking on your website, you should check whether you can monitor your internal marketing with enhanced ecommerce tracking.
  • If enhanced ecommerce tracking is not an option for you or you are looking for a solution that’s easy to manage, then consider implementing tracking using ITM parameters.
  • A little technical know-how is required to implement this method of tracking, but later on the parameters will be as easy to use as the UTM parameters.
  • Give some thought to capturing data: Should clicks on internal banners be saved at the hit or session level? Both options have their advantages and disadvantages (data quality versus the time and effort of analysis). If necessary, you could even use both options in parallel. Then, you’d need ten custom dimensions in Analytics instead of five. Using both methods in parallel would allow you to compare them directly.
  • The five ITM parameters that I presented here are not set in stone. I chose them because they make the switch from UTM parameters simple. If you require additional data, adding further tracking parameters is easy.

All done! This article ended up being much longer than I originally planned.

Thanks for sticking with me right to the end and for taking on the challenges of tracking and analyzing internal marketing campaigns with me. As you’ve seen, there are a number of decisions to be made and various settings to be configured.

But they’re worth the effort — internal advertising is one of the most powerful instruments for generating more leads, more conversions and more revenue on your website. In order to employ this instrument profitably, you’ll need data that allows for the evaluation and optimization of your internal marketing campaigns. Particularly if you’re offering personalized product recommendations and the like, detailed data is indispensable for identifying jumping-off points for optimizations.

All the best in the analysis of your internal marketing campaigns!

Related Links Link

(da, yk, vf, al, il)

Footnotes Link

  1. 1
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Friendly, Frictionless Work: Best Practices For Enterprise Messaging UX, From Slack

Friendly, Frictionless Work: Best Practices For Enterprise Messaging UX, From Slack

Creating good user experiences for apps inside messaging platforms poses a relatively new design challenge. When moving from desktop web to mobile interfaces, developers have had to rethink interaction design1 to work around a constrained screen size, a new set of input gestures2 and unreliable network connections. Like our tiny touchscreens, messaging platforms also shake up the types of input that apps can accept, change designers’ canvas size, and demand a different set of assumptions about how users communicate.

Our extended UX guide walks you through designing a good experience end to end, but here, we’ll focus on a few things:

  • Identify basic assumptions about users. Who are they? What do they know about and expect from your app? How do they expect to receive information?
  • Consider UI aspects that are specific to messaging platforms, including available components and expected behaviors.
  • Write app text for conversation (i.e. doing more with fewer words).

Building Delightful Mobile Experiences Link

Apps are often abandoned due to a poorly designed interface or an overall negative experience. Make sure that you clearly show users why they need your app. Read more →3

Basic Assumptions: Who Are The People Using My App? Link

This is probably the most critical step when it comes to building your user experience. In order to cater to your users, you need to know what they need and expect from the messaging service they’re using, and what they need from your app.

We’ll spare you any preaching on the value of user personas for consumer apps; in this article, though, we do want to call out specific needs that users have in enterprise messaging apps.

The most basic assumption about people using an enterprise messaging app is that they are using the messaging client at work, for work. It’s a big assumption but is key to everything else: You are building an app for an organization, and your app is helping that organization be productive.

There are many variables to consider:

  • Users might be from a big enterprise group or a small company.
  • Users might belong to different business units, such as engineering or HR.
  • Administrators might have different preferences or requirements when it comes to app installation, permissions and security.

Your app might target all of these people or just a subset of them, but your users could come from any company. They will be people of all ages, races, genders and ability levels. They might have poor Internet connections, use the messaging app only on mobile or be forced to use it by their boss.

The four factors below will ensure that they all have a great experience.

Consider Team Size Link

There are 5-person non-profits and 50,000-person enterprises that could use your app. Some teams keep their conversations in a dozen channels, while others create five channels for every new project or subteam across their organization.

To make your app work well for 5-person teams and 50,000-person teams, take into account how your app uses lists of users and channels. You might need to leave room in your UI for extra channels, or find ways to abbreviate or truncate what you display.

Don’t Forget About Time Zones Link

Even on a single team, users might be spread out across multiple time zones. If you’re planning to post notifications at a particular time of day, understand that some people might be seeing the notification at a different time than everybody else on their team.

People also use their work messaging apps while traveling, so they might be in one time zone when they installed your app but in a different time zone a few months later.

Be Mindful of User Access Link

Access controls are extremely important in enterprise software. For example, team administrators might permit only certain people to install and manage apps according to company policy. Prompting a user to install your app when they don’t have permission to will fail; check their access levels before suggesting an action, or fail gracefully with informative error messages and an escalation path to their team administrator. If you can, test the installation flow and interactions in your app using a variety of user types.

Think About Familiarity With Apps Link

Just because somebody installs your app on their team doesn’t necessarily mean that everybody else on the team knows about it. In fact, some people might not even realize they’ve installed an app and might think that your app is part of the messaging client’s built-in functionality. As the app developer, you are responsible for making a great first impression on those interacting with your app.

UI Considerations: Make It Pretty, Make It Work Link

Messages inside any enterprise messaging tool should be designed to help people get work done efficiently. Here are some general rules we’ve learned from seeing hundreds of apps.

Simplify Before You Build Link

Create a storyboard of your app’s interactions before you start coding it. It’s a great way to stay user-centric and provide the most valuable and pleasant experience possible. Mapping out a user’s journey can also help you spot any inefficient paths to completing a task, redundant flows or confusing cycles.

Keep Text Segments Bite-Sized and Conversational Link

People don’t read4 big blocks of text. Make text scannable by keeping it short.

Make Use of Each Platform’s Built-In UI Elements Link

When you use system features, you stay consistent with the platform’s UI (for example, fonts will look good together, buttons will stay in proportion with everything else on the screen), and you’ll also benefit from the work each company has done to optimize those features for display across mobile and desktop. Remember that your app is contained within the frame of another app, so completely rolling your own style would look more jarring than unique.

Your messages will look a little different on desktop and mobile; the platform will take care of laying out elements in a sensible way. (Image: Diogenes Brito30272421146) (View large version7)

What’s more, UI elements such as buttons8, attachments9 and menus10 give you a lot of flexibility to make your messages pop. If you’re having trouble keeping your messages short, think about using images or linkified text to make them easier to read.

For example, the message below uses links and colored buttons to highlight the key elements of the message: There is a task to be completed, related to a specific message belonging to a specific topic.

Message using linkified text and buttons.11
Slackbot uses buttons and links to make this message scannable and actionable. (View large version12)

Besides making sure your app’s messages look great, you’ll want to do a few more things.

Help Users Choose by Picking Sensible Default Options Link

Save people work wherever you can by minimizing the choices they have to make. When you give menus and buttons good default values, you decrease the number of choices users have to make from many to just one: yes or no.

Say your app helps people buy coffee. Instead of presenting a full menu of choices every time someone orders, you could make the user’s last order the default option. In the best-case scenario, this reduces the coffee order to a single click.

Message showing an easy default option13
Reordering is just a click away, or users can initiate the order flow again. (Image: Diogenes Brito30272421146) (View large version15)

Know That Messages Have a Lifecycle Link

Users will be interacting with your app asynchronously. They might begin a task, then get interrupted and revisit later. Your app should plan for that. Interruptions or periods of inactivity may or may not signal a loss of intent on the part of the user.

Decide whether anything in your workflow is time-sensitive. Should someone be able to jump in on a task again at any time? Should some content expire or need to be redone? Make a conscious choice about the lifespan of messages.

Clean Up After Yourself Link

UI-heavy messages are great in the moment you receive them: They’re easy to read, good to look at and simple to interact with. They also take up a lot of space on the person’s screen.

Ephemeral message and buttons16
Lunch Train uses ephemeral messages to give extra context to the person starting the train and buttons for people to easily join the train.

In your storyboard, think about what a person will need to remember about their interaction with your app when they come back to it later, at the end of the message’s life or after an exchange of several messages. Do those buttons and menus need to stick around, or could you condense the message down to a simple text record of what happened? Be considerate and update your message after the interactive portion of the conversation has expired.

Lunch Train's simple message left in channel17
After it’s too late to board the train, a shortened message is left in the channel.

Communicating For Clarity Link

If your app has a conversational bot component18, the way your bot communicates will become part of your brand’s voice. In the most literal interpretation of a chat UI, your bot is your company’s logo having a conversation with the end user — so, no matter what, you are expressing something about your brand and values, and you should be thoughtful about what you say.

Be Clear, Concise and Human Link

If you strive to make your bot sound clear, concise and human, you can’t go far wrong. The bot’s voice could start out being more or less your own, progressively edited for clarity.

Believe it or not, if you’re doing any sort of natural language processing on your users’ responses, taking the time to write clear, concise bot copy will pay dividends. On nearly all platforms, your bot will speak to the user first. This helps set the tone for the conversation, since people generally mimic the way they’re spoken to when replying. If your bot speaks clearly and in grammatical English (or the language of your choice), you’re more likely to get grammatical replies back.

But What Is My Brand? Link

Write down some adjectives that you’d like people to use to describe your brand or your bot (for example, “friendly,” “authoritative”). Then you can go back and edit the words you would have used as yourself, and make sure they’re consistent with how someone communicates when they’re friendly or authoritative.

Small words can make a difference. Think about how you would reply to a bot that greets you like this…

Hello, how may I help you?

… versus like this:

Hey, how can I help you?

For further reading, MailChimp’s “Voice and Tone19” guide is a very helpful way to frame how you approach writing for your bot.

How Much Personality Is Too Much? Link

Your bot’s primary purpose is not to sound clever or to entertain users, but to help them accomplish a task — even if that task is inherently entertaining, like finding just the right cat GIF. Even if your app is useful, if it feels like more work chatting with your bot than just doing the same task outside of the messaging interface, then you’re going to lose some users.

A bot with personality can help you stand out, but within limits:

  • Don’t construct a personality that requires you to add a lot of fluff to messages in order to express character or humor. Get to the point.
  • Try to avoid puns or wordplay if they detract from the meaning.
  • Informality is good, but getting overly friendly will be charming to a very small number of people. The rest will find it grating or even culturally insensitive (particularly in a workplace).
  • If you decide to give a gender to your bot (and it’s very easy not to), then be appropriate with the kinds of things they say and don’t say. Don’t be tempted to use it as an excuse to get lazy about behaviors or about phrases stereotypical to one gender or another (or to particular age groups, or anything else). You’ll end up driving people away.
  • Using contractions and conversational cadence is a good way to lightly infuse your bot with human personality — “You’ll be able to” rather than “You will be able to.”

A little goes a long way. We cannot say this enough.

Be Brief Link

Don’t add a joke or aside just to add one. Almost every word your bot says should facilitate an interaction. (Courteous parts of speech, such as greetings, are also useful.)

Don’t do this:

Overlyy long message20
This message from Cowgirl Cooker is too long. (Image: Diogenes Brito30272421146) (View large version22)

Try this instead:

Shorter message23
This briefer message is more readable. (Image: Diogenes Brito30272421146) (View large version25)

The second example still has plenty of distinctive personality, but gets straight to the point.

Be Clear Link

Try to write copy for your interactions that someone who doesn’t speak your language fluently could easily understand. That means:

  • avoid over-relying on jargon and slang;
  • avoid culturally specific references, such as jokes from movies;
  • stick to common, simple words;
  • don’t replace words with emoji.


Message that uses jargon26
Too much jargon is in this message. (Image: Diogenes Brito30272421146) (View large version28)


Message using plain language29
This message is more readable and doesn’t replace words with emoji. (Image: Diogenes Brito30272421146) (View large version31)

The emoji combination is also potentially confusing and might stall some users as they try to decipher it (“Fire?… Meat?… Firemeat?”).

This button copy is similarly difficult to understand and, in the worst case, could prevent users from selecting a response at all. Try to use standard combinations on buttons (“Yes” and “No,” “Confirm” and “Cancel”) to help users have a smooth, simple experience with your app.

Read over the copy and ask yourself, “Is there anywhere a user might pause in confusion?” Better yet, watch someone read your copy and see if they get confused.

Be Empathetic Link

Your users could be people of all ages, races, genders and ability levels. Write for them all:

  • Consider using “they/their” instead of “she/hers” and “he/his.”
  • Consider using a variety of emoji skin tones.
  • Avoid sexist, racist or ableist language. (We like Lydia X.Z. Brown’s list of ableist terms32 and the APA’s guidelines on non-sexist language33 and on inclusive language in general.)
  • Make an effort to test your bot with users from a variety of backgrounds, in different settings (on mobile, with flaky Wi-Fi, etc.).
  • Don’t assume any level of technical fluency from your users.

Writing for a broad audience takes a bit of practice if you’re new to it, and it is usually easier if you have a team of people from diverse backgrounds working on your bot from the start.

Write for a Global Audience Link

Words and copy used in your interactions should be easily understood even by someone who doesn’t speak the same language fluently.

  • Avoid jargon and slang.
  • For basic actions, stick to common, simple words.
  • Write button copy in the active voice, and reflect the user’s outcome (“Save,” “Book Flight,” “Place Order”).
  • Be concise. Button copy should only rarely exceed two words.
  • Avoid vague, non-actionable text like “Click here” or “Settings.”

Above all, don’t get too attached to anything you write for your bot. Good writing is always in the editing; be open to changes and to feedback, and you’ll iterate your way to success.

Tying It Together Link

Taking your app to a new platform requires that you adapt to your users’ expectations and needs in that new medium. We hope this guide has clarified some of the things that are most impactful to enterprise users of messaging apps: the context of work, UI primitives and how to speak in messages.

We don’t have all the answers. Everything we’ve recommended here is what we’ve seen work for us (building Slackbot34) and for successful apps on Slack35. If you have your own ideas on what works, we’d love to hear them — drop us a line36!

This is an excerpt adapted from Slack’s new UX guide — a comprehensive look at what goes into building a great app for Slack. You can read the full version here37.

(rb, yk, vf, al, il)

Front page image credit: Should I Use Slackbot (Flowchart)38

Footnotes Link

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How To Work Out What To Charge Clients: The Honest Version

How To Work Out What To Charge Clients: The Honest Version

Have you ever read a post that has left you feeling wholly inadequate because you know you can’t live up to the high standards they lay out? Well, that is how I feel when I read posts about how much to charge my clients.

When Smashing Magazine asked me to write an article sharing my thoughts on pricing my services, I agreed without much thought. But now I sit down to write it, and I’m faced with a conundrum. Do I write about how you should price projects or do I tell you the truth about the unorthodox approach I take?

I have read many posts about the pricing of a project. From value-based pricing1, to billing around Agile cycles2. These are all great approaches I aspire to, but have somehow never managed to implement. I suspect I am not alone.

So instead of intimidating you with complex value-based pricing formulas or boring you to death with project Gantt charts, I am going to share with you the rather inelegant approach I take to the subject. Inelegant it may be, but it has allowed me to run a lucrative business for the last 15 years.

It begins by knowing the minimum you have to charge per hour.

Working With Difficult Clients Link

Unfortunately, there are clients who do not quite respect the work that you do, but there are a number of ways you can deal with them. Read more →3

Calculate Your Minimum Rate Link

Okay, so this is the one bit of the process I have made an effort to approach professionally. It is important to know the minimum you have to charge per day to live. That isn’t going to be the rate I charge my clients. It is just the rate I am not willing to go below.

You have to know your minimum charge-out rate otherwise you could easily work on projects that lose you money. (Large preview5)

So how do we calculate that rate? Fortunately, it isn’t rocket science. Just follow these steps:

1. Establish a minimum salary Link

Start with the minimum wage you would like to take out of the business. How much do you want to earn a year? Remember, this is the minimum figure you could survive on. We will increase that number later.

2. Add costs Link

Next, calculate your costs including reoccurring costs such as software services, rent, etc. But also include a budget for one-off costs such as that shiny new Mac you want. Work out how much this all comes to a year.

3. Remember to save Link

Don’t forget to plan for the future. Set aside some money each month for pension and savings. Calculate the total over a year and add it to your costs and salary.

4. Don’t ignore your tax! Link

The figure you now have tells you how much money you must earn before tax. Now, add to that total the tax you would have to pay on that revenue. That will give you the minimum figure you need to earn over the year.

5. Calculate the number of working days Link

Before we can work out how much to charge per day, we first need to know how many days a year you work. To do that you follow these steps:

  1. Subtract weekends which immediately brings you down to 260 working days per year.
  2. Take off public holidays from your yearly total.
  3. Don’t forget you will need some vacation time.

So in my case, it is 260 working days minus ten public holidays and 20 days vacation time.

It is easy to forget not all of your time will be chargeable.6
It is easy to forget not all of your time will be chargeable. (Large preview7)

6. Be realistic about your chargeable time Link

Unfortunately, we still cannot take our target revenue and divided by 230 days. That is because you will not be able to charge out every hour you work.

There are many other factors to consider. You will spend time marketing, writing proposals, doing admin, and managing your finances. None of these is chargeable. Realistically you can’t expect to charge yourself out more than about 60% of the time.

All of this work will leave you with a minimum daily rate. Now we need to calculate how long our project will take. That is where you will begin to see my rather ad-hoc approach.

Take A Guess At How Long It Will Take Link

Sam Barnes wrote a brilliant post8 on calculating the time a project will take, as did Peter Mouland9. I recommend you read these because, to be honest with you, I just guess.

It's embarrassing but true. When it comes to estimating how long a project will take, I make an educated guess.10
It’s embarrassing but true. When it comes to estimating how long a project will take, I make an educated guess. (Large preview11)

Sure, if it is a big project I break it down a bit and try to price each part separately. But mainly it is a gut feel for how long things will take. I guess I have the advantage of doing this job for over 20 years, so the chances are I have done a similar project before. But I don’t want to lie to you and pretend I have some clever system. I don’t.

I found that for me, spending hours calculating how long things would take wasn’t worth it. Whether I was bad at it or whether I am just unlucky, but there always seemed to be a curve ball that ended up making my carefully crafted figure inaccurate. I appear to do just as well taking an educated guess.

I make my best guess and times it by my minimum rate per day, and that gives me my minimum price. But this is not what I charge. In fact, if a client can only pay my minimum price then I walk away in most cases. After all, my calculation for the length of the project isn’t exactly accurate, so I need to ensure I have a markup.

Markup Your Minimum Price Link

My minimum price tells me if the project is viable, but it isn’t an amount the client will ever see. I decide on that pricing using three very professional (sarcasm) factors that I outline below.

Factor in the “can I be bothered” equation Link

You know what it is like, some projects get you excited and some you couldn’t care less if you do. So why not factor that into your pricing? Projects that sound awesome and you desperately want to win, will hardly be marked up at all. Projects that look as dull as ditchwater gets a hefty wedge added on top of the minimum rate.

My rates reflect my level of interest in the project. The more interested, the lower my price will be.12
My rates reflect my level of interest in the project. The more interested, the lower my price will be. (Large preview13)

That makes a lot of sense if you think about it. It encourages more of the kind of work you want to be known for and that you love. It might seem unfair, but if the client doesn’t want to pay your premium to do a tedious project, he can always go elsewhere.

Remember “the client is an ass” tax Link

Next up we have “the client is an ass” tax. Always, always, take every opportunity you can to speak to the client before pricing their project. Ask lots of questions and get them talking. Do your best to ascertain what kind of client they are likely to be.

If you think they are going to be difficult to work with, charge them more. Again this makes sense. Demanding clients require you to put in more effort to deliver and so should be charged a premium for that extra effort.

If you think a client is going to be challenging, make sure you charge accordingly.14
If you think a client is going to be challenging, make sure you charge accordingly. (Large preview15)

Add the “what can I get away with” markup Link

Finally, we come to the most interesting one – what can I get away with charging? I work with a huge range of clients. Some are multinational conglomerates, and others are small charities or public sector organizations.

In theory, you could argue that I should charge all of those clients the same, but I don’t. The multinational will pay more because they have more. I never got on with value based pricing, but I do recognize I have value and that my value is proportional to the organization. The larger the organization, the more they can do with the value I bring and so the more I am going to charge them for it.

Value is relative. What is expensive to one client will not be to another and cost is often equated to expertise.16
Value is relative. What is expensive to one client will not be to another and cost is often equated to expertise. (Large preview17)

There is a related factor here too. People often equate value with how much they pay. Therefore the more I charge them, the more they value what I produce. They take me more seriously if they are paying top dollar for me.

But what people perceive as expensive varies based on their situation. My charge out rate would seem cheap to a large multinational and costly to that smaller charity. Hence, I change my rates depending on the client.

It is important to note that none of the factors I use to decide on a price reflects how desperate I am for work. I don’t charge less if I need the work and neither do I charge more if I am busy. That just feels like a slippery slope to me and stinks of desperation.

If times are tough, I would prefer to put my energies into sales and marketing rather than working on a project that I might not even break even on.

Am I Unprofessional? Link

I am conscious that this post may reflect poorly on me. I nearly didn’t write it for fear it would seem unprofessional. But I know I am not alone in taking this kind of approach. We just don’t talk about it.

In truth pricing projects is almost impossible to do accurately or in an entirely ‘fair’ way. There are just too many variables, too many things that can go wrong. All we can do is take our best guess.

Also at the end of the day, pricing is about supply and demand. Pricing isn’t a matter of calculating a rate based on hours spent or return generated. It’s your time, and if people are willing to pay, you can charge whatever you like.

(vf, il)

Footnotes Link

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  16. 16
  17. 17

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Building A Simple AI Chatbot With Web Speech API And Node.js

Building A Simple AI Chatbot With Web Speech API And Node.js

Using voice commands has become pretty ubiquitous nowadays, as more mobile phone users use voice assistants such as Siri and Cortana, and as devices such as Amazon Echo and Google Home1 have been invading our living rooms. These systems are built with speech recognition software that allows their users to issue voice commands2. Now, our web browsers will become familiar with to Web Speech API, which allows users to integrate voice data in web apps.

With the current state of web apps, we can rely on various UI elements to interact with users. With the Web Speech API, we can develop rich web applications with natural user interactions and minimal visual interface, using voice commands. This enables countless use cases for richer web applications. Moreover, the API can make web apps accessible, helping people3 with physical or cognitive disabilities or injuries. The future web will be more conversational and accessible!

Enhancing User Experience Link

Web Speech API enables websites and web apps not only to speak to you, but to listen, too. Take a look at just some great examples of how it can be used to enhance the user experience. Read more →4

In this tutorial, we will use the API to create an artificial intelligence (AI) voice chat interface in the browser. The app will listen to the user’s voice and reply with a synthetic voice. Because the Web Speech API is still experimental, the app works only in supported browsers5. The features used for this article, both speech recognition and speech synthesis, are currently only in the Chromium-based browsers, including Chrome 25+ and Opera 27+, while Firefox, Edge and Safari support only speech synthesis at the moment.

(View large version7)

This video shows the demo in Chrome, and this is what we are going to build in this tutorial!

A simple AI chat bot demo with Web Speech API

To build the web app, we’re going to take three major steps:

  1. Use the Web Speech API’s SpeechRecognition interface to listen to the user’s voice.
  2. Send the user’s message to a commercial natural-language-processing API as a text string.
  3. Once API.AI returns the response text back, use the SpeechSynthesis interface to give it a synthetic voice.
The app flow8

The entire source code9 used for this tutorial is on GitHub.

Prerequisites Link

This tutorial relies on Node.js. You’ll need to be comfortable with JavaScript and have a basic understanding of Node.js.

Make sure Node.js10 is installed on your machine, and then we’ll get started!

Setting Up Your Node.js Application Link

First, let’s set up a web app framework with Node.js. Create your app directory, and set up your app’s structure like this:

. ├── index.js ├── public │ ├── css │ │ └── style.css │ └── js │ └── script.js └── views └── index.html 

Then, run this command to initialize your Node.js app:

$ npm init -f

The -f accepts the default setting, or else you can configure the app manually without the flag. Also, this will generate a package.json file that contains the basic info for your app.

Now, install all of the dependencies needed to build this app:

$ npm install express apiai --save

With the --save flag added, your package.json file will be automatically updated with the dependencies.

We are going to use Express11, a Node.js web application server framework, to run the server locally. To enable real-time bidirectional communication between the server and the browser, we’ll use Socket.IO12. Also, we’ll install the natural language processing service tool, API.AI13 in order to build an AI chatbot that can have an artificial conversation.

Socket.IO is a library that enables us to use WebSocket easily with Node.js. By establishing a socket connection between the client and server, our chat messages will be passed back and forth between the browser and our server, as soon as text data is returned by the Web Speech API (the voice message) or by API.AI API (the “AI” message).

Now, let’s create an index.js file and instantiate Express and listen to the server:

const express = require('express'); const app = express(); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/views')); // html app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); // js, css, images const server = app.listen(5000); app.get('/', (req, res) => { res.sendFile('index.html'); }); 

Now, let’s work on our app! In the next step, we will integrate the front-end code with the Web Speech API.

Receiving Speech With The SpeechRecognition Interface Link

The Web Speech API has a main controller interface, named SpeechRecognition1614, to receive the user’s speech from a microphone and understand what they’re saying.

Creating the User Interface Link

The UI of this app is simple: just a button to trigger voice recognition. Let’s set up our index.html file and include our front-end JavaScript file (script.js) and Socket.IO, which we will use later to enable the real-time communication:

<html lang="en"> <head>…</head> <body> … <script src=""></script> <script src="js/script.js"></script> </body> </html> 

Then, add a button interface in the HTML’s body:


To style the button as seen in the demo, refer to the style.css file in the source code15.

Capturing Voice With JavaScript Link

In script.js, invoke an instance of SpeechRecognition1614, the controller interface of the Web Speech API for voice recognition:

const SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition || window.webkitSpeechRecognition; const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();

We’re including both prefixed and non-prefixed objects, because Chrome currently supports the API with prefixed properties.

Also, we are using some of ECMAScript6 syntax in this tutorial, because the syntax, including the const and arrow functions, are available in browsers that support both Speech API interfaces, SpeechRecognition and SpeechSynthesis.

Optionally, you can set varieties of properties17 to customize speech recognition:

recognition.lang = 'en-US'; recognition.interimResults = false; 

Then, capture the DOM reference for the button UI, and listen for the click event to initiate speech recognition:

document.querySelector('button').addEventListener('click', () => { recognition.start(); }); 

Once speech recognition has started, use the result event to retrieve what was said as text:

recognition.addEventListener('result', (e) => { let last = e.results.length - 1; let text = e.results[last][0].transcript; console.log('Confidence: ' + e.results[0][0].confidence); // We will use the Socket.IO here later… }); 

This will return a SpeechRecognitionResultList object containing the result, and you can retrieve the text in the array. Also, as you can see in the code sample, this will return confidence for the transcription, too.

Now, let’s use Socket.IO to pass the result to our server code.

Real-Time Communication With Socket.IO Link

Socket.IO18 is a library for real-time web applications. It enables real-time bidirectional communication between web clients and servers. We are going to use it to pass the result from the browser to the Node.js code, and then pass the response back to the browser.

You may be wondering why are we not using simple HTTP or AJAX instead. You could send data to the server via POST. However, we are using WebSocket via Socket.IO because sockets are the best solution for bidirectional communication, especially when pushing an event from the server to the browser. With a continuous socket connection, we won’t need to reload the browser or keep sending an AJAX request at a frequent interval.

Socket.IO in the app19

Instantiate Socket.IO in script.js somewhere:

const socket = io(); 

Then, insert this code where you are listening to the result event from SpeechRecognition:

socket.emit('chat message', text); 

Now, let’s go back to the Node.js code to receive this text and use AI to reply to the user.

Getting A Reply From AI Link

Numerous platforms and services enable you to integrate an app with an AI system using speech-to-text and natural language processing, including IBM’s Watson20, Microsoft’s LUIS21 and Wit.ai4022. To build a quick conversational interface, we will use API.AI, because it provides a free developer account and allows us to set up a small-talk system quickly using its web interface and Node.js library.

Setting Up API.AI Link

Once you’ve created an account, create an “agent.” Refer to the “Getting Started23” guide, step one.

Then, instead of going the full customization route by creating entities and intents, first, simply click the “Small Talk” preset from the left menu, then, secondly, toggle the switch to enable the service.

API.AI Small Talk24
(View large version25)

Customize your small-talk agent as you’d like using the API.AI interface.

Go to the “General Settings” page by clicking the cog icon next to your agent’s name in the menu, and get your API key. You will need the “client access token” to use the Node.js SDK.

Using the API.AI Node.js SDK Link

Let’s hook up our Node.js app to API.AI using the latter’s Node.js SDK! Go back to your index.js file and initialize API.AI with your access token:

const apiai = require('apiai')(APIAI_TOKEN); 

If you just want to run the code locally, you can hardcode your API key here. There are multiple ways to set your environment variables, but I usually set an .env file to include the variables. In the source code on GitHub, I’ve hidden my own credentials by including the file with .gitignore, but you can look at the .env-test26 file to see how it is set.

Now we are using the server-side Socket.IO to receive the result from the browser.

Once the connection is established and the message is received, use the API.AI APIs to retrieve a reply to the user’s message:

io.on('connection', function(socket) { socket.on('chat message', (text) => { // Get a reply from API.AI let apiaiReq = apiai.textRequest(text, { sessionId: APIAI_SESSION_ID }); apiaiReq.on('response', (response) => { let aiText = response.result.fulfillment.speech; socket.emit('bot reply', aiText); // Send the result back to the browser! }); apiaiReq.on('error', (error) => { console.log(error); }); apiaiReq.end(); }); }); 

When API.AI returns the result, use Socket.IO’s socket.emit() to send it back to the browser.

Giving The AI A Voice With The SpeechSynthesis Interface Link

Let’s go back to script.js once again to finish off the app!

Create a function to generate a synthetic voice. This time, we are using the SpeechSynthesis controller interface of the Web Speech API.

The function takes a string as an argument and enables the browser to speak the text:

function synthVoice(text) { const synth = window.speechSynthesis; const utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); utterance.text = text; synth.speak(utterance); } 

In the function, first, create a reference to the API entry point, window.speechSynthesis. You might notice that there is no prefixed property this time: This API is more widely supported than SpeechRecognition, and all browsers that support it have already dropped the prefix for SpeechSysthesis.

Then, create a new SpeechSynthesisUtterance()27 instance using its constructor, and set the text that will be synthesised when the utterance is spoken. You can set other properties28, such as voice to choose the type of the voices that the browser and operating system should support.

Finally, use the SpeechSynthesis.speak() to let it speak!

Now, get the response from the server using Socket.IO again. Once the message is received, call the function.

socket.on('bot reply', function(replyText) { synthVoice(replyText); }); 

You are done! Let’s try a chit-chat with our AI bot!

Demo in GIF animation29
(View large version30)

Note that the browser will ask you for permission to use the microphone the first time. Like other web APIs, such as the Geolocation API and the Notification API, the browser will never access your sensitive information unless you grant it, so your voice will not be secretly recorded without your knowledge.

You will soon get bored with the conversation because the AI is too simple. However, API.AI is configurable and trainable. Read the API.AI documentation31 to make it smarter.

I hope you’ve enjoyed the tutorial and created a fun chatbot!

Push The Web To The Future! Link

Voice interaction has transformed the way users control computing and connected devices. Now with the Web Speech API, the user experience is transforming on the web, too. Combined with AI and deep learning, your web apps will become more intelligent and provide better experiences for users!

References Link

This tutorial has covered only the core features of the API, but the API is actually pretty flexible and customizable. You can change the language of recognition and synthesis, the synthetic voice, including the accent (like US or UK English), the speech pitch and the speech rate. You can learn more about the API here:

Also, to learn Node.js and the libraries used in this tutorial, check out the following:

Finally, check out the different natural-language-processing tools and conversational platforms!

(rb, yk, al, il)

Footnotes Link

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  18. 18
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  24. 24
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  26. 26
  27. 27
  28. 28
  29. 29
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  38. 38
  39. 39
  40. 40
  41. 41
  42. 42
  43. 43

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Learn From What You See: It All Starts With Inspiration

Learn From What You See: It All Starts With Inspiration

The world around us is full of little things and experiences that shape us, our way of thinking, but also how we tackle our work. Influenced by these encounters, every designer develops their unique style and workflow, and studying their artwork — the compositions, geometry of lines and shapes, light and shadows, the colors and patterns1 — can all inspire us to look beyond our own horizon and try something new.

It really doesn’t take much to let your mind wander. Always remember to take a closer look at things around you; you’ll be sure to find inspiration in the little things2. But for now, let’s dig into another collection of brilliant illustrations and photographs.

Staying Out Of The Gray Zone Link

Do you often find yourself having mental blocks? Why not get out a bit and attend an event? We’ve prepared a list of upcoming events that will help you make a shift in your mindset. Read more →3

Get Ready: It’s Friday Link

What a great friendly vintage atmosphere! Well done.

Image credit: Paul Thurlby5

o r i g i n s Link

Latest project from Maria Svarbova. Again, cleverly playing with symmetry and color.

Image credit: Maria Svarbova7

Inventing The Future Of Space Link

Diging the retro-futuristic-exciting style in this one.

Image credit: Léonard Dupond9

Cafe Racer Link

Perfect lines and shapes, but also such great use of color.

Image credit: Alexey Kuvaldin11

Cycling Plus Magazine Link

Loving the special color choices in this illustration, and all of the movement that’s been going on.

Image credit: Steve Scott13

Stop! Tomato Time. Link

You should always stop to taste a delicious tomato. I like the atmosphere created in this one.

Image credit: The Fox And King15

DuJour Link

Clever concept and execution mixed with subtle use of color and texture.

Image credit: Karolis Strautniekas17

Food & Nutrition Magazine Link

Great black silhouette to use as a centerpiece in this illustration so that everything else can be in color.

Image credit: Mark Allen Miller19

Time Travel Link

A brilliant choice of style and textures in this one!

Image credit: Muti21

Exploration Link

Wow. Now these are some exceptional colors. Loving the vibrant contrast!

Image credit: Nick Slater23

Essensys Link

This one has quite a special style and excellent usage of textures.

Image credit: Vera Voishvilo25

Radiohead Berkeley Link

DKNG got to create a poster for their favorite band Radiohead playing at the iconic Greek Theater in Berkeley, CA. Beautiful geometrical design with superb dark shadows and light effects.

Image credit: DKNG27

REI 4th of July Link

It’s a wonderful thing to get to see the imagination of an illustrator who thinks “imagining what it would be like to paddle a kayak on those serene sunset waters”… The colors and gradients used here to reflect the sunset are just so well done.

Image credit: Brian Miller29

Mountain Barn Link

Just look at that view!

Image credit: Ales Krivec31

Google People Link

Nicely designed character poses. I love the subtle background elements and overall cute style.

Image credit: Markus Magnusson33

The Golden Cage Link

Gorgeous style by Carll Cneut from Belgium.

Image credit: Pixturebook Makers35

Heavy Eyes Link

All those lovely eyes!

Image credit: Pavlov Visuals37

Moraine Lake, Banff Link

I love these reflections and the beautifully soft light. Such an incredible and tranquil image.

Image credit: Earth39

Men’s Health – Realty Check Link

On point! Part of the head makes me think about Magnum P.I. played by Tom Selleck.

Image credit: Marco Goran Romano41

Comfortable Giant Link

Nice work, especially the color choices and the toned down background scene.

Image credit: Pavlov Visuals43

Siesta Beach Link

Pretty spectacular sunset at Siesta Key Beach.

Image credit: Cameron Moll45

Hemingway Link

Great illustration by Sébastien Plassard. The beard and the hair are simply beautiful.

Image credit: The New Yorker47

Oklahoma Storm Link

Incredible shot captured in Keyes, Oklahoma by storm chaser @VanessaNeufeld48.

Image credit: National Geographic50

Guardian – What I’ll Be Reading Link

Really nice illustration and some inspiring color choices.

Image credit: Owen Gatley52

The Hound And The Hare Link

The patterns throughout this piece are mesmerizing. Loving that gold accent color as well.

Image credit: Muti54

Johns Hopkins Magazine Link

Loving those candy colors. Also look at that skateboard! I love this ‘gummy’ bendable look.

Image credit: Burnt Toast Creative56

Opentable Link

Such beautiful contrasts! The subtle textures like on the lobster gives this one an edge.

Image credit: Owen Gatley58

Curious Case Society Inductee Manual V.7 Link

That eagle and those hand combos combined with the typography are making this a great shot.

Image credit: Daniel Haire60

Le Tour de France Link

The yearly circus every July.

Image credit: Spencer Wilson62

Esquire’s Big Black Book Link

Nice example of using just two colors.

Image credit: Janne Iivonen64

Wired World 2017 Link

Great composition of a scene in which shapes are being used as either desks or surfaces to stand on.

Image credit: Janne Iivonen66

Insects And Other Arthropods Link

Wonderful school posters!

Image credit: Loulou and Tummie68

Diversity Link

Super dope! I love the pattern on the sweater. The faces and different beard styles are also ace.

Image credit: Nick Slater70

Les Echos Link

Great diverse bunch of characters.

Image credit: Tommy Parker72

Greetings From San Francisco Link

Very nice to see all hallmark sights nicely integrated into the letters.

Image credit: DKNG74

Tour de France Impressions Link

Enjoying the style, especially the lines that just guide you to see the rest.

Image credit: justyna stasik76

A Different View Link

The iron work on the fences and patterns on the tiles in this Morrocan riad is so beautiful. The colors are also perfect.

Image credit: Muti78

TRUE Webhosting Link

A beautiful style with some isometric influences.

Image credit: Patswerk80

Picture Me Rollin’ Link

Interesting approach to the tire shapes. Those are some lovely soft tones as well.

Image credit: Scott Tusk82

Growth Link

Beautiful! Love the movement.

Image credit: Meg Robichaud84

Fish Link

Great graphical elements on the fish.

Image credit: Kemal Sanli86

Open The Door… Link

Classic and elegant. Love the metaphor to open the door for better weather or a new season.

Image credit: Steve Scott88

Adventure Link

Illustrations that explore imagination are always among my favorites. Thumbs up for the muted color palette as well.

Image credit: Wenyi Geng90

Horse House Link

It’s great to see how all those ‘etch’ lines are capable of accentuating the details in this illustration.

Image credit: Dima Kalmykov92

Stairhaus Inc. Link

Colors and composition are on point.

Image credit: Doublenaut94

Field Trip 2017 Link

Wonderful badge art for Field Trip Music Festival‘s 2017 branding.

Image credit: Doublenaut96

Cyrus Shey Link

Not an ordinary everyday color palette. Love the sense of speed in it.

Image credit: Mads Berg98

Tropical Galaxy Link

Top notch work as always with an inspiring color selection.

Image credit: DKNG100

Fleet Foxes Link

The right mix of floral elements to achieve a perfect balance.

Image credit: Bailey Sullivan102

Kirkjufell, Iceland Link

Those soft subdued tones and light really compliment the wild and remote feeling of this scene. Composed perfectly as well with just one inclusion of the person.

Image credit: Earth104

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The Surprising Relationship Between Gamification And Modern Persuasion

The Surprising Relationship Between Gamification And Modern Persuasion

If you’re like me, then being persuaded requires a scientific approach and concrete examples. And that’s exactly what this article does. It explains how gamification can work by showing the relationship between gamification, UX design, and BJ Fogg’s modern persuasion phenomenon, “mass interpersonal persuasion.” And it has a lot of practical gamification examples that you can apply to your own products for more engaging experiences.

Today, virtually all companies (except for special ones like Basecamp1) have to grow non-stop. Why? Well, that’s simply how the capitalist engine works. Investors pour money into startups, banks loan money to entrepreneurs, employees accept stock options instead of cash, all in the hope of the company growing much bigger. That’s why there is so much emphasis on growth. Otherwise, the whole system would collapse. It’s kind of crazy when you think a bit more deeply about it, but I’ll leave that part to you for now.

What we call “growth” in the tech world is called “persuasion” in academia. With this article, I want to show why gamification is a great tool for growth and how persuasion science (more precisely, the “mass interpersonal persuasion” phenomenon) proves that. I’ll do that with examples and facts. Let’s get going.

Taking Gamification To Another Level Link

Not only can gamification help sell your products better, but it can also be used to improve the user experience of your websites and apps. Read more →2

Two Misnomers: “User Experience Design” And “Gamification” Link

I think a lot about words, their meanings and how they shape our perception. This is of special importance to us UX and product people because we’re flooded with jargon. Let’s look at the following example to better understand the importance of words.


“UX is not UI” is a common reproach, and it is correct. Thanks to this famous photograph above, we now better understand that UX is not UI. But UX — or, more precisely, user experience design — is not usability either, as implied in the photograph. It requires an understanding of business goals as well as user needs and satisfaction of both, in a coherent fashion. But because the term “user experience design” does not imply anything about business, nobody talks about business. Daniel Kahneman, Nobel Prize winner in Economics, has a term for this phenomenon: What you see is all there is4. We do not see “business” in user experience design, so it becomes all about users.

Motivation and gamification, from Michael Wu of Lithium.5
Motivation and gamification, from Michael Wu of Lithium.

Gamification is another victim of misnaming. Contrary to popular belief, it does not entail users playing or giving them points. Yes, those are useful components, but not the whole thing. The purpose of gamification is not to make people have fun, either. The purpose is to use fun to motivate people towards certain behaviors. Motivation is the key here. As shown6 above by Michael Wu, motivation and game components are in parallel. That’s why we use gamification to motivate users. If that parallel were provided by something else — say, biology — then we’d use biologification to motivate users.

So, what is gamification? One of my favorite definitions comes from Juho Hamari7 of Tampere University of Technology:

Gamification is a process of enhancing a service with affordances for gameful experiences in order to support user’s overall value creation.

My other favorite definition comes from Kevin Werbach8 of the University of Pennsylvania:

Gamification is the process of making activities more game-like. In other words, it covers coordinated practices that objectively manifest the intent to produce more of the kinds of experiences that typify games.

As much as I like the definitions above, I still miss the emphasis on motivation and behaviors. So, here goes my definition of gamification:

Gamification is about using game-like setups to increase user motivation for behaviors that businesses target.

Naturally, my definition resembles user experience design. It does that by mixing the first two definitions. I’ve tried to convey how gamification satisfies users and businesses at the same time. I am not sure which definition is the most accurate, but I know this for sure: We have been playing games since we lived in caves, and we enjoy them for some reason. It’s only sensible to get inspiration from games, be it for business, education or something else.

Persuasion Link

If we want to understand persuasion9, then we should understand, before anything else, that people are predictably irrational10. Predictably irrational means that, even though people do not behave rationally most of the time, there are still patterns in this irrationality that help us predict future behaviors. This is why logic alone is not enough to persuade people. If people were consistently rational beings, then we would be living in a completely different world. For example, TV ads would merely consist of logical statements instead of gorgeous video productions. Coca-Cola ads would be like, “Coca Cola > Pepsi,” and Sony’s famous “Like no other” slogan would turn into “Sony !≈ anything else.”

Persuasion requires understanding neurology, psychology, biology, technology… a lot of “-ologies”. But arguably, the most important of all these ologies is technology, thanks to the unprecedented advancements in Internet and mobile in the last decade.

If only persuasion were that easy.11
If only persuasion were that easy.

So much so that BJ Fogg said the following12 (PDF, 208 KB):

This phenomenon (Mass Interpersonal Persuasion) brings together the power of interpersonal persuasion with the reach of mass media. I believe this new way to change attitudes and behavior is the most significant advance in persuasion since radio was invented in the 1890s.

Bear in mind that, from a scientific point of view, persuasion is an umbrella term13 for affecting people’s attitudes, behaviors, intentions or beliefs. It does not necessarily require changing people’s beliefs or ideas.

Let me give you an example.

My father, 62 years old, has always been critical of iPhones because he finds the prices unreasonable — not because he cannot afford one, but because an iPhone 7 Plus (256 GB) costs almost four times the minimum wage in Turkey, where we live. But he bought an iPhone 7 for himself last month. How come? Well, for a year or so, he has been telling me how his friends have these big-screen phones and show him pictures of their grandchildren. Eventually, he got fed up with not being able to do the same and bought an iPhone 7. (All he needs now is a grandchild… sigh!) He still finds it expensive, but he bought it anyway. His idea did not change, but his behavior did. That’s what we call persuading without changing beliefs.

Mass Interpersonal Persuasion And Gamification Link

In 2007 a new form of persuasion emerged: mass interpersonal persuasion (MIP). The advances in online social networks now allow individuals to change attitudes and behaviors on a mass scale.

This is how BJ Fogg defines MIP14. The advances he mentions in the definition start with the launch of Facebook Platform in 2007. Facebook Platform is an aggregation of services and products available to third-party developers so that they can create games, applications and other services using Facebook data. Facebook’s success triggered other platforms to provide similar services. Fast-forward to today: We are living in an era when we type passwords no more, thanks to sign-in with Facebook, Google and Twitter. Or, if we want something more advanced, we can get a personality analysis15 just by providing our Twitter handle. For an example that’s even more advanced — and scary — we can look at the debates on Facebook’s alleged influence on the latest US elections16. This is how powerful social platforms are today.

MIP consist of six components. To better understand MIP and its connection to gamification, let’s look at what they are, one by one, with examples.

1. Persuasive Experience Link

The following quote (and the remaining ones in this article) is taken from BJ Fogg17:

An experience that is created to change attitudes, behaviors, or both.

The key here is the intentionality to change behaviors or attitudes by providing experiences, as opposed to just stating facts and expecting people to be reasonable enough to change their behaviors or attitudes accordingly.

Now, let’s remember our definition of gamification:

Gamification is using game-like setups to increase user motivation for behaviors that businesses target.

Similar to MIP, gamification is quite intentional about changing behaviors. It does that by focusing on the entirety of the users’ experience to find the relevant spots where it can blend in the experience and do its magic. A great example of this is Sweden’s Speed Camera Lottery. The Speed Camera Lottery is a simple solution. If you do not drive over the speed limit, then you instantly get a chance to participate in a lottery. Even funnier is that the winnings comes from the fines paid by speeders.

To better understand the intentionality behind behavior change, let’s compare the Speed Camera Lottery with the campaign of New York City’s Department of Transportation (NYC DOT).

NYC Department of Transportation18
New York City’s Department of Transportation
Sweden's Speed Camera Lottery19

Sweden’s Speed Camera Lottery

NYC DOT’s campaign is quite impressive, with its powerful visual and message. “Hit at 40 mph: There’s a 70% chance I’ll die. Hit at 30 mph: There’s an 80% chance I’ll live.” It’s hard to compare these two campaigns because the cultures in these two countries differ quite a lot, and NYC DOT’s campaign encompasses a lot of different initiatives, such as new traffic signals, speed bumps, and pedestrian walkways. However, when viewed from a purely behavioral science point of view, the Speed Camera Lottery is more likely to influence the behavior of obeying the speed limit. Why?

  • The NYC campaign favors an indirect way of influencing behavior. It’s very influential when we see it, but it is not there when we actually need to slow down. Unlike the NYC DOT ad, the lottery solution is implemented right when and where speeding happens.
  • NYC DOT’s campaign does not create an experience. It’s an example of a classic one-way communication. You see it and it’s gone. With the Speed Camera Lottery, we get a chance to participate and, thus, have an experience.
  • The Speed Camera Lottery is more fun than the NYC DOT’s campaign because the former is a well-gamified campaign and the latter is basically an informative ad.

That being said, though highly successful (reducing the average speed by 22%20), the Speed Camera Lottery had one downside. Some geniuses started circling around to increase their likelihood of winning the lottery. Well, that did not quite work out for them, but we should always be wary of cheaters.

2. Automated Structure Link

Digital technology structures the persuasive experience.

We saw how the core of gamification is to create persuasive experiences with the first component of MIP. Now let’s look at the link between gamification and automated structures.

By design, gamification produces well-structured processes. Regardless of what product we are building, we need a tool to quantify behaviors to even start with gamification. Think of something similar to Google Analytics or MixPanel. For behavior tracking to be useful, we do not just count how many people perform a certain behavior, but rather define rules like, “If a user clicks five help links in a session, then open the chat window.” Gamification, by nature, is built on top of these kinds of rules:

  • Automated feedback: “If a user logs in for five consecutive days, then show them a message to congratulate them on their consistency.”
  • Points: “If a user invites a friend, then reward them with 5 points.”
  • Levels: “If a user collects 1000 points and receives 5 likes, then bump them up to level 3.”

We could easily add more examples to the list. Obviously, these are very simple examples, but the point is that gamification is inherently based on rules. That’s why it is very easy to build an automated structure to create a persuasive experience using gamification.

Example: Nike Fuel

Nike+ Fuel app21
Nike+ Fuel app

Fuel presents a lot of examples of automated structure here.

  • The daily average feedback is simply provided by averaging daily fuel points.
  • The “way to go” feedback is simply generated by comparing the total number of Nike Fuel points earned in the last two days.
  • The “Earn more active hours” call to action is generated simply by tracking the user’s active hours and comparing it to the daily goal.

Example: FitWell


I did gamification design for FitWell23, an app that tailors meal plans and workout regimens according to the app’s assessment. Our research showed that the most important problem people encounter during their fitness journey is that they lack feedback after a while. At the beginning, we feel energized, see changes in our posture and, thus, feel motivated. After a while, though, progress slows, and we start worrying that our efforts are accomplishing nothing. That’s where gamification comes into play. With a lot of automated feedback loops, users get various encouraging feedback when their body fails to provide any.

Example: Duolingo

Duolingo Words Learned and Shop24
Duolingo “Words Learned” and “Shop”

Duolingo takes the automated experience a step further with “Shop.” Thanks to the shop, not only do I get feedback on my progress, but I also get to reward myself with Lingots (the in-app currency) all by myself.

Yes, we do not have to gamify our products to provide these kinds of experiences, but it is much easier if we do. Gamification forces us to think of actions and feedbacks that, by nature, produce an automated structure.

3. Social Distribution Link

The persuasive experience is shared from one friend to another.

We just saw how gamification helps us with automating persuasive experiences. Now let’s see how gamification fuels social distribution.

Just four words: “Invite friends, earn money!” Money here is a variable. It could be anything from free disk space to an invitation to that new cool app. The key here is that it always involves friends and some kind of reward.

Example: Dropbox

Dropbox rewards both you and your friend.25
Dropbox rewards both you and your friend. (View large version26)

Notice how Dropbox not only offers rewards but also makes it extremely easy to share.

Example: Airbnb

Airbnb offers real money.27
Airbnb offers real money. (View large version28)

Airbnb does everything Dropbox does and take it a step further: If your friend travels using Airbnb, then you get $75 more.

Example: Flipkart

Flipkart: pretty similar29
Flipkart: pretty similar (View large version30)

The pattern is obvious by now: invite → sign up → earn money → perform extra behavior → earn even more money.

But that is not necessarily the only way. Look at what Gmail does with Inbox.

Example: Inbox

Inbox invitation on sale31
Inbox invitation on sale (View large version32)

Do you remember the days when Inbox came out? Did you too harass your friends for an invitation, like my friends did to me?

Gmail had more than 500 million users when Inbox was released as an invitation-only product. So, obviously, Inbox was not after acquisition. But what was it after?

Adoption. This is why it turned the social distribution scheme upside down. Instead of rewarding people with money or free disk space, it rewarded people with the privilege of having invitations. Those privileged people (the innovators and early adopters33) were already going to try Inbox. By giving innovators and early adopters a higher status, Google turned them into a distribution tool. Limited access made the early majority crave for Inbox, which in turn both accelerated adoption and increased the satisfaction of those lucky enough to use Inbox.

Has it worked for Google? I don’t know the exact numbers, but the screenshot above, along with insights from an ex-Google product manager34, are key signals that it worked out very well for Google.

Speaking of the “Invite people and earn X” tactic, I have this friend who subscribed to a healthy-eating service that gives free meals in exchange for invitations. Following this tactic, he eventually had to cancel his subscription because he brought on too many people and ended up gaining more weight!

4. Rapid Cycle Link

What this means is that the time between invitation, acceptance, and a subsequent invitation needs to be small.

On a more abstract level, rapid cycle can be restated as follows:

What this means is that the time between action, feedback, and a subsequent action needs to be small.

When viewed like this, Nir Eyal’s hook model35, the most important tool in my gamification toolbox, perfectly matches rapid cycle. ‘Hook’ is Nir’s explanation for why some products are so habit forming. Simply put, we get motivated if we get positive and instant feedback for our behaviors. Even better, if we get a chance to take a further step, we get even more motivated.

Nir Eyal's hook model36
Nir Eyal’s hook model

I won’t explain the whole hook model here, but here is the gist:

  1. Hook has its roots — surprise, surprise — in BJ Fogg’s behavior model37, which explains how behavior occurs. BJ Fogg shows that we need a trigger, motivation, and ability to perform a behavior.
  2. On top of Fogg’s behavior model, Nir Eyal adds a variable reward, so that people keep coming for more.
  3. And Eyal asks for an investment behavior, which increases the user’s expectation of even more rewards in the future.

Let’s see a couple of examples of the hook model.


From Nir Eyal38
(Nir Eyal)
RJ Metrics Blog — Janessa Lantz39
(RJ Metrics Blog, Janessa Lantz)
RJ Metrics Blog — Janessa Lantz40

(RJ Metrics Blog, Janessa Lantz)

5. Huge Social Graph Link

The persuasive experience can potentially reach millions of people connected through social ties or structured interactions.

Having millions of users is not enough for MIP to happen. What you need is millions of connected people, and the nice part is that they do not have to be your users either. You need the potential to reach millions. How? Well, for one, there are social networks. Use social log-in and leverage your users’ networks on those platforms. But that is not the only way. Suppose you have a SaaS analytics product. How can you reach millions? Provide Google Analytics integration and voilà! Now you’re relevant to millions of people.

Let’s look at how gamification helps connect people.

Example: Quora

Quora's Ask to Answer41

Quora’s “Ask to Answer”

Quora suggests people with related expertise when we ask a question. This is an amazing solution. Why?

  1. It helps us get answers much faster and from reliable sources.
  2. It honors people who get asked to answer, which gets them motivated and engaged. (A common phrase on Quora is, “Thank you for A2A.”)
  3. The combination of points 1 and 2 increases high-quality content, engagement and connectedness on Quora.

And this is all possible thanks to a very simple game mechanic: mastery. None of this would work if Quora did not have those domain experts.

Example: Yemeksepeti

Yemeksepeti is Turkey's Delivery Hero, acquired by the actual Delivery Hero for $589 million42
Yemeksepeti is Turkey’s Delivery Hero, acquired by the actual Delivery Hero for $589 million. (View large version43)

This example is from my hometown — hence, the language in the photo. Yemeksepeti is the Turkish version of Delivery Hero. They recently introduced a “muhtar” feature. Muhtar means “headman” in Turkish. A muhtar knows everyone and every detail about a neighborhood. So, the one with the most points in a neighborhood becomes the muhtar. As you can see, Alper G. is the muhtar in my neighborhood (the list on the right is the leaderboard).

I’ve been using Yemeksepeti for more than five years, and this is the first time I’ve been more curious about the people using it than about the restaurants on Yemeksepeti. The reason is the muhtars. Not only does it show who a neighbourhood’s muhtar is, but it also shows their recent orders and what other participants are doing on Yemeksepeti. The muhtar feature provides the basic social-proof mechanism that Yemeksepeti needed. It helps greatly with making faster decisions and increases the credibility of the restaurants’ scores. (People score a restaurant after a delivery, similar to scoring an Uber driver.)

The Muhtar feature also paves the way for Yemeksepeti to introduce its own version of A2A. I don’t know if they plan to do this (although it’s one of the ideas we presented to them four years ago), but they could surface experts who help others answer the toughest of all questions: “What should I eat?”

That’s the power of gamification. By introducing competition (or collaboration, as we saw with Quora), it makes socialization possible on a very large scale without people actually having to know each other.

6. Measurable Impact Link

The effect of the persuasive experience is observable by users and creators.

One of the core components of gamification is quantification of what users do and of the things happening around them. This way, gamification makes everything measurable by nature. Even the tiniest of behaviors are quantified and presented in various ways, sometimes as raw data, other times as points, levels or progress bars. Let’s look at some examples.

Example: Twitter

I am not that active on Twitter, yes.44
I am not that active on Twitter, yes. (View large version45)

Everything, including followers, moments, likes and retweets, is quantified and put front and center.

Example: Quora and Medium

Quora stats46
Quora stats (View large version47)
Medium stats48

Medium stats (View large version49)

Medium and Quora are very different in how people create content, but in the end, it is content they create. That’s why it is not surprising to see that almost identical statistics are provided.

Summary Link

  • Similar to MIP’s persuasive experience component, good gamification always directly targets behaviors and blends in the experience.
  • MIP relies on automated structures, and gamification relies on behavior-based rules, which makes it extremely easy to build automated structures.
  • MIP requires social distribution, and gamification responds to this with a killer feature: Invite friends and earn money, disk space, beta participation etc. This is an old gamification practice and a powerful social-distribution tool. And you do not always have to give away “stuff.” Giving away status works, too.
  • Rapid cycles are at the heart of MIP. They are at the core of gamification, too, as shown by Nir Eyal’s hook model. People get motivated when the feedback for their behavior is instant. To take it a step further, try to make the feedback variable and the next step obvious.
  • Another important component of MIP is a huge social graph. Collaboration and competition mechanics make it easy to connect people to each other, even on the least likely of platforms.
  • Lastly, MIP requires people to be able to measure the impact of their behaviors. Gamification inherently requires measuring almost everything, which makes it extremely easy to make visible at all times.
  • Gamification aims to use fun in order to motivate users towards behaviors that businesses target. This approach satisfies both the user and the behavior, which is essential to good user experience design.

Conclusion Link

One by one, we saw how the six components of mass interpersonal persuasion relate to gamification, with examples. I chose well-known examples so that they would be easier to understand and relate to. However, I realize that this makes gamification design intimidating. You might be thinking, “Of course, Quora would do that — they have all of these great designers,” or, “Obviously, Nike would succeed — they have all of those technologies and tools”. Perhaps also, “What does MIP have to do with growth?”. Take a look at this:

Huge numbers, indeed50
Huge numbers, indeed (View large version51)

Let’s go back to the fall of 2007 — a time when there was no WhatsApp, Instagram or Snapchat, when Twitter was a one-year-old baby, when Facebook announced its Platform. When BJ Fogg heard about Platform, he decided to start a new course to apply MIP principles to Facebook and measure the impact of the application of those principles. Grading was based on metrics on the Platform. There was no homework or quizzes. Students were graded based on the number of users they’ve reached and engaged through the apps they’ve built.

The numbers shown in the image above are the results of that course. The students, some of whom had no experience in coding, design or digital marketing, reached 16 million users in 10 weeks. And this happened in 2007. 2007 is the year when the first iPhone was unveiled. Think about it: Some of those apps generated so much revenue (more than $1 million in three months) that even the teaching assistant, Dan Ackerman, dropped out of school. Five of those apps made it to the top-100 apps on Facebook and reached more than 1 million users each.

So, if those students were able to design such successful experiences, why couldn’t you?

(cc, vf, yk, al, il)

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The iOS 10.3 Security Alert Is Killing App Store Downloads: Here’s How To Fix It

The iOS 10.3 Security Alert Is Killing App Store Downloads: Here’s How To Fix It

In its move to patch a security hole as part of the iOS 10.3 release, Apple has introduced (yet) another redirection mechanism that developers must handle when attempting to implement mobile deep-link routing (i.e. the mechanism to route users to a specific page inside a mobile app, rather than the App Store or app home page).

This redirection instance has introduced additional friction to the app download and reopening process, and data shows that it has decreased conversion rates on iOS 10.3. This post examines the issue in detail and discusses solutions to help developers fix it.

Keeping Your App Popular After Launch Link

You’ve launched your app and it’s doing well. So, how do you maintain that momentum and ensure that your app keeps gaining in popularity? Read more →1

With iOS 10.3, Apple has gifted the world powerful new features2, as well as fixes for critical security holes. For your typical iPhone user, it’s a really nice upgrade. For a software developer who is responsible for either a mobile website or a native app, it can be a huge pain.

Why? At some point in early 2017, a few enterprising scammers figured out how to hijack iOS Safari3 by abusing the custom URI scheme confirmation alert. This alert prevented user interaction until it was dismissed; so, the result of triggering it in an endless loop was essentially low-tech ransomware. Unfortunately, it was realistic enough to trick many users into paying up. In iOS 10.3, Apple fixed this security hole by changing the confirmation alert into a new non-blocking dialog. It looks like this:


From a user’s perspective, no big deal. For developers, there is a hidden change that has more important implications: the App Store had always received a special exemption from the old version of this alert, but that exemption has now been removed.

How Deep-Linking Is Supposed To Work Link

A basic deep-linking system for an app has two goals:

  • If the app is installed, open it and take the user to the content requested.
  • If the app is not installed, take the user somewhere else so they can download it.

Apple’s official deep-linking standard, “universal links,” is designed for the first case. It’s not perfect: Configuration is complicated, and there are many places (Facebook, Twitter and any app using SFSafariViewController, to name a few) where things don’t “just work.” But the user experience of deep-linking into an app is generally quite good once that app is installed. None of this has changed in iOS 10.3.

It’s the second case where iOS 10.3 makes things complicated. If a user doesn’t have your app installed, they have always ended up in Safari, looking at the web version of that link. You are then responsible for redirecting that user to download the app. Because Apple has not implemented universal links for the App Store, developers have had to rely on a custom URI scheme redirection. And a custom URI scheme redirect on iOS 10.3 now means an alert. Apple even does it this way itself: Just try visiting on an iOS 10.3 device, and you’ll run straight into the new confirmation dialog.

The App Store Redirection Issue On iOS 10.3 Link

Here’s the situation. When a user clicks any link that leads to the App Store, iOS 10.3 will display a modal asking the user whether they’d like to go there. We’ve tested Apple’s short links, full App Store long links, links from attribution providers and deep-linking platforms, and our own Branch-hosted deep links. There is no way around this new alert.

Why is this bad? There are actually two problems:

  • It’s an extra step.

    Users don’t like extra steps, especially because downloading a new app is already relatively high-friction. Adding another tap certainly doesn’t help.
  • Users can press “Cancel.”

    This is the much bigger problem. Pressing “Cancel” can leave users trapped on an empty page in Safari. Even worse, if they’ve come from another app and then go back to click the same link again, it’ll show this error message and do nothing:
Safari modal error message6

Fixing The iOS 10.3 Redirection Issue Link

You can’t avoid the alert. And the reality is that some users will click “Cancel,” either on purpose or by mistake. What you can do is give more context, to help visitors complete their journey if they fall off in the middle. I’m calling this a “second chance” screen, and it looks like this:

Second-chance screen example7

Yes, the new iOS 10.3 confirmation dialog is still there. But now we also have a friendly URL in Safari’s address bar, the app logo and name in the background, and a button that users can click to try again:

Custom second-chance screen example8

At Branch9, we pushed the first version of this second-chance screen live for all apps on the Branch platform within hours of discovering this new edge case in iOS 10.3. It has since become a widely adopted solution; here are just a few examples we have seen pop up in the last few weeks from various services:

Second-chance screen examples10

Making the best of a bad situation, some apps have built custom second-chance screens:

Custom second-chance screen examples11

All of these screens are solving the same basic problem: give visitors an escape hatch if they accidentally hit that “Cancel” button. It is still less than ideal, but the result works:

Second-chance screen user flow12

A Basic Template Link

Here is the default template13 we use on the current second-chance screen for all of the apps on Branch’s platform:

The key part of this is the JavaScript snippet at the end:

<script type="text/javascript"> window.onload = function() { window.location = "<% iTunes Store URL %>"; }; </script>

The logic works like this:

  1. When the page loads, attempt to forward to the App Store. (JavaScript redirections like this are fully supported by Google14 and have no adverse effect on SEO.)
  2. The redirection presents the confirmation dialog to the user.
  3. If the user taps “Open,” all is good.
  4. If the user taps “Cancel,” the rest of the template will have rendered in the background.
  5. The user has unlimited opportunities to tap your download button. This displays the confirmation dialog again, but hopefully the user is now ready to continue.

However, I wouldn’t personally recommend building this solution yourself; you have better things to do than to constantly fix new edge cases like these from Apple, Google, Facebook, etc. If you’re using a hosted deep-link provider such as Branch or Firebase (with its Dynamic Links), then this edge case is already being handled for you. Attribution tools such as Adjust and AppsFlyer have also built similar workarounds for their paid tracking links.

Impact On App Conversion Rate Link

We wanted to know how much this new confirmation alert actually affects download conversion rates. The Branch platform has millions of link clicks per day, across almost 25,000 apps, so we took a sample of this data from 2 May 2017. Here is what we found:

Affected conversion rate15

What does this actually mean? Let’s break it down

Visitors Who Click “Cancel” Link

Safari does not allow clicks on this new “Cancel” button to be tracked directly. However, Branch can infer the number based on changes to other metrics that we measure, further down the funnel. In our sample, almost 19% of users were clicking it.

Installations Recaptured By Second-Chance Screen Link

The good news is that visitors still want your app — they are just getting confused by this new warning. When we give them another opportunity to click by showing a content preview with a download button, over 5% of our sample continued to install successfully.

Why Apple Needs To Fix This Link

Here is the bottom line: This new confirmation dialog is enough of a roadblock that almost a fifth of iOS users press the “Cancel” button. Even with a workaround enabled, the iOS 10.3 installation rate in our sample was about 2.25% lower than on iOS 10.2. Data shows that a second-chance screen helps, but some users still fail to make it all the way through to download.

From a more technical perspective, serving up a screen like this requires returning an HTTP 200 response, serving a page of content and waiting for the client to execute Javascript. The costs of adding just 100 milliseconds in latency are well known16, and sophisticated deep-linking implementations have long since moved to the far more efficient 307 redirection to reduce this redirection delay. Apple’s new iOS 10.3 behavior has broken this option, forcing the ecosystem to fall back on a slower, outdated solution.

Patching the original ransomware-esque custom URI exploit was the right thing for Apple to do, but the App Store is unlike any other platform. It is a core part of the iOS infrastructure. Applying such a flawed UX to a critical platform component is a costly decision.

With the early iOS 11 betas showing no change to this behavior, it seems possible we are stuck with a confirmation alert for the long haul. This makes it even more critical for you to offer your app’s users a fallback option. In the competitive mobile app world, having such an easy way to increase your installations is unheard of and is absolutely worth the small amount of effort it takes.


Footnotes Link

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  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 16

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Creating Custom Inputs With Vue.js

Creating Custom Inputs With Vue.js

Component-based libraries or frameworks such as Vue have given us the wonderful ability to create reusable components1 to be spread throughout their respective application, ensuring that they are consistent, and (hopefully) simplifying how they are used.

In particular, form inputs tend to have plenty of complexity that you’d want to hide in a component, such as custom designs2, labels, validation, help messages, and making sure each of these pieces are in the correct order so that they render correctly.

Writing Reusable Modules in ES6

Are you excited to take advantage of new JavaScript language features but not sure where to start, or how? Read more →3

On top of that though, Vue has a built-in directive called v-model that simulates 2-way binding by binding a value and capturing input events. If you’re going to build a custom input component, then you’ll definitely want to support the v-model directive.

Sadly, when I looked around for examples of custom inputs in Vue for radio buttons or checkboxes, they either didn’t take v-model into consideration at all, or they failed to implement it correctly. There is some decent documentation for custom text inputs4, but since it doesn’t explain customizing radios or checkboxes, we’ll discuss that here.

This tutorial aims to help you…

  1. Understand how v-model works on native inputs, focusing primarily on radios and checkboxes
  2. Understand how v-model works on custom components by default
  3. Learn how to create custom checkboxes and radios that emulate how v-model works on them natively

Quick note before we get started: ES2015+ code will be used throughout the code examples. I’ll also be favoring the Single File Component5 syntax over using Vue.component or new Vue.

How Does v-model Work Normally? Link

The official Vue documentation6 is actually pretty good on this topic, but there are a few minor blind spots. In any case, we’ll be trying to cover it pretty thoroughly here.

In essence, v-model is just a shorthand directive that gives us 2-way data binding, and the code it is shorthand for depends on what type of input it is being used on.

Text Boxes Link

<input v-model="message" placeholder="edit me"> <p>Message: {{ message }}</p> <!-- OR --> <p>message:</p> <p>{{ message }}</p> <textarea v-model="message" placeholder="add multiple lines"></textarea>

When using a text input (including types such as email, number, etc.) or textarea, v-model="varName" is equivalent to :value="varName" @input="e => varName =". This means that the value of the input is set to varName after each update to the input varName is updated to the value of the input. A normal select element will act like this too, though a multiple select will be different.

Radio Buttons Link

So, what about radio buttons?

<input type="radio" value="One" v-model="picked"> <input type="radio" value="Two" v-model="picked"> <span>Picked: {{ picked }}</span>

This is equivalent to:

<input type="radio" value="One" :checked="picked == 'One'" @change="e => picked ="> <input type="radio" value="Two" :checked="picked == 'Two'" @change="e => picked ="> <span>Picked: {{ picked }}</span>

Note how v-model isn’t even touching value anymore. It’s still doing the same thing in the change event handler (though it was changed to change instead of input), but now it’s determining whether checked should be true or false depending on whether picked is the same as the value of that radio button.

Checkboxes Link

Checkboxes are a bit more difficult to talk about because they have two different behaviors depending on whether there is only a single checkbox with a given v-model or multiple.

If you are using a single checkbox, v-model will treat it like a boolean and ignore the value.

<input type="checkbox" value="foo" v-model="isChecked">

is the same as…

<input type="checkbox" value="foo" :checked="!!isChecked" @change="e => isChecked =">

If you want it to be something other than true and false, you can use the true-value and false-value attribute, which control what values your model will be set to when the checkbox is checked or not.

<input type="checkbox" value="foo" v-model="isChecked" true-value="1" false-value="0">

is the same as…

<input type="checkbox" value="foo" :checked="isChecked == '1'" @change="e => isChecked = ? '1' : '0'">

That’s pretty much it for single-checkbox examples. If you have multiple checkboxes that share a model, then those checkboxes will fill an array with values of all the checkboxes that are checked, but make sure the model that you pass in is already an array or you’ll get some odd behavior. Also, the true-value and false-value attributes no longer affect anything.

<template> <div> <input type="checkbox" value="foo" v-model="checkedVals"> <input type="checkbox" value="bar" v-model="checkedVals"> <input type="checkbox" value="baz" v-model="checkedVals"> </div> </template> <script> export default { data: () => ({ checkedVals: ['bar'] }) } </script>

The equivalent is a bit more difficult to keep inside the template, so I’ll move some of the logic to methods on the component:

<template> <div> <input type="checkbox" value="foo" v-model="checkedVals"> <input type="checkbox" value="bar" v-model="checkedVals"> <input type="checkbox" value="baz" v-model="checkedVals"> </div> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { checkedVals: ['bar'] } }, methods: { shouldBeChecked(val) { return this.checkedVals.includes(val) }, updateVals(e) { let isChecked = let val = if (isChecked) { this.checkedVals.push(val) } else { this.checkVals.splice(this.checkedVals.indexOf(val), 1) } } } } </script>

That’s a lot more complicated than what we’ve seen before, but if you break it down, it’s not too bad. shouldBeChecked is true when that checkbox’s value is included in the array and false if it isn’t. updateVals adds the checkbox’s value to the array when it gets checked and removes it when it gets unchecked.

How Does v-model Work On Components? Link

Since Vue doesn’t know how your component is supposed to work, or if it’s trying to act as a replacement for a certain type of input, it treats all components the same with regards to v-model. It actually works the exact same way as it does for text inputs, except that in the event handler, it doesn’t expect an event object to be passed to it, rather it expects the value to be passed straight to it. So…

<my-custom-component v-model="myProperty" />

…is the same thing as…

<my-custom-component :value="myProperty" @input="val => myProperty = val" />

A component can change this to a small extent using the model property:

export default { name: 'my-custom-component', model: { prop: 'foo', event: 'bar' }, // ... }

v-model will look at these properties and instead of using the value attribute, it’ll use the attribute you specify in prop and instead of listening for the input event, it’ll use the event you specified in event. So the above my-custom-component example would actually expand out to the following:

<my-custom-component :foo="myProperty" @bar="val => myProperty = val" />

This is nice, but if we’re making a custom radio or checkbox, this doesn’t work very well. With some work, though, we can move the logic that v-model uses on radios and checkboxes inside our custom components.

Supporting v-model On Custom Radios Link

Compared to a checkbox, custom radios are quite simple. Here’s a very basic custom radio that I build that just wraps the input in a label and accepts a label property to add the label text.

<template> <label> <input type="radio" :checked="shouldBeChecked" :value="value" @change="updateInput"> {{ label }} </label> </template> <script> export default { model: { prop: 'modelValue', event: 'change' }, props: { value: { type: String, }, modelValue: { default: "" }, label: { type: String, required: true }, }, computed: { shouldBeChecked() { return this.modelValue == this.value } } methods: { updateInput() { this.$emit('change', this.value) } } } </script>

Note: I only included props that are helpful for explaining how these should work with v-model, but input tags can take advantage of several other attributes (such as name or disabled), so make sure you create all of the props you’ll need and pass them on to input. You’ll also want to consider accessibility by adding WAI-ARIA attributes7, as well as using slots8 for adding content rather than props like I did here with label.

You may think that since I didn’t include name in this example, a group of radios wouldn’t actually sync up with one another. Actually the updating of the model will in turn update the other radio buttons that share that model, so they don’t need to share a name like they do in plain HTML forms as long as they share the same model.

Supporting v-model On Custom Checkboxes Link

Making custom checkboxes is noticeably more complex than the radio buttons, primarily because we have to support two different use cases: a single true/false checkbox (that may or may not use true-value and/or false-value) and multiple checkboxes that combine all the checked values into an array.

So how do we determine which use case it is? You might think that we need to determine if there are other checkboxes with the same name attribute, but that’s not actually what Vue’s built-in system uses. Just like the radios, Vue doesn’t take the name attribute into consideration at all. That’s only used when natively submitting a form. So then you might think it determines it based on whether there are other checkboxes that share the same model, but that’s not it either. It’s determined by whether or not the model is an array. That’s it.

So the code will be structured similarly to the custom radio button’s code, but inside shouldBeChecked and updateInput the logic will split depending on whether or not modelValue is an array.

<template> <label> <input type="checkbox" :checked="shouldBeChecked" :value="value" @change="updateInput"> {{ label }} </label> </template> <script> export default { model: { prop: 'modelValue', event: 'change' }, props: { value: { type: String, }, modelValue: { default: false }, label: { type: String, required: true }, // We set `true-value` and `false-value` to the default true and false so // we can always use them instead of checking whether or not they are set. // Also can use camelCase here, but hyphen-separating the attribute name // when using the component will still work trueValue: { default: true }, falseValue: { default: false } }, computed: { shouldBeChecked() { if (this.modelValue instanceof Array) { return this.modelValue.includes(this.value) } // Note that `true-value` and `false-value` are camelCase in the JS return this.modelValue === this.trueValue } }, methods: { updateInput(event) { let isChecked = if (this.modelValue instanceof Array) { let newValue = [...this.modelValue] if (isChecked) { newValue.push(this.value) } else { newValue.splice(newValue.indexOf(this.value), 1) } this.$emit('change', newValue) } else { this.$emit('change', isChecked ? this.trueValue : this.falseValue) } } } } </script>

And there you have it. It may be better, though, to split this into two different components: one for handling the single true/false toggle and one for use in lists of options. That would allow it to more closely follow the Single-Responsibility Principle, but if you’re looking for a drop-in replacement to checkboxes, this is what you’re looking for (plus the addition of all the other useful attributes and custom features you might want).

Further Reading Link

There’s plenty more to learn about Custom Inputs, Vue Components, and Vue in general. I recommend giving some of these resources a look-through.

  • Awesome-Vue’s Component Sets9 – Awesome-Vue is a huge list of Vue-related projects and resources, so feel free to peruse anything and everything on that list, but in particular I want to point out the UI Libraries and Component Sets because they pretty much all have examples of Checkboxes and Radios you can look at if you feel like diving into their source code.
  • Vue Curated10 – This is a list similar to Awesome-Vue, but is more strictly curated so you know that everything on the list is worth taking a look at.
  • Vue Component Guide11 – The official Vue guide is a great place to learn the basics about anything related to Vue.
  • Vue API Documentation12 – This documentation is where you get into the really deep details of Vue.

(rb, vf, al, il)

Footnotes Link

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  12. 12

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Summer Bliss And August Adventures: Wallpapers To Kick-Start The New Month (August 2017 Edition)

Summer Bliss And August Adventures: Wallpapers To Kick-Start The New Month (August 2017 Edition)

Could there be a better way to welcome the new month as with a tidy desktop and a fresh wallpaper? Well, we’ve got you covered. To help you start into August freshly inspired, artists and designers from across the globe once again1 challenged their artistic skills to create unique desktop wallpapers for you to indulge in — wallpapers that are a bit more distinctive as the usual crowd.

All wallpapers in this collection can be downloaded for free and come in versions with and without a calendar — to keep your deadlines always in sight or to stick to your favorite wallpaper even after the month has ended. A big thank-you to everyone who shared their artworks with us! Now it’s up to you to decide which one will become your August companion.

Please note that:

  • All images can be clicked on and lead to the preview of the wallpaper,
  • You can feature your work in our magazine2 by taking part in our Desktop Wallpaper Calendars series. We are regularly looking for creative designers and artists to be featured on Smashing Magazine. Are you one of them?

Further Reading on SmashingMag: Link

Happiness Happens In August

“Many people find August one of the happiest months of the year because of holidays. You can spend days sunbathing, swimming, birdwatching, listening to their joyful chirping, and indulging in sheer summer bliss. August 8th is also known as the Happiness Happens Day, so make it worthwhile.” — Designed by PopArt Studio7 from Serbia.


Unforgettable Summer Night

Designed by BootstrapDash52 from India.

Unforgettable Summer Night53

Traveler In Time

“During bright summer days, while wandering around unfamiliar places, it is finally forgotten that one of the biggest human inventions is time itself, future becomes the past, past becomes the present and there are no earthly boundaries, just air.” — Designed by Ana Masnikosa97 from Belgrade, Serbia.

Traveler In Time98

Are You Ready For The Adventure?

Designed by UrbanUI140 from India.

Are You Ready For The Adventure?141

I Love Summer

“I love the summer nights and the sounds of the sea, the crickets, the music of some nice party.” — Designed by Maria Karapaunova181 from Bulgaria.

I Love Summer182

Melon Day

“Melon Day (second Sunday in August) is an annual national holiday in Turkmenistan devoted to festivities to celebrate the country’s muskmelon. Another reason for me to create this wallpaper is that melons are just awesome!” — Designed by Melissa Bogemans226 from Belgium.

Melon Day227

Time To Surf!

“The best rides of our lives come along only once in a while. Don’t wait for it. Sometimes you just have to ride the wave you’re given!” — Designed by PlusCharts269 from India.

Time To Surf!270

La Tomatina Festival

“La Tomatina is a food fight festival held on the last Wednesday of August each year in the town of Bunol near Valencia in Spain. Thousands and thousands of people come from all corners of the world to participate in La Tomatina, which is known as the ‘biggest food fight’, where more than one hundred metric tons of over-ripe tomatoes are thrown on each other in the streets.” — Designed by Suman Sil314 from India.

La Tomatina Festival315

On The Road

“When I think of August I think of vacation. August is the last month of summer break in Belgium so that’s why I like travelling then to enjoy that last month. I like visiting countries where the weather is pretty hot and that’s why I decided to draw a wallpaper where you are basically on the road to the sun.” — Designed by Senne Mommens345 from Belgium.

On The Road346

Hello Again

“In Melbourne it is the last month of quite a cool winter so we are looking forward to some warmer days to come.” — Designed by Tazi360 from Australia.

Hello Again361

Let Us Save The Tigers

“Let us take a pledge to save these endangered species and create a world that is safe for them to live and perish just like all creatures.” — Designed by Acodez IT Solutions385 from India.

Let Us Save The Tigers386


“The warm, clear summer nights make me notice the stars more — that’s what inspired this space-themed design!” — Designed by James Mitchell430 from the United Kingdom.


Be Brave To Meet It In Your Style

“Moments in life comes with hiccups and hitches, and so it remains unpredictable all along. There are always things you must meet in your day to day life, being afraid or running backward won’t take those away from you. In a nutshell, it’s a box full of new challenges, new thrills, new problems and new solutions, and so what we are left with is our perspective to deal with it! Face each moment until it concludes to be your last, with valor, attitude and a sturdy charm. Meeting the situations are mandatory, the thing that counts is how you face it, be yourself!” — Designed by Sweans451 from London.

Be Brave To Meet It In Your Style452

Where Words Fail, Pictures Come Into Action

“Photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. What you have caught on film is captured forever. It remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything. Applauding all the photographers who are capable of capturing what your eye cannot see on this World Photography Day.” — Designed by Areva Digital496 from India.

Where Words Fail, Pictures Come Into Action497

Liqiu And Orange Daylily Season

“Liqiu signifies the beginning of autumn in East Asian cultures. After entering the Liqiu, the mountains in Eastern Taiwan’s East Rift Valley are covered in a sea of golden flowers, very beautiful. The production season for high-mountain daylilies is in August. Chihke Mountain, in Yuli Township, and Sixty-Stone Mountain, in Fuli Township, which are both located in Hualien County, are two of the country’s three high-mountain daylily production areas.” — Designed by Hong, Zi-Qing537 from Taiwan.

Liqiu And Orange Daylily Season538

Happy Janmashtami

“Janmashtami – day The Lord Krishna was born —, an important Hindu Festival which is celebrated worldwide. The idea was to create the Lord Krishna’s playing flute persona, in the minimalist design form.” — Designed by Damn Perfect556 from Jaipur, India.

Happy Janmashtami557

If A Mozzie Could Tell You a Story

“Buon giorno! (That’s ‘hello’ in Italian.) My name is Anopheles and yes, I’m a member of the much-feared Malaria Mafia. I’m sure you would have heard of us. I’ve something to tell you, lean closer… You know, every 30 seconds, a person dies from malaria and yes, we alone are responsible for that! No matter how long your clothing, no matter how secure your mosquito net, and no matter how high you climb, we will find you, suck your blood and cover your body in enormous, itchy welts! Wait a minute; you are going to celebrate the World Mosquito Day on August 20th? No worries, we will be there with you, as your beating heart!” — Designed by IPIX Technologies601 from India.

If A Mozzie Could Tell You a Story602

DC Is Melting… Stay Cool!

“Visitors to DC’s iconic Washington Monument in the sweltering August heat might wish it were a giant popsicle. For now, we’ll just imagine it that way. Here’s hoping everyone beats the heat!” — Designed by The Hannon Group642 from Washington, DC.

DC Is Melting... Stay Cool!643

The Month Of Respect

“August is the month of respect. Give respect, Take respect!” — Designed by Alrais Labs669 from Dubai.

The Month Of Respect670

Let Success Make The Noise

Designed by Metrovista714 from Orlando, FL.

Let Success Make The Noise715

Play Together!

“In a world that get’s more divided each day, it is really important to understand that even if we are different we could all play together and have fun.” — Designed by Maria Keller741 from Mexico.

Play Together!742

Colorful Summer

“Some colors are energetic, while others are much more calming and relaxing by nature. This summer, add some color to your life!” — Designed by StarAdmin Free Bootstrap Admin Template794 from India.

Colorful Summer795

Happy Birthday Edith!

“One of my favourite books, ‘The Railway Children’, inspired me to create this wallpaper. August the 15th marks the birthday of E. Nesbit who wrote this brilliant classic! I even included an inspirational quote from the book.” — Designed by Safia Begum821 from the United Kingdom.

Happy Birthday Edith!822

Back To Work

“This will be my final semester of grad school, and the last time August will mean back to school for me.” — Designed by Caitey Kennedy840 from the United States.

Back To Work841

Join In Next Month! Link

Please note that we respect and carefully consider the ideas and motivation behind each and every artist’s work. This is why we give all artists the full freedom to explore their creativity and express emotions and experience throughout their works. This is also why the themes of the wallpapers weren’t anyhow influenced by us, but rather designed from scratch by the artists themselves.

A big thank you to all designers for their participation. Join in next month863!

What’s Your Favorite? Link

What’s your favorite theme or wallpaper for this month? Please let us know in the comment section below.

Footnotes Link

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The Missing Advice I Needed When Starting My Career

The Missing Advice I Needed When Starting My Career

Do you ever wish you had a time machine? I certainly do, but not for the usual reasons. I want a time machine so I can go back and have a frank conversation with my younger self. I’ll let you in on a bit of a secret: My younger self was an idiot!

I have been working on the web for over 22 years now, and I feel like I wasted so many of those years. If only I could go back and share a few hard truths with myself at the start of my career. Unfortunately, I cannot, but I can share that advice with you.

Admittedly, you are almost certainly not as idiotic as I was. But hopefully, there will be something in this advice that inspires you.

Speaking of inspiration, that leads me nicely into my first piece of wisdom!

Look Beyond The Web For Inspiration Link

I used to be a dedicated follower of fashion who wasted so much time looking at other “cool” websites and browsing galleries of inspirational websites. My design style would morph to embrace the latest trends, from Web 2.0 to hero banners.

The result of this was bland “me too” design. But worst of all, it never put the user first. It was all about making something look good in my portfolio.

Look for inspiration beyond the web. Look to art, architecture and print design. (View large version2)

It was such a waste because so much inspiration is all around us: great books on classic print design, architectural trends, even airport signage (a personal obsession of mine).

Don’t make my mistakes. You don’t even have the luxury of my excuses. With CSS grid3, the possibilities are endless, and we should all embrace them.

On the subject of latest trends, that brings me to my next transgression: obsessing over tools.

Stop Obsessing Over Tools Link

We’ve wasted hours arguing over what tool is best. Should we code in PHP or classic ASP? (Yes, I am that old.) Can I be a “proper” web designer and code in Dreamweaver? Which content management systems should we use? The list went on.

Some tool or other would become trendy for whatever reason, and we would all jump on the bandwagon, until the next one emerged, and we jumped to that after an even more furious debate.

I see the same today: arguments over frameworks4 and whether we should embrace Angular or React. I don’t follow these discussions anymore because somewhere along the line I realized something: There is no single answer.

Do not become overly attached to a single tool. Tools come and go, and no one will be appropriate for every project.5
Do not become overly attached to a single tool. Tools come and go, and no one will be appropriate for every project. (View large version6)

A lot of these choices come down to personal preference or the requirements of the individual client. Remain flexible and open to change. If you don’t, you’ll go the way of Flash developers.

All of that time I wasted arguing about tools would have been so much better spent elsewhere, like on improving my soft skills.

Get Better At Working With Others Link

I was an insufferable know-it-all when I was young. I always had the answers and always knew a better way to do something. I am sure you are not like that, although, let’s be honest, how would you know if you were? I certainly had no idea how irritating I was, despite the warning signs.

For a start, I found myself constantly arguing with everybody. Everything seemed like a battle because nobody around me “got it.” In hindsight, that was because I was too busy irritating everybody to take the time to explain things properly. But at the time, it just felt like everybody else was stupid.

I wish I had realized how weak I was in this area. Perhaps then I would have invested time and energy in improving how I worked alongside other people. Maybe I would have listened more and put the same effort into understanding my colleagues as I did my users.

I am not suggesting I should have done this necessarily to be a good man (trust me, I am not now). Instead, I should have done this because it would have made my life so much easier. I wasted endless time arguing and alienating people, people I needed on my side to do my job. It was incredibly frustrating.

We spend a lot of time debating whether designers should learn to code, when perhaps we should be worrying about other skills.7
We spend a lot of time debating whether designers should learn to code, when perhaps we should be worrying about other skills. (View large version8)

If I had developed that skill of working with people earlier, it would have also allowed me to push beyond the confines of my role.

Always Push Beyond Your Job Description Link

I confess that, for many years, I was a bit of a job’s worth. I was a designer, and I spent much of my working life complaining because other people weren’t doing their jobs properly. Clients failed to deliver copy, developers didn’t implement my designs correctly, and project managers were always putting unrealistic constraints on me.

To be fair to my younger self, these were all real problems. But I did nothing but moan about them. I made no effort to help my colleagues fix these issues. I never questioned why the client was failing to deliver content or why the project manager seemed so unreasonable? I didn’t bother to understand the constraints they faced.

When I did eventually wake up and start paying attention, I discovered a bigger world. I found out just how interconnected digital and the user experience are, and how many things beyond the screen influence the experience.

I learned so much over that time, and you can, too. Take the time to understand the roles of those around you. Understand their challenges and constraints. Understand their perspectives and motivations. This will not only improve your working relationship, but make you better at your job, too.

Seek to understand colleagues just as you would a user. You could even consider creating empathy maps for them!9
Seek to understand colleagues just as you would a user. You could even consider creating empathy maps for them! (View large version10)

If you are a designer, this will enhance your designs, making them more useful in the “real world.” If you are a developer, you will understand the challenges users face and the impact you have on the user experience11. And so it goes on.

Ultimately, this will make you better at your job and hopefully progress your career. But a successful career is about more than being good at your job.

Commit To Putting Yourself Out There Link

You could be the best designer or developer in the world, but if nobody has heard of you, you will have little success. That probably isn’t right or fair, but that is the reality.

I’ll be honest with you: Many people are far better at their jobs than me. But I speak all around the world, write books and have built a significant following, not because I am good at what I do, but because I put myself out there.

But it took me so long to realize that. I wasted years moaning about how it was unfair that other people got to write and speak and how my ideas were just as good as theirs.

Eventually, it twigged that I didn’t need anybody’s permission to start sharing my thoughts. I could write on a blog without a publisher and speak on a podcast without a conference.

You can, too. Not only that, you should! If you are not sharing what you have learned, you are invisible, and that will hamper your career.

You don't need to be invited to speak at a conference to start sharing your ideas.12
You don’t need to be invited to speak at a conference to start sharing your ideas.

(View large version13)

You might feel you have nothing new to say. Don’t worry, just share what you have learned. There will always be people who haven’t learned those lessons yet.

You might feel nobody is listening. Again, don’t worry. If you persevere, eventually people will start paying attention. I’ll let you in on a secret: Quality is not the number one reason for success. Consistency is. Even second-rate content will draw attention if you release it regularly enough.

Put yourself out there, in whatever way you choose. It will enable you to build contacts in the industry. That will help you avoid the last mistake my younger self-made: wasting too many years working for appalling bosses.

Don’t Put Up With A Terrible Boss Link

I worked for some truly nasty people, ranging from the incompetent to the criminal. Two ended up in prison, and the only good guy I ever worked for died of a heart attack due to stress!

I wasted years working for these people, years of them undervaluing my work and failing to invest in enabling me to do it better. Admittedly, I could be a bit of an idiot, as we have already established. But even with hindsight, these people were terrible. Unfortunately, apathy and fear prevented me from moving on.

Don’t make my mistake. There is no need. We are much in demand. Getting good digital staff is incredibly challenging, and you owe no loyalty to a boss who doesn’t value your expertise.

Instead, find a company that is going to nurture you and help you grow in your career. I’ll be honest: I never achieved that. I never had a mentor or somebody to teach me. I stumbled my way through my career, and I think I am the poorer for it. So, don’t settle. You deserve better, and loads of great jobs are out there.


Footnotes Link

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  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13

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How To Protect Your Users With The Privacy By Design Framework

How To Protect Your Users With The Privacy By Design Framework

In these politically uncertain times, developers can help to defend their users’ personal privacy by adopting the Privacy by Design (PbD) framework. These common-sense steps will become a requirement under the EU’s imminent data protection overhaul, but the benefits of the framework go far beyond legal compliance.

Note: This article is not legal advice and should not be construed as such.

Meet Privacy By Design Link

Let’s give credit where credit is due. The global political upheaval of the past 12 months has done more to get developers thinking about privacy, surveillance and defensive user protection than ever before. The risks and threats to ourselves, and to our users, are no longer theoretical; they are real, they are everyday, and they are frightening. One need only look at the ongoing revelations regarding Cambridge Analytica, a British company with odd links to Canada, which ran a complex data-mining operation on behalf of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign to aggregate up to 5,000 pieces of data on every American adult1, to fathom what is at stake for all of us.

See Also:

As developers and decision-makers, we need to do something to respond to that challenge. The political uncertainty we are living through obliges us to change the ways we approach our work. As the creators of applications and the data flows they create, we can play a critical and positive role in protecting our users from attacks on their privacy, their dignity, and even their safety.

One way we can do this is by adopting a privacy-first best-practice framework. This framework, known as Privacy by Design (PbD), is about anticipating, managing and preventing privacy issues before a single line of code is written. The best way to mitigate privacy risks, according to the PbD philosophy, is not to create them in the first place.

PbD has existed as a best-practice framework since the 1990s, but few developers are aware of it, let alone use it. That’s about to change. The EU’s data protection overhaul, GDPR, which becomes legally enforceable in May 2018, requires privacy by design as well as data protection by default across all uses and applications.

As with the previous EU data protection regime, any developer serving European customers must adhere to these data protection standards even if they themselves are not located in Europe. So, if you do business in or sell to Europe, privacy by design is now your responsibility.

This presents a monumental opportunity for developers everywhere to rethink their approach to privacy. Let’s learn what PbD is and how it works.

What Is PbD? Link

The PbD framework was first drawn up in Canada5 in the 1990s. Its originator, Dr. Ann Cavoukian, then Privacy Commissioner of Ontario, devised the framework to address the common issue of developers applying privacy fixes after a project is completed:

The Privacy by Design framework prevents privacy-invasive events before they happen. Privacy by Design does not wait for privacy risks to materialize, nor does it offer remedies for resolving privacy infractions once they have occurred; it aims to prevent them from occurring. In short, Privacy by Design comes before-the-fact, not after.

The PbD framework has seven foundational principles:

  1. Privacy must be proactive, not reactive, and must anticipate privacy issues before they reach the user. Privacy must also be preventative, not remedial.
  2. Privacy must be the default setting. The user should not have to take actions to secure their privacy, and consent for data sharing should not be assumed.
  3. Privacy must be embedded into design. It must be a core function of the product or service, not an add-on.
  4. Privacy must be positive sum and should avoid dichotomies. For example, PbD sees an achievable balance between privacy and security, not a zero-sum game of privacy or security.
  5. Privacy must offer end-to-end lifecycle protection of user data. This means engaging in proper data minimization, retention and deletion processes.
  6. Privacy standards must be visible, transparent, open, documented and independently verifiable. Your processes, in other words, must stand up to external scrutiny.
  7. Privacy must be user-centric. This means giving users granular privacy options, maximized privacy defaults, detailed privacy information notices, user-friendly options and clear notification of changes.

Why PbD Matters More Than Ever Link

PbD has always been available for any developer to use as a voluntary best-practice framework. Its popularity has tended to be greater in cultures that have a traditionally positive view of privacy, such as Canada and many European countries. Privacy, however, is not traditionally seen as a positive value in the US, whose companies dominate the tech world. For this reason, and for too long, web development has been approached with what at times has felt like the complete opposite of a PbD viewpoint. It has almost become normal for developers to ship apps that require social media registration, that request unnecessary permissions such as microphone access and location data, and that demand access to all of a user’s contacts.

The notion of privacy by design as a voluntary concept is about to change.

In Europe, the regulation that governs all collection and processing of personal data, regardless of use, sector or situation, has had a complete overhaul. This new set of rules, known as the General Data Protection Regulation6 (GDPR), is already on the books but becomes legally enforceable on 25 May 2018. Your business should already be working towards your wider GDPR compliance obligations ahead of this deadline, which will come up fast.

Crucially, GDPR makes PbD and privacy by default legal requirements within the EU. Not only will you have to develop to PbD, but you will have to document your PbD development processes. That documentation must be made available to a European regulatory authority in the event of a data breach or a consumer complaint.

“What If I Am Not in the EU?” Link

Remember that European data protection and privacy laws are extraterritorial: They apply to the people within Europe whom data is collected about, regardless of where the service is provided from. In other words, if you develop for European customers, you must comply with EU data protection and privacy standards for those individuals, even if you yourself are not located within Europe.

Also remember that the EU, through its data protection system, has some of the strictest and most clearly defined privacy frameworks in the world; the US, by contrast, has no overarching data protection and privacy framework at all. Culture is important to remember as well. In Europe, privacy is considered a fundamental human right. Living and developing in a country where privacy is not a fundamental human right does not negate your moral or legal obligations to those who do enjoy that right.

Developers outside the EU, therefore, should consider adopting the PbD principles within the GDPR guidelines as a development framework, despite being located outside Europe. The guidelines will give you a clear, common-sense and accountable framework to use in your development process — and that framework is a lot better than having no guidelines at all.

What Is Personal Data? Link

The European data protection law defines personal data as any information about a living individual who could be identified from that data, either on its own or when combined with other information.

There is also a classification called “sensitive personal data”, which means any information concerning an individual’s

  • Racial or ethnic origin
  • political opinions,
  • religious or philosophical beliefs,
  • trade union membership,
  • health data,
  • genetic data,
  • biometric data,
  • sex life or sexual orientation,
  • past or spent criminal convictions.

The data users generate within your app is personal data. Their account information with your company is personal data. The UID identifying their device is personal data. So is their IP address, their location data, their browser fingerprint and any identifiable telemetry.

Practical PbD Implementation Link

For app developers, PbD compliance means factoring in data privacy by default

  • at your app’s initial design stage,
  • throughout its lifecycle,
  • throughout the user’s engagement with your app,
  • after the user’s engagement has ended,
  • and after the app is mothballed.

There is no checklist of ready-made questions that will get you there; General Data Protection Regulation requires developers to come up with the questions as well as the answers. But in a proactive development environment, the answers would likely take the practical forms required under GDPR, such as the following.

Design Stage Link

  • Create a privacy-impact assessment template for your business to use for all functions involving personal data, which we will come to a bit later on.
  • Review contracts with partners and third parties to ensure the data you pass on to them is being processed in accordance with PbD and GDPR.
  • Don’t require unnecessary app permissions, especially those that imply privacy invasion, such as access to contacts or to the microphone.
  • Audit the security of your systems, which we will also come to shortly.

Lifecycle Link

  • Minimize the amount of collected data.
  • Minimize the amount of data shared with third parties.
  • Where possible, pseudonymize personal data.
  • Revisit contact forms, sign-up pages and customer-service entry points.
  • Enable the regular deletion of data created through these processes.

User Engagement Link

  • Provide clear privacy- and data-sharing notices.
  • Embed granular opt-ins throughout those notices.
  • Don’t require social media registration to access the app.
  • Don’t enable social media sharing by default.
  • Separate consent for essential third-party data sharing from consent for analytics and advertising.

End of Engagement and Mothballing Link

  • Periodically remind users to review and refresh their privacy settings.
  • Allow users to download and delete old data.
  • Delete the data of users who have closed their accounts.
  • Delete all user data when the app’s life comes to an end.

PbD In Action Link

Good PbD practice, and its absence, is easy to spot if you know what you are looking for.

Let’s give this popular UK pub chain’s app a quick PbD audit.

The app has no settings page, which suggests no user control over privacy. This implies that downloading the app entails granting consent for data-sharing, which does not meet the second PbD principle.

Screen grab of an app with no privacy settings8

This suggestion is confirmed in the “Edit Account” option, which only allows users to edit their name and email address. This does not meet the third PbD principle “Privacy must be embedded into design.”

Screen grab of an app with no account-editing options9

The link to the privacy policy provides a blurry scan of a five-page PDF that is written for the outdated 1995 data protection directive. There are no user controls or granular options. If I wanted to exercise control over my data, I would have to write an email to a generic customer-service address or, alternatively — in the time-honored tradition of privacy policies that are really trying to fob users off — send them a letter in the post. This does not meet the seventh PbD principle of giving users granular privacy options with maximized privacy defaults.

Screen grab of legal blah blah10

The privacy policy informs me that my data will be shared with third parties but gives me no indication as to who those third parties are, nor does it give me the option to withhold that data sharing. There is no distinction between third parties whose services are necessary for the transaction (for example, PayPal) and unnecessary services, such as ad networks. This does not meet the sixth PbD principle.

But let’s say I write about this stuff for a living, and so I just really need a beer. I go to the pub and fire up the Wi-Fi to use its app. When I connect to the Wi-Fi, I notice its “Settings” page. That page merely provides links to three legal documents. As with the pub’s own app, there are no settings to change, no options and no choices. There is no PbD whatsoever.

Screen grab of a Wi-Fi settings page with no settings11

It’s clear that the only way I can ensure my privacy with this pub chain is to not use the app or its Wi-Fi at all. This creates the zero-sum dichotomy, which the fourth PbD principle seeks to avoid.

This pub chain does not meet good PbD practice, or GDPR compliance, by any definition.

By contrast, Twitter’s recent privacy overhaul demonstrates very good PbD practice and early GDPR compliance. Here’s the catch: Its new privacy choices could have a detrimental and negative effect on users’ privacy12. The difference, however, is that it has been open and transparent and has given users educated choices and options.

Screen grab of Twitter's privacy options13

The privacy overhaul offers a range of granular privacy options, which are clearly communicated, including a clear notice that it may share your data with third parties. Users can disable some or all options.

Screen grab of Twitter's privacy options14

A prominent splash screen drew users’ attention to the changes, increasing the likelihood that they would take the time to educate themselves on their privacy options.

Screen grab of Twitter's privacy splash screen15
Twitter is clearly using a PbD framework well in advance of GDPR.

Privacy Impact Assessment Link

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is simply a process of documenting the issues, questions and actions required to implement a healthy PbD process in a project, service or product. PIAs are a core requirement of GDPR, and in the event of a data protection issue, your PIA will determine the shape of your engagement with a regulatory authority. You should use a PIA when starting a new project, and run a PIA evaluation of any existing ones.

The steps in a PIA are as follows:

  1. Identify the need for a PIA.
  2. Describe the information flows within a project or service (user to service provider, user to user, service provider to user, user to third parties, service provider to third parties).
  3. Identify the privacy- and data-protection risks.
  4. Identify and evaluate the privacy solutions.
  5. Sign off and record the PIA outcomes.
  6. Integrate the outcomes into the project plan.
  7. Consult with internal and external stakeholders as needed throughout the process.

Take some time to come up with a PIA template unique to your business or project that you can use as needed. The guidance from ICO16, the UK data-protection regulator, will help you to do that.

Privacy Information Notice Link

Good PbD practice gives users clear information and informed choices. Privacy information notices are central to that. The days of privacy policies being pages upon pages of dense legal babble, focused on the needs of the service provider and not the user, are over.

Your app, product or service should have a privacy information notice, including the following details:

  • What data are you collecting?
  • Why are you collecting it, and is that reasoning legally justifiable?
  • Which third parties are you sharing it with?
  • What third-party data are you aggregating it with?
  • Where are you getting that information from?
  • How long are you keeping it?
  • How can the user invoke their rights?
  • Include any information regarding the use of personal data to fulfil a contract.

Many European data protection regulators are devising standardized templates for privacy information notices, and you should check with yours to follow the progress on any required format ahead of the May 2018 deadline.

Under GDPR, the old privacy policy trick of stating “we may share your data with third parties” will no longer be considered compliant. GDPR and PbD require you to list exactly who those parties are and what they do with user data.

Screen grab of PayPal's third party sharing notice17

As one dramatic example, PayPal’s recent updated notice lists over 600 third-party service providers18. The fact that PayPal shares data with up to 600 third parties is not news. That information is simply being brought into the open.

Security Measures Link

Good PbD compliance is not just about UX. Healthy compliance also involves implementing adequate technical and security measures to protect user data. These measures, as with other aspects of full GDPR compliance, must be documented and made accountable to a regulator on request.

PbD compliance on a technical and security level could include:

  • password hashing and salting;
  • data sandboxing;
  • pseudonymization and anonymization;
  • automated background updates;
  • encryption at rest and in transit;
  • responsible disclosure;
  • staff training and accountability on data protection;
  • physical security of servers, systems and storage.

Data Protection Officer Link

Under GDPR, companies processing certain kinds of data must appoint a Data Protection Officer (DPO), a named individual with legally accountable responsibility for an organization’s privacy compliance, including PbD. This requirement is regardless of a company’s size, which means that even the tiniest business engaged in certain kinds of data processing must appoint a DPO.

If you are collecting personal data, you have to abide by the rules19

A DPO does not have to be in-house or full-time, nor are legal qualifications required. Very small businesses can appoint a DPO on an ad-hoc or outsourced basis. Check with your EU member state’s data-protection regulator for information on your national requirements for a DPO.

We would encourage all organizations to voluntarily appoint a DPO regardless of the nature of their work. Think of a DPO as the health and safety officer for privacy. Having someone act as the “good cop” to keep your development processes legally compliant — and acting as the “bad cop” if your practices are slipping — can save you from a world of troubles down the road.

Change Your Thinking Link

The PbD framework poses challenges that only you can answer. No one else can do it for you: it is your responsibility to commence the process. If you are within Europe, have a look at your national data-protection regulator’s GDPR and PbD resources. If you are outside Europe, we have provided some links and resources below.

Don’t view PbD as a checklist of boxes to be ticked because “the law says so,” nor think of it as something you have to do “or else.” Instead, use PbD to think really creatively. Think of all the ways that your users’ data can be misused, accessed, stolen, shared or combined. Think of where data might be located, even if you might not be aware of it. Think of what liabilities you might be creating for yourself by collecting, retaining and aggregating data that you don’t really need. Think of how the third parties you share data with, even if they are your business partners, could create liabilities for you. And in our current political climate, think about the ways that the data you collect and process could be used to do harm to your users. There are no wrong questions to ask, but there are questions that it would be wrong not to ask.

Adopting PbD into your development workflow will create new steps to follow and new obligations to meet. These steps, as onerous as they might feel, are necessary in our rapidly changing world. So, view PbD as a culture shift. Use it as an opportunity to improve your policies, practices and products by incorporating privacy into your development culture. Your users will be better protected, your business’s reputation will improve, and you will be well on the road to healthy legal compliance. In an often bewildering world, if these steps are all we can take to make a difference one app at a time, they are worth a lot.

More Information and Resources Link


Footnotes Link

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