Tech Advent Calendars For Web Designers And Developers In 2016

Quick TipsTech Advent Calendars For Web Designers And Developers In 2016

With the holidays almost here and the new year already in sight, December is a time to slow down, an occasion to reflect and plan ahead. To help us escape the everyday hectic for a bit and sweeten our days with a delightful little surprise each day up to Christmas, the web community has assembled some fantastic advent calendars this year. They cater for a daily dose of web design and development goodness with stellar articles, inspiring experiments, and even puzzles to solve.

To make the choice of which ones to follow a bit easier, we collected a selection of advent calendars in this Quick Tip for you. No matter if you’re a front-end dev, UX designer, or content strategist, we’re certain you’ll find something to inspire you for the upcoming year. So prepare yourself a nice cup of coffee, cozy up in your favorite chair and, well, enjoy!

24 Ways Link

Already in its 12th year, 24 Ways1 is a real classic under the advent calendars for the web community. Each day up to Christmas, it caters for a daily dose of web design and development goodness by some of the most renown minds in the web industry.


Christmas Experiments Link

To cater for some magic moments this holiday season, Christmas Experiments3 delivers a new jaw-dropping digital experiment by top web creatives as well as promising newcomers each day.

Christmas Experiments4

12 Devs Of Christmas Link

You probably know the “12 Days Of Christmas” song. But do you also know 12 Devs Of Christmas5? If not, make sure to check it out — there’s a new article with exciting new thoughts and ideas from the web dev world waiting each day.

12 Devs Of Christmas6

Performance Calendar Link

To make the holiday season a favorite time for speed geeks, the Performance Calendar7 shares a piece of advice each day up to Christmas that is bound to improve the performance of your website.

Performance Calendar8

24 Pull Requests Link

“Giving back little gifts of code for Christmas.” That’s the credo of 24 Pull Requests9. The idea is to get involved and contribute to the open-source projects we have benefited from this year — by improving documentation, fixing issues, improving code quality, etc.

24 Pull Requests10

Jens Grochtdreis’ Advent Calendar 2016 Link

For some UI inspiration, check out Jens Grochtdreis’ calendar11: Each day up to the 24th, he shares a new and inspiring CodePen experiment.

Jens Grochtdreis’ Advent Calendar 201612

UXmas Link

Aimed at UX folks, UXmas13 shares little treats from some of the world’s leading UX specialists to count down the days to the big festival.


Web Advent Calendar Link

What are other web designers and developers excited about these days? The collection of writings over on the Web Advent Calendar15 sheds some light into the dark.

Web Advent Calendar16

Content Strategy Advent Calendar Link

Here’s one for the content strategists amongst you: The 2016 Content Strategy Advent Calendar17 by GatherContent publishes a video a day until Christmas, in which content strategy experts share their advice, talk about their hot content topics and reveal their focus for 2017.

Content Strategy Advent Calendar18

Remy Sharp’s December Thoughts Link

Not an advent calendar in the traditional sense, but nevertheless a new smart read each day to shorten the wait: Remy Sharp shares a potpourri of writings19 on his blog.

Remy Sharp’s December Thoughts20

24 Days In December Link

The PHP family shares their thoughts in a daily article over on 24 Days In December21. The article covers a wide range of topics related to PHP: from security to performance to techniques to workflow to tooling!

24 Days In December22

Advent Of Code Link

If you’re looking for something to put your skills to the test, then Advent Of Code23 is for you. Each day up to the 25th, it holds a new small programming puzzle for you to master.

Advent Of Code24

Perl 6 Advent Calendar Link

The Perl 6 Advent Calendar25 shares something cool about Perl 6 every day. And if that’s not enough Perl wisdom for you yet, also check out Perl Advent26.

Perl 6 Advent Calendar27

Qemu Link

The advent calendar of the open-source machine emulator and virtualizer Qemu28 hosts a collection of Qemu disk images — from operating systems (old and new) to custom demos and neat algorithms — that you can run in the emulator.


AWS Advent Link

AWS Advent30 explores all things related to Amazon Web Services. You’ll find a wide range of article about security, deployment strategy and general tips and techniques to be aware of when using Amazon Web Services.

AWS Advent31

Sysadvent Link

Last but not least, sys admins get their daily goodie, too, this year — on Sysadvent32. In 25 articles, fellows sys admins share strategies, tips, and tricks about system administration topics.


Did We Forget Anything? Link

Do you follow along an advent calendar this year? Maybe it’s in French or Russian, rather than English? Let us know about your favorites in the comments below!

(Image credit front page: Tina D34. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic35.)

Footnotes Link

  1. 1
  2. 2
  3. 3
  4. 4
  5. 5
  6. 6
  7. 7
  8. 8
  9. 9
  10. 10
  11. 11
  12. 12
  13. 13
  14. 14
  15. 15
  16. 16
  17. 17
  18. 18
  19. 19
  20. 20
  21. 21
  22. 22
  23. 23
  24. 24
  25. 25
  26. 26
  27. 27
  28. 28
  29. 29
  30. 30
  31. 31
  32. 32
  33. 33
  34. 34
  35. 35

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